In G2 terms, you could have a module that registers a toolkit operation convert-to-video/flv. when a movie of some other type is uploaded you could then create a preferred derivative using this operation. the renderer for flv could then show both the flv player and a link to the original format. like derivatives for image thumbnails/resizes, the toolkit operation is performed when the item is first accessed, and the resulting datafile is cached.. however, G2 isn't setup to deal with toolkit operations running for minutes or hours. i suppose the flv renderer could actually check if the derivative has been built and show a "viewable version not yet created" message instead of trying to build it, requiring some other mechanism to actually build it.
Morbus Iff
Joined: 2006-06-09
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2006-06-09 20:17
In hindsight, reading through the thread and the concerns about length of time on a shared server, I think I"m fine with "flv renderer check for a derivative", preferably either as some new field via the UI, or as an automatic discovery of a sister file on disk. What would need to be done to get something like this made? I know little about G2 coding, but am willing to throw some money around if necessary.
Joined: 2006-06-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 2006-06-10 04:37
Here is what I found when uploading shed.flv to my Gallery2 site. The file tries to download as standard file with no thumbnail. I enabled mime type for AVI and WMV and they have thumbnail icons for the videos I uploaded (graphic movie camera since I don't have ffmpeg). The mime-type for flv is set to video/x-flv. I added this manually before upgrading to the latest cvs release. I was trying different patches and backed them out. Maybe the mime type entry is wrong. Any thoughts on why .flv files to not appear to gallery as video files? BTW, when trying to edit the file, I just get the general tab, no moviesize tab.
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sat, 2006-06-10 05:01
Have you installed/enabled the flashvideo module?
Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 28
Posted: Tue, 2006-06-13 12:05
Hi there,
I've gone through this massive forum, but can't seem to find a simple explanation on how to insert a flv video into Gallery. I've had a few problems with other types, so seems like this could be the solution, since most users will have flash player installed.
I went through the Modules and the User contributed modules sections to try and find one for this, but no luck.
Could you tell me what to insert and where so when i upload flv files, the users can view them automaticly.
Also are any of the Graphic Toolkits able to thumbnail or get size of these kind of files?
[EDIT] After reading through again i see that it's been included in the latest unofficial version, is there a standalone module that i can install on my current Gallery, version: 2.1 core 1.1.0? If not, how can i update without losing any data or my current theme, or is there a way to backup everything?
Thank you[/EDIT]
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-06-14 01:10
you should always backup when upgrading. if you upgrade to a current nightly snapshot you shouldn't lose anything and you'll get this module.
And apparently i updated, but i don't see changes in the system information.
Are the CVS versions installable by just downloading and extracting them?
I've gone through the Subversion documentation and it looks like too much for a person that only has shell access. However the thing i uploaded didn't give me the flv player.
Any info?
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-06-14 14:41
try the other snapshots page.. that one still reads from CVS even though gallery has moved to subversion, so it is way out of date.
Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 2006-06-14 14:52
Will do, but my question was whether i can install it as i installed the previous 2 versions. download, extract, install. Or i need the subversion software. Thats all i need to know.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-06-14 18:08
a snapshot is just a tgz/zip.. extract, install.
Joined: 2006-06-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 2006-06-19 00:52
OK, I have "upgraded to the latest svp release. Since I don't have shell access at my provider (, I went about the upgrade a bit differently. I installed Gallery and all it's modules to a new directory. I renamed my old directly, copied over conf.php and gallery directory (where all the images are stored). I renamed this new installation to the directly name of the previous installation. I went through the upgrade procedure. It appeard all was well until I went into the plug-in portion of the admin pages. All the module links (configure, install, etc) were non-functional. Also, none of them had "icons" indicating their state.
My whole purpose for doing this is so that I could get flash video streaming (flv) to work.
Any thoughts on what is wrong?
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2006-06-19 01:28
Are you using a motified theme?
Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 28
Posted: Mon, 2006-06-19 06:37
Hey rl,
I bassicly had the same problem. You will notice that the plugins section is a bit different in the latest version, and the way it installs/uninstalls them. If you can restore your database, I'd recommend you go back to your old version, install and select the Matrix theme and then install the latest svn release. What i did is, i extracted the new svn release, copied the Matrix theme on my hard disk, modified it all over again (of course i knew what i was doing this time), then i reuploaded it in my old customized theme folder and went on with the upgrade and its working perfectly.
Hope this helps
Joined: 2006-06-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2006-06-21 01:56
I have the classic theme and the bluebottle color scheme selected. I have changed the default album and picture frame styles according to the menu settings of classic. That is all I have changed from the default installation. I am just curious what is special about switching to the matrix theme for upgrading? It is a lot of work for me to reinstall. The entrire svn upload I did was > 40Megabytes. Is this the only way to get the plugin links to work?
Thanks for the help
Rich (rl)
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-06-21 04:08
it shouldn't matter if you're using classic or matrix. make sure javascript is enabled in your browser. if you still have trouble please start a new topic in the support forums. i haven't heard of problems with the ajaxified plugins page before.
Well, that's the strangest thing I've ever seen! (not really)
I'm wondering if your server has the mime type video/x-flv.
I needed to add it to mine as microsoft would not think to have it included being that its not one of their formats - idiots!
I spent days trying to figure out why I could not play divx, or flv.
Joined: 2006-06-28
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2006-06-29 01:09
Here's my video MIME files from the Gallery MIME Addin:
Yeah, what I was referring to was your actual server, not gallery, I'm sure that's fine.
But what baffles me is that it tries to play.
Maybe your memory limits(the amount a single script can use) are set too low in php.ini. by default they are set to 8Mb, and I think gallery recommends at 32Mb.
We can check that if you have phpinfo somewhere on your site.
if not, copy the following script into a new text document, and save it as phpinfo.php and upload it to your server so we can view it.
Joined: 2006-06-28
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2006-06-29 14:38
I'm not sure which setting I'm looking for so here it is:
This may not bode well for me since my host doesn't allow changes to php.ini
Joined: 2006-06-28
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2006-06-29 14:56
ok, I think I've figured out a way to point PHP to my own php.ini file...
What is the variable name that needs to be set/changed to allow a higher memory limit?
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Thu, 2006-06-29 22:07
memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
raise that to 32M
and give it a try.
this is how mine are set to allow for HUGE file uploads (read full length movies):
max_execution_time = 19200 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 19200 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 1000M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
post_max_size = 1000M ; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
upload_max_filesize = 1000M ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
Although this may be excessive, but Hey its my server.
And I doubt you host would allow it.
Joined: 2006-06-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 00:01
Thanks for all who were helping me resolve my problems with getting streaming flv working. I was having trouble with the plug-in page not working after the upgrade. I finally gave up and wiped out my gallery and started from scratch. All is fine now. Thanks everyone.
Joined: 2003-04-06
Posts: 174
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 00:10
Theres one bug, well not really a bug, but a misconfiguration that I havn't seen anyone else run into yet.
I have multiple galleries, I have every one of them set to "everybody view resized" and "registered users view all"
If I upload a flv to my gallery, guests/everybody can only see the resized (there is none) so they only see a movie thumbnail. i have to manually add everybody view all to every flv i upload. this is a problem!
can you please update the svn to fix this?
Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 28
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 02:51
That's not really a bug.
What would gallery display as a resized version of a video? It will only show a thumbnail if you have audio files too, as well as having an original picture that is smaller than your "resized version settings(for me 640x480).
I made it so guests can't view anything, so it shows them "this album is empty" and changed that message to "This album is empty or you're not logged in"
Works for me ;)
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 04:11
make an album where you'll put videos.. add public view-original permission for the album. now every movie you add there also gets this permission.
Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 28
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 07:14
I was wondering if I could make my own Flv player.
How does gallery feed the video to the player?
Is there anyone who has the .fla file of one of the players available?
I see that there are a few players already included in the package, but are there any other ones available apart from those?
Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 28
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 08:32
I was wondering if I could make my own Flv player.
How does gallery feed the video to the player?
Is there anyone who has the .fla file of one of the players available?
I see that there are a few players already included in the package, but are there any other ones available apart from those?
Nevermind that comment, i got the latest FlowPlayer and it's perfect.
But I noticed that the height movie must be (the movie) + 23px because of the new menu.
Is there a chance i can change this in the class file?
Joined: 2006-04-18
Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 08:33
Probably not what your looking for but, you absolutely can make your own FLV player Skin. It's not too terribly difficult. Wayne made an EXCELLENT custom video player for our Gallery needs. Thanks again Wayne!
Anyway, here are a couple of links to tutorials on how it is done. Will take some learning but, if your familiar with Flash Authoring, you'll be able to follow along and have any skin you can imagine.
Thanks for that Banta, I will go through all that to see if I can create a skin that will most suit my site.
Though this isn't related to the skinning, I wanted to know if anyone here managed to set the time offset for the FLA files thumbnails. The alert i get is "Enter a value between 0 and 0.000
It really gives me a great choice
Joined: 2003-04-06
Posts: 174
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 19:41
I thought about that, its a bandaid but doesnt really solve the problem. if i have users uploading videos throughout their albums in the 4-5 gallery installs i have, setting the individual permissions per movie/audio file will be a huge pain. and i dont want all my videos in 1 album.
can't there be a way to change the permissions for those items during upload automatically? say for flv and mp3 resized = full size?
Joined: 2006-06-28
Posts: 6
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 21:31
Well, I gave up on this a few weeks back, but now I'm back at it...
And I've actually changed all of the following:
post_max_size = 100M/;
upload_max_filesize = 100M/;
memory_limit = 64M ;
max_execution_time = 3600 ;
max_input_time = 3600 ;
Everything appears in my phpinfo.php file EXCEPT for memory_limit
No matter what I change it to, it never shows up..
Any suggestions?
Joined: 2006-04-18
Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-11 23:23
Though this isn't related to the skinning, I wanted to know if anyone here managed to set the time offset for the FLA files thumbnails. The alert i get is "Enter a value between 0 and 0.000
There is a bandaid for this also. Unfortunately it works globally, meaning, all of your uploaded FLV files can have the same thumnail offset. You can set it to however many seconds into the clip you want the thumb to be created. Not ideal but, I have found it better than having the thumbs created on frame 1. Earlier in this topic....
Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 2006-07-12 00:23
Thanks for that Banta, we host small clips ranging from 5 seconds to 2 minutes, so i would only need an average of 2 second offset.
I will however try and fix this.
Does that setting only work for the FLV files or every other Video file?
Joined: 2006-04-18
Posts: 35
Posted: Wed, 2006-07-12 01:08
I think it will work for all video files. However, it will be overridden by the frame number specified for file formats that the time offset is actually working for. So, you will still be able to select a frame for the thumbnail for file types other than FLV. That's just a theory, havn't tested it.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-07-12 04:15
doomdead, sure you can use a module to adjust permissions.. find JensPerms module in User Contrib and modify it to check the item type and add the appropriate permission.
Joined: 2002-06-11
Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-25 17:59
A little off-topic:
First let me thank you for this superb module. I've always had problems with friends trying to display video's in-line and now you've come to a solution. Somehow Riva Encoder fails to even start on my Win2003 server so I tried Sorenson Squeeze, thanks to Supersidr's info. Am I correct in that for full compatability the best codec to use for creating an FLV is the Spark Pro from Sorenson? And that that limit is because that is the best FLV codec that FFmpeg supports at this stage?
Joined: 2002-06-11
Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-25 21:18
Does anybody know why in these two video's the bouncing ball logo of a gallery video does not go away?
The rest of the video's work flawless. I've encoded all FLV with the same settings.
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-25 21:30
First off let me say yes to the sorenson question.
As for the other, those flvs are less that the default buffertime. I posted a fix somewhere above for somebody else who was using short videos.
Hope this helps.
Joined: 2002-06-11
Posts: 38
Posted: Tue, 2006-07-25 21:45
Ah, thanks. I thought that fix was already incorporated in SVN.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-07-26 15:35
sorry, i haven't gotten around to checking in the newer version.. before I do: suprsidr, do you think you can make the icon/button for fullscreen be hidden like the other controls when the mouse isn't over the player? also, do you think this button should resize the browser or just the player?
Posts: 8601
In G2 terms, you could have a module that registers a toolkit operation convert-to-video/flv. when a movie of some other type is uploaded you could then create a preferred derivative using this operation. the renderer for flv could then show both the flv player and a link to the original format. like derivatives for image thumbnails/resizes, the toolkit operation is performed when the item is first accessed, and the resulting datafile is cached.. however, G2 isn't setup to deal with toolkit operations running for minutes or hours. i suppose the flv renderer could actually check if the derivative has been built and show a "viewable version not yet created" message instead of trying to build it, requiring some other mechanism to actually build it.
Posts: 6
In hindsight, reading through the thread and the concerns about length of time on a shared server, I think I"m fine with "flv renderer check for a derivative", preferably either as some new field via the UI, or as an automatic discovery of a sister file on disk. What would need to be done to get something like this made? I know little about G2 coding, but am willing to throw some money around if necessary.
Posts: 11
Here is what I found when uploading shed.flv to my Gallery2 site. The file tries to download as standard file with no thumbnail. I enabled mime type for AVI and WMV and they have thumbnail icons for the videos I uploaded (graphic movie camera since I don't have ffmpeg). The mime-type for flv is set to video/x-flv. I added this manually before upgrading to the latest cvs release. I was trying different patches and backed them out. Maybe the mime type entry is wrong. Any thoughts on why .flv files to not appear to gallery as video files? BTW, when trying to edit the file, I just get the general tab, no moviesize tab.
Posts: 8339
Have you installed/enabled the flashvideo module?
Posts: 28
Hi there,
I've gone through this massive forum, but can't seem to find a simple explanation on how to insert a flv video into Gallery. I've had a few problems with other types, so seems like this could be the solution, since most users will have flash player installed.
I went through the Modules and the User contributed modules sections to try and find one for this, but no luck.
Could you tell me what to insert and where so when i upload flv files, the users can view them automaticly.
Also are any of the Graphic Toolkits able to thumbnail or get size of these kind of files?
[EDIT] After reading through again i see that it's been included in the latest unofficial version, is there a standalone module that i can install on my current Gallery, version: 2.1 core 1.1.0? If not, how can i update without losing any data or my current theme, or is there a way to backup everything?
Thank you[/EDIT]
Posts: 8601
you should always backup when upgrading. if you upgrade to a current nightly snapshot you shouldn't lose anything and you'll get this module.
Posts: 28
Thank you for the reply,
What and how do i backup the data?
Posts: 8601
FAQ: How do I backup G2?
Posts: 28
hmm, i've just installed
And apparently i updated, but i don't see changes in the system information.
Are the CVS versions installable by just downloading and extracting them?
I've gone through the Subversion documentation and it looks like too much for a person that only has shell access. However the thing i uploaded didn't give me the flv player.
Any info?
Posts: 8601
try the other snapshots page.. that one still reads from CVS even though gallery has moved to subversion, so it is way out of date.
Posts: 28
Will do, but my question was whether i can install it as i installed the previous 2 versions. download, extract, install. Or i need the subversion software. Thats all i need to know.
Posts: 8601
a snapshot is just a tgz/zip.. extract, install.
Posts: 11
OK, I have "upgraded to the latest svp release. Since I don't have shell access at my provider (, I went about the upgrade a bit differently. I installed Gallery and all it's modules to a new directory. I renamed my old directly, copied over conf.php and gallery directory (where all the images are stored). I renamed this new installation to the directly name of the previous installation. I went through the upgrade procedure. It appeard all was well until I went into the plug-in portion of the admin pages. All the module links (configure, install, etc) were non-functional. Also, none of them had "icons" indicating their state.
My whole purpose for doing this is so that I could get flash video streaming (flv) to work.
Any thoughts on what is wrong?
Posts: 8339
Are you using a motified theme?
Posts: 28
Hey rl,
I bassicly had the same problem. You will notice that the plugins section is a bit different in the latest version, and the way it installs/uninstalls them. If you can restore your database, I'd recommend you go back to your old version, install and select the Matrix theme and then install the latest svn release. What i did is, i extracted the new svn release, copied the Matrix theme on my hard disk, modified it all over again (of course i knew what i was doing this time), then i reuploaded it in my old customized theme folder and went on with the upgrade and its working perfectly.
Hope this helps
Posts: 11
I have the classic theme and the bluebottle color scheme selected. I have changed the default album and picture frame styles according to the menu settings of classic. That is all I have changed from the default installation. I am just curious what is special about switching to the matrix theme for upgrading? It is a lot of work for me to reinstall. The entrire svn upload I did was > 40Megabytes. Is this the only way to get the plugin links to work?
Thanks for the help
Rich (rl)
Posts: 8601
it shouldn't matter if you're using classic or matrix. make sure javascript is enabled in your browser. if you still have trouble please start a new topic in the support forums. i haven't heard of problems with the ajaxified plugins page before.
Posts: 8339
ghostienz had the same problem:
Posts: 6
Ok, I'm attempting to get this going on my site...
I've installed the nightly from over the weekend (25th I think) and everything seems to be going well on everything except for playing flv files![:(](
Here are the problems I'm having:
1) The video won't start playing until after it's 100% downloaded.
2) Only about one second plays and then what appears to be a "restart" buton spins in the middle and nothing ever happens.
Both vids I've tried were encoded to FLV via RIVA and they both started out as AVI files (if that makes a difference)
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Posts: 8339
could you try it with my test clip, and see what happens.
Posts: 6
Thanks for the test FLV.
I get the same results...
Here's a link to my test gallery:
The test FLV is the last one in the gallery...
Any more info you need from me?
Posts: 8339
Well, that's the strangest thing I've ever seen! (not really)
I'm wondering if your server has the mime type video/x-flv.
I needed to add it to mine as microsoft would not think to have it included being that its not one of their formats - idiots!
I spent days trying to figure out why I could not play divx, or flv.
Posts: 6
Here's my video MIME files from the Gallery MIME Addin:
Posts: 8339
Yeah, what I was referring to was your actual server, not gallery, I'm sure that's fine.
But what baffles me is that it tries to play.
Maybe your memory limits(the amount a single script can use) are set too low in php.ini. by default they are set to 8Mb, and I think gallery recommends at 32Mb.
We can check that if you have phpinfo somewhere on your site.
if not, copy the following script into a new text document, and save it as phpinfo.php and upload it to your server so we can view it.
Posts: 6
I'm not sure which setting I'm looking for so here it is:
This may not bode well for me since my host doesn't allow changes to php.ini![:(](
Posts: 6
ok, I think I've figured out a way to point PHP to my own php.ini file...
What is the variable name that needs to be set/changed to allow a higher memory limit?
Posts: 8339
memory_limit = 8M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
raise that to 32M
and give it a try.
this is how mine are set to allow for HUGE file uploads (read full length movies):
max_execution_time = 19200 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 19200 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 1000M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
post_max_size = 1000M ; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
upload_max_filesize = 1000M ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
Although this may be excessive, but Hey its my server.
And I doubt you host would allow it.
Posts: 11
Thanks for all who were helping me resolve my problems with getting streaming flv working. I was having trouble with the plug-in page not working after the upgrade. I finally gave up and wiped out my gallery and started from scratch. All is fine now. Thanks everyone.
Posts: 174
Theres one bug, well not really a bug, but a misconfiguration that I havn't seen anyone else run into yet.
I have multiple galleries, I have every one of them set to "everybody view resized" and "registered users view all"
If I upload a flv to my gallery, guests/everybody can only see the resized (there is none) so they only see a movie thumbnail. i have to manually add everybody view all to every flv i upload. this is a problem!
can you please update the svn to fix this?
Posts: 28
That's not really a bug.
What would gallery display as a resized version of a video? It will only show a thumbnail if you have audio files too, as well as having an original picture that is smaller than your "resized version settings(for me 640x480).
I made it so guests can't view anything, so it shows them "this album is empty" and changed that message to "This album is empty or you're not logged in"
Works for me ;)
Posts: 8601
make an album where you'll put videos.. add public view-original permission for the album. now every movie you add there also gets this permission.
Posts: 28
I was wondering if I could make my own Flv player.
How does gallery feed the video to the player?
Is there anyone who has the .fla file of one of the players available?
I see that there are a few players already included in the package, but are there any other ones available apart from those?
Posts: 28
Nevermind that comment, i got the latest FlowPlayer and it's perfect.
But I noticed that the height movie must be (the movie) + 23px because of the new menu.
Is there a chance i can change this in the class file?
Posts: 35
Probably not what your looking for but, you absolutely can make your own FLV player Skin. It's not too terribly difficult. Wayne made an EXCELLENT custom video player for our Gallery needs. Thanks again Wayne!
Anyway, here are a couple of links to tutorials on how it is done. Will take some learning but, if your familiar with Flash Authoring, you'll be able to follow along and have any skin you can imagine.
Posts: 28
Thanks for that Banta, I will go through all that to see if I can create a skin that will most suit my site.
Though this isn't related to the skinning, I wanted to know if anyone here managed to set the time offset for the FLA files thumbnails. The alert i get is "Enter a value between 0 and 0.000
It really gives me a great choice![:)](
Posts: 174
I thought about that, its a bandaid but doesnt really solve the problem. if i have users uploading videos throughout their albums in the 4-5 gallery installs i have, setting the individual permissions per movie/audio file will be a huge pain. and i dont want all my videos in 1 album.
can't there be a way to change the permissions for those items during upload automatically? say for flv and mp3 resized = full size?
Posts: 6
Well, I gave up on this a few weeks back, but now I'm back at it...
Here's my phpinfo page:
And I've actually changed all of the following:
post_max_size = 100M/;
upload_max_filesize = 100M/;
memory_limit = 64M ;
max_execution_time = 3600 ;
max_input_time = 3600 ;
Everything appears in my phpinfo.php file EXCEPT for memory_limit
No matter what I change it to, it never shows up..
Any suggestions?
Posts: 35
There is a bandaid for this also. Unfortunately it works globally, meaning, all of your uploaded FLV files can have the same thumnail offset. You can set it to however many seconds into the clip you want the thumb to be created. Not ideal but, I have found it better than having the thumbs created on frame 1. Earlier in this topic....
Posts: 28
Thanks for that Banta, we host small clips ranging from 5 seconds to 2 minutes, so i would only need an average of 2 second offset.
I will however try and fix this.
Does that setting only work for the FLV files or every other Video file?
Posts: 35
I think it will work for all video files. However, it will be overridden by the frame number specified for file formats that the time offset is actually working for. So, you will still be able to select a frame for the thumbnail for file types other than FLV. That's just a theory, havn't tested it.
Posts: 8601
doomdead, sure you can use a module to adjust permissions.. find JensPerms module in User Contrib and modify it to check the item type and add the appropriate permission.
Posts: 38
A little off-topic:
First let me thank you for this superb module. I've always had problems with friends trying to display video's in-line and now you've come to a solution. Somehow Riva Encoder fails to even start on my Win2003 server so I tried Sorenson Squeeze, thanks to Supersidr's info. Am I correct in that for full compatability the best codec to use for creating an FLV is the Spark Pro from Sorenson? And that that limit is because that is the best FLV codec that FFmpeg supports at this stage?
Posts: 38
Does anybody know why in these two video's the bouncing ball logo of a gallery video does not go away?
The rest of the video's work flawless. I've encoded all FLV with the same settings.
Posts: 8339
First off let me say yes to the sorenson question.
As for the other, those flvs are less that the default buffertime. I posted a fix somewhere above for somebody else who was using short videos.
Hope this helps.
Posts: 38
Ah, thanks. I thought that fix was already incorporated in SVN.
Posts: 8601
sorry, i haven't gotten around to checking in the newer version.. before I do: suprsidr, do you think you can make the icon/button for fullscreen be hidden like the other controls when the mouse isn't over the player? also, do you think this button should resize the browser or just the player?
Posts: 8339
We can remove
from the included js to keep from resizing the browser.
and I'll get right on the hidden resize icon.
Posts: 8339
ok, here is the final resizable player with the toggled resize icon.
Posts: 8601
awesome, thanks!
Posts: 8601
hm, i tried this swf and now the fullscreen button just toggles between the 2 icons, but the player didn't change size..