Are you going to include anything allowing integration with the InVISION Powerboard member database (so the members won't have to log in again to upload images)? Any idea what sort of timeframe to an alpha (no pressure :grin: )
I tried integrating 1.33 into IPB and it didn't go well, so I'll wait for 2.x...
Thanks a million
Posts: 9
we were able to integrate gallery 1.3.3 with that members dont have to login twice...
check it out in and click on modules forum for more info...or priv msg me for questions!
Posts: 28
If you can do that can you also add support for phpBB? If I am not mistaken it is among the most popular php bulletin boards out there as I see it more then any other.
<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">php Bulletin Board</A><!-- BBCode End -->
Posts: 7994
I'm not making any promises about what G2 will integrate with. However, I can say that I've put a fair amount of thought into integrations during the design phase and am confident that we'll be able to work with many of the systems out there. Time will tell.
Posts: 3
This intergration with phpbb already exists.
see for the intergration code.
Posts: 2
Welp, I have the basic Gallery 2 working inside of IBP anywhere you want it and only changed two files. One IPB file and one Gallery. Anyone wana help out with doing user procedures? heh, that's the next part I am working on now.
Posts: 7994
Nice work, Nutty! That looks sweet. I suggest that you start by reading this long thread where Shadow_Wolf, Valiant and I talked about various aspects of the integration process. Valiant has made a lot of progress with integration into Xaraya and I suspect that while IPB is going to be different, there's probably some stuff you can learn from him.
After that, please start a new forum thread about this integration and I'll answer any questions that you have. I think that your initial approach should be to take a copy of the latest code (preferably from CVS so that you can update and merge regularly) and start hacking it up to do whatever is necessary to get it to work in IPB. Once we have it working, we can start abstracting out your changes into a separate module. Also, come on by the #gallery channel on and I'll be happy to help you in real time (as time permits).
Posts: 2
Yeah, so far it's going pretty easy. I am trying to make it so that you don't have change any of the main gallery files. Without doing the user portion that is possible. Though getting the user system changed over is not so easy. Then to make it even more fun, my IPB's are connected to a MSSql server. Though in the end that will not really matter.
Posts: 32509
i'm very curious how you wanna do that ("without changing main gallery (2) files", "mssql and mysql in the same queries").

Posts: 1
Any new on integration with IPB 2.0.3 ?
Posts: 25
I'm willing to donate/pay someone to pick this project up?
Any takers?
I used to have my old invision 1.3 board intergrated with gallery 1.4, and I have recently upgraded to iPB 2.03.
I would love to see IPB 2.x intergrated with Gallery2 (G2).
Hopefully we can get some people involved and get this happening.
I wish I could code....
Posts: 32509
-fiscus-, how would you compare G2 to invisions gallery? AFAIK invisions gallery has more features ATM, but don't know anything else...
Posts: 25
I just don't like the look of it.
I just purchased my invisions PB license on the weekend and was tossing up weather to get the gallery. I just don't like the look of it, but i guess you can skin it. I already have a pretty customsed skin on my forum.
I assume thats why there isn't much interested in intergrating it with them offering their package now.
Atleast I have the peace of mind that development will continue and it will be stable and follow my forum upgrading.
Hmm maybe thats the best option....
Posts: 32509
Just wanted to make sure you are aware of the existence of the Invision gallery. Of course we would be happy to see a IPB<->G2 integration. As we are pretty busy, we can only guide such an integration. So, if anyone wants to work on this, we'd be glad to help you with some guidance.
Posts: 2
I have the same reasons for wanting to see this -fiscus-. I just don't like how the invision gallery is setup. Any more info on this would be helpful.
Posts: 19
Well I have invision gallery on my site... or should I say 'had'. That piece of @#$% is so limited and worthless that I suspect a preschooler wrote it. If it even had 1/4 of the features of G1 or G2, I might be happy... but alas, its just a piece of crapola that has been patched together in an attempt to sell (they couldn't PAY me to use it now...)
I have G1 installed and simply link it over into the forums with hacked entry loggin in (no security on the gallery
), as that's the only way I have figured out how to do it so far.
I wish someone could figure out a way to get it to work.
If they do.. PLEASE email me at
Posts: 19
On an update. I now have G2.1.2 installed into my forum ;) It's not 100% integrated... but it is fairly seemless. I hired a programmer whom modified 2 class files in the gallery and added a command program that we run which duplicates the members in the forum into the Gallery.
. Now when someone access the gallery, it still asks for their user name and password, but it is the exact same as in the invision forum AND AT THE SAME GROUP LEVEL!
Since our forums and group levels are admin controlled/approved, when an admin adds/changes a member, they just run the command program we have linked into the admin area, and voila! The gallery members are updated to exact as the boards!!!
Cost me $200 to have him do it and worth every penny! He is available to do it on your site now that he has all the programming features completed for $50 Email me and I can connect you with him.
(It is still too bad that gallery still does not have the number one commercial forum of Invision with an automatic integration built into it.