Gallery and Geeklog. Link color?


Joined: 2005-11-30
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2005-11-30 16:25

Hi there.

I have intergrated Gallery v1.5.1 in my Geeklog site.
The problem is that I would like to change the "hover"- /mouse over - color in Gallery. At the moment, it's yellow, and makes it hard to read.

On the "main" site on my homepage -, the links are blue, and the hover color is green.

If you enter the gallery by clicking one of the pictures on the front page or the "Gallery" link at the top of the page, the hover color now changes to yellow. This goes for all the links,- links in the gallery, and all the Geeklog links on the left side of the screen. The only links that doesn't change hover-color from green to yellow, are the one's at the top of my homepage (Home, Gallery, Contribute ,Web Resources and Site Statistics).

So, anyone know how to change the hover color to green?

Thank's in advance.
