One of my site users just pointed out some strange behavior with this integration. I migrated everything from G1 and all has been working great. He recently made some reordering changes to his albums and added an album (Thanksgiving). When I am logged in as a normal user or admin, I can see all of these changes just fine. Right when I log out, it seems all of the changes are no longer there. The album he added is gone and it does not show up on the most recent album (another one takes its place) and the albums are out of order. His album is "Phatrevor" if you would like to see. I have tried this on IE and Firefox and cleared cache in both.
Very strange. Any thoughts?
Posts: 32509
add view all versions permissions to the everybody group for this album.
Posts: 94
Thanks for the quick response. I already have view all versions set for the everybody group at the main level and it's also already set at the album level. Any other permissions needed?
I also just removed the view all versions for the group everybody and then added it again just to make sure. Still no dice.
Also just went to gallery directly www.alpine9.net/gallery2/ and logged out. Once logged out, everything was fine, so it seems to be something with the integration?
Posts: 94
Another user just wrote in with the exact same issue after adding a new album. I checked permissions and new albums are set with the exact same permissions as those that were migrated from G1 but they don't have view comments and add comments. I knew this wasn't it, but tested it by adding those anyway and still no luck. It seems that people not logged in only see the albums that were imported by the G1 migration and anything after (new albums, album reorder, etc.) is only seen by those logged in.
Thanks so much for any help.
Posts: 94
since I was running an older version and things seem to be working well after 3 min of testing...