I am building an online photo gallery using osCommerce and I would like to integrate Gallery to try and make it look more like a gallery and less like a store :smile: Someone had posted to the osCommerce forum that he was working on an integration also, so I came over here to see if there is something already in the works.
I also like the fact that Gallery can integrate with vCard lite and will set that up on my Gallery installation very quickly!
Posts: 16
Hi Debbie, I was just getting started on it myself. I haven't heard ffrom you in a while, how's it going? any tips? I'll keep you posted!
What I really want to know is do I have to have separate databases or can I create a new table in mysql using phpyadmin and add gallery to it (like a nested tanble in the database)?
The reason I ask is on this one site (which happens to be my personal site) I am limited to one database.
I know how that sounds, but someone else must be in the same situation.