Albums: why can I create just one parent album?
Joined: 2005-10-22
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Maybe I'm stoopid here, but it seems I can only create one parent album and then a bunch of sub-albums under that. In other words, my gallery home page is one album, not a list of albums. i don't recall G1 working this way. What am I missing/doing wrong? Or this is how G2 functions. |
Posts: 32509
you can have as many top albums as you want.
just, there's a single "root" album, which is rather a container for your top albums than a real album.
so don't be confused about the term "sub-album".
Posts: 4
Hmmm. OK. That's kind of confusing, in my view. Especially since G1 didn't work that way. But more importantly, because when I think of an "album'' I think of something that contains photos, not sub-albums. But in this case, the "root'' album can contain BOTH individual photos and albums. I think it'd make more sense to call the root album the "gallery.'' Anyway, thanks much for the help.
Posts: 15
I was confused by this too. I need it to work like gallery 1 did for a community page where the newest album gets posted at the top. Does anyone have a hack to make this work? Or can this be implimented into the admin page as an option?
Posts: 3236
Humm, how about "edit album" on the main page and using the "built in" sort methods? Crazy, I know
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Posts: 15
That still will not get another user album to the root level. If a user clicks "add album" it creates a sub-album. They don't want a sub album! They want a new one. Otherwise the link on the side should read "add sub album" instead of "add album".
Posts: 3236
Okay, madhusker I am very confused by what you are saying and asking. In G2, everything is an "album". Even the "root" or "main" album, it is still an album. When you visit your lowest level album, you can create as many new sub-albums as you want (they are still "albums"). You can create new albums inside those albums, you can go back to your main album and create more new albums... you can add "items" (photos, movies, pdf) to any level of these places. You can have a photo in your "main" (root?) album, in a sub-album or in a sub-sub-album.
When I visit your gallery, you appear to have simply created a single album called "APME Member Showcase" which itself looks to contain only 9 images.
Could you describe what you are trying to do exactly? If you want to create a new album on your main page called "APME User Submitted Images" you can do exactly that, with no problems.
mbaze and madhusker, there already exists a way to sort by pretty much anything you want. Randomly, Alphabetically, Last Updated even an option to sort all of these ways but still *always* have sub-albums show up first.
You can see an example in operation at my website, doing what I *think* you want. Also, I really like your G2 because it is clean and very easy to use, no clutter
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Posts: 32509
the wording was originally "add sub-album", but this confused more people than you'd think, so we changed it to "add album", since that also makes sense. it adds an album to the album where you currently are.
both wording make sense, one makes more sense for technical people, the other makes more sense / is less confusing for your grandma.
@adding new items at the top:
simply done by changing the sort order to sort by creation date, descending, maybe with album first presort.
but if you need to use the "manual sort order", then we're talking about a missing feature. you can't automatically add new items to the top when using manual sort order. this was discussed before, not sure if there's a feature request yet.
Posts: 15
See quote from mbaze. He sums it up in short... From a user level, once they log in, they have one link that points to "Your Album" (In the old gallery you could create a new album at this level). Inside that one album they can have all the albums they want. But, on the main gallery page that user has 1 top level album (one thumbnail). If the user name is "foobar" then their albums are located in /foobar. There does not seem to be a way for foobar to make a new album called /newpics, rather it must be /foobar/newpics.
Example of gallery 1:
[url=http://www.kishwaukee rc]http://www.kishwaukee rc[/url] (take the 2 spaces out)
Notice that all of Brad's photos are not inside one thumbnail on the main page. This is what mbaze is talking about with the old gallery. This is what we both would like to do if we can figure out a way to do it. This is great for community pages that let all users post new albums at the top level, or /. Right on the gallery main page, you have the newest album at the very top, regardless of who owns it.
There has to be a way to do this, I just can't figure out how.
For those who devel, keep up the good work. Gallery is a great product. Thanks!
Posts: 15
I can see why this was changed and it makes sense from that standpoint now.
Please see my previous post and example. This may better clear up what we are trying to do. If you know gallery1, then you probably know exactly what we are talking about. G2 was made to better organize into groupings, which is great! But, we are trying to find a way to make g2 work like g1 in this case. If this does not seem possible, I will use as is, but I thought I would ask.
Posts: 32509
see: (that's the g2 front page / root album) (same here)
or browse to any G2 website.
i don't quite understand what the problem is. of course you can have multiple top albums.
Posts: 15
The one way I found to do this would be to add each user to the Site admin group. When this is done, the "add album" option appears on the main page for the user. But the downside to this is that users can edit/destroy other albums that do not belong to them. Not really an option.
Posts: 15
Correct, but those all belong to the site admin, correct? If you add a user foobar (user group, not site admin), log in and see if foobar can create a top level / album logged in as foobar. I don't think you can.
Posts: 32509
basically you don't want nested albums by default, a flat structure. right?
you can always customize your g2 to change the "add album" link text to "add sub-album" and add another item action link "add album" which adds a new top level album.
Posts: 15
Correct. Do you know of any other dicussion that explains how to do this?
Posts: 32509
adding a "add top album" link is easy, modules/core/ has to be changed.
changed the link text is also easy, same file, but if you still want translations, you'll have to update all necessary translation files.
Posts: 4
I realize now that all the "sub-albums" will show up on my gallery home page as "albums'' did in G1. So from that standpoint, the change is fine. But it wasn't intuitive to me. And I shudder to think how I'll make this understandable when I create a gallery site that takes submissions from other, non-techie people. For all its shortcomings, G1 was pretty easy for anyone to use - to create and delete albums and to add photos. G2 seems a little less so.
That said, this is not a gripe. Just a comment. Per usual, I'm appreciative of all the hard work that's gone into Gallery.
Posts: 15
ok, here is one simple work around if you trust all your users.
As site admin you can change the permissions of the / or root directory (just noticed this). Create and set users "test1" and "test2" so they are allowed to create sub albums here in the root level. This will allow test1 and test2 to create albums at the root level (and the link shows up to create albums). First log in as test1 and create a root level album. Next log in as test2 and create a root level album. Last examine the permissions of test1. You will see that they are not correct. Test1 will have:
Test2 - [core] Add sub-album < where did this come from?
Test1- All access
I think all permissions are being copied to the sub-album, and then the creator is given all access. That would explain this and the following example.
If you look at the permissions of test2 you will see the opposite:
Test1 - [core] Add sub-album < where did this come from?
Test2 - All access.
This works great, however, the permissions get goofy on newly created albums this way. This means that other users can create sub-albums in your folder if they want to (unless you remove them from every album you create).
Posts: 5
Madhusker, this is exactly the issue I'm having. I want users to be able to create albums, but not be able to create sub-albums inside of other people's albums.
Any ideas from someone on how to stop this?
Posts: 10
Ok, dont mean to jump in here since I'm new. What I'm trying to do is similiar to what I think mbaze wants. I have a nightlife website and I'm the only one who can add photos, what I want to do is add more than 1 parent album for each different venue we take pictures at and have the SUB-ALBUMS for the different dates photos were taken. As it stands now I can only have one MAIN album, so when I try to add pictures, they all end up in the same MAIN album as being a sub-album, thus mixing the pictures from different venues in one place. This makes it harder for my visitors to find the photo we took of them.
How it is now...
..Ice (sub)
..Pure (sub)
..Ice (sub)
..Ice (sub)
..Empire (sub)
What I want to do...
Ice (MAIN)-
..Date (sub)
..Date (sub)
..Date (sub)
Pure (MAIN)-
..Date (sub)
..Date (sub)
Empire (MAIN)-
Posts: 32509
by Main-, do you mean the one and only root album?
the root album is just a container. don't see it as an album, it's nothing but the container for all your albums.
for a few examples.
Posts: 10
I want to have more than 1 root album, is that possible now or can it be devoloped? I want to have it broken down by venue (each venue would be a ROOT album) with each sub-album being just a date the photos were taken. To me that would be a more uniform system for my visitors. That way, people can browse by the venue they are looking for from the main page. Does that make any sense?
Posts: 32509
you can have as many top albums as you want.
the root album is just a container.
again: don't see the root album as album, it's just a page where your top albums are shown.
what specific issue do you have with that? the breadcrumbs? you can change the appearance, use another theme.
you can change it such that it shows:
Ice >> Date
instead of
Main >> Ice >> Date
Posts: 10
I see and understand what you're saying, but I want to have more than 1 root album with a navagation tree for the root albums on the sidebar? Is that possible? It would just be a nice option to have...
Posts: 32509
so your problem is mainly the album select tree. i guess you could hack it to drop the root album.
maybe ask this question in the customization forum. thanks.
Posts: 10
I'll try that later, thanks
Posts: 15
I have not figured it out. Like in my last post, you can do it, but the permissions get wacked because you have to trust all users not to do anything to other users albums.. Essentially everyone is root or admin and then can create containers. It would be nice to have a check box or a theme that says, "work like 1.x". This would be a flat filing style. IMO the current gallery 2 works great for a single person that has their own tree, but, for multiple users it's not really logical to open a container when you should already be in the container. I guess it's all matter of opinion. However, I have not upgraded to 2.X yet because I have not figured out how to flat file it like 1.x. I was hoping that someone would figure it out and post a hack-to.