FWIW, I had lost (after tweaking) the ability to size images via Imagemagick after upgrading to B3. I ended up uninstalling then reinstalling the 1.5 install proggie, then added the b3 upgrade. THen went to the GR/imagemagick subdir and edited the im.properties file. All I did, which I had done before but suspect something had changed in the config file, was to add imagemagick/convert.exe to the im path line. It worked.
Would it be possible to include this in future revs of GR? Without this, the conversion element breaks.
Great program and utilility.
Posts: 1479
Can you post the log (mostly the end, where GR tries to auto-sense where IM is located) after resetting the im.properties file to the way it ships? It should work without the full path...
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 397
Hello Paour,
Thank you for your response. I and am certain many appreciate the work and skills that have gone into these applications. GR is a terrific tool and much valued.
Here is the log trace that your requested. I copied from the first mention of imagemagick to the end, leaving out some obvious unimportant stuff. This is on a Windows 2000 machine, but the same characteristics occur on two other Win 2000 machines, and 3 other XPs that I have had access to. If I had the skills, I would roll up sleeves and try to solve this, but I don't. Anything I can do to help a solution, I will do.
kind regards, drhiii
52416|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find imagemagick/im.properties in Current Working Dir
52446|INFO |ImageUtils|useIM: true
52446|INFO |ImageUtils|imPath: convert.exe
52446|INFO |ImageUtils|imIgnoreErrorCode: false
52446|TRACE|ImageUtils|Executing reg query HKLM\Software\ImageMagick\Current /v BinPath
52726|ERROR|ImageUtils|java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: reg query HKLM\Software\ImageMagick\Current /v BinPath error=2
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.create(Native Method)
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ProcessImpl.start(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.util.ImageUtils.exec(ImageUtils.java:1129)
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.util.ImageUtils.<clinit>(ImageUtils.java:864)
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.PictureInspector.jbInit(PictureInspector.java:195)
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.PictureInspector.<init>(PictureInspector.java:91)
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.MainFrame.<init>(MainFrame.java:151)
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.GalleryRemoteMainFrame.initializeGR(GalleryRemoteMainFrame.java:58)
at com.gallery.GalleryRemote.GalleryRemote.main(GalleryRemote.java:186)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(DashoA8113)
at com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(DashoA8113)
52856|CRITI|ImageUtils|ImageMagick path is not fully qualified, presence won't be tested until later
52896|TRACE|PropsFile |Trying to find jpegtran/jpegtran.properties in CurrentWorking Dir
52896|INFO |ImageUtils|useJpegtran: true
52896|INFO |ImageUtils|jpegtranPath: jpegtran/win32/jpegtran.exe
52896|INFO |ImageUtils|jpegtranIgnoreErrorCode: false
52906|TRACE|PictInspec|emptyIconHeight: 16
55039|TRACE|MainFrame |updateGalleryParams: current gallery: david.xxxxx.com
55039|TRACE|MainFrame |updatePicturesList: current album: null
65394|TRACE|Update |Local release date: Mon Dec 05 00:00:00 MST 2005 new: Tue Sep 20 00:00:00 MDT 2005
65835|TRACE|Update |Local release date: Mon Dec 05 00:00:00 MST 2005 new: Mon Dec 05 00:00:00 MST 2005
Posts: 1479
Thanks. That's strange...
In your console, can you type
reg query HKLM\Software\ImageMagick\Current /v BinPath
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 397
Thank you for your very fast response.
Well, now this is strange. I ran the command and received a "Not Found", so I did a search for reg and reg.exe. File doesn't exist on this first box. I will try this on a couple other boxes, a Win 2000 and an XP, so what are the chances of all of them exhibiting the same problem?? Hm. But all failed, 2000s and XPs, to find the convert.exe file.
It is strange. It is also messy to try and talk someone through the twaek of the im.properties file too! Anyway, I appreciate your response and whatever I can do to help, I will be of service.
Posts: 397
On further research, reg.exe appears to be part of a Resource kit and am not sure but appears to not be a default part of 2000 or XP. If that is the case, all the machines that I have tried to work on (5), plus about 4 that are owned by other people do not have this resource kit installed because they too had the same imagemagick failure to find convert.exe.
Anyway, just thought to add another $0.02. Thank you for your time.
Posts: 1479
You're right. I thought that reg.exe was on all Windows machines, but it's only on Server 2003 and XP Pro. I'll add a fallback using Regedit, which should be on every Windows machine...
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 1479
Can you run the following command on your machine and send me the resulting file:
regedit /E "D:\TEMP\gr_regdump1803.tmp" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ImageMagick\Current"
(you may need to change the name of the output file)
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 397
Hello Paour,
Again, thank you for this accelerated dialogue. I ran the string and yes, did have to create the D:\TEMP directory, and here is the output of that command. It looks like it did indeed return the necessary information. I thought about running regedit but I do not know enough about MS. Here is the output...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"ApplicationDefaultsPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Gallery Remote\\imagemagick\\win32\\config"
"BinPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Gallery Remote\\imagemagick\\win32"
"LibPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Gallery Remote\\imagemagick\\win32"
"ModulesPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Gallery Remote\\imagemagick\\win32\\modules"
"SharePath"="C:\\Program Files\\Gallery Remote\\imagemagick\\win32\\config"
Posts: 1479
drhiii, thanks, I think this will work on Win2000 and NT and XP Home with the next beta. I'm wondering about Win95 and 98 (and ME), because they probably use a different encoding (NT and later use Unicode).
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 397
Well, I have to say THANK YOU for such a wonderful application. Recently I suggested GR to someone to post images and they have literally become a born again Gallery Remote person. They love it. Am finding several, many, really understand the utility of conversion before uploading. GR is a big hit.
If I may reach a bit more since we're chattering, am certain you must get slammed with requests.... if I could post a couple that came to mind. It would be quite useful to have the ability to tweak the image quality value from the URL edit screen. It is set to 80 and have found that being able to alter that is quite useful when preprocessing images. And the possibility of adding more resizing values. It presently goes to 3mpix. I've found some utility in another one or two larger sizes also useful.
Anyway, GR is a great application. I hope it continues to grow. Only wish I had the skillsets to contrib to it.
regards, drhiii
Posts: 1479
Thanks for the praise. It's what keeps us going (that and the fact that we all love our own galleries
Just to clarify: you'd like to be able to have different quality settings for each saved Gallery URL (profile)?
What resize sizes would you suggest? That's an easy change.
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 4
I am having the same problem. After I updated to b3, when I select a picture, I get a pop-up telling me the IM is not installed or not working properly.....
I updated im.properties to point to imagemagick/win32/convert.exe but that didn't help.
I updated im.properties to point to:
/Program Files/Gallery Remote/imagemagick/win32/convert.exe but that didn't help.
I even tried adding the information from im.properties into my GalleryRemote.properties
I installed IM as a seperate program. IM is in:
C:\Program Files\ImageMagick
The reg keys point to this location. For example:
"Binpath"="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick"
I tried changing im.properties to point to this location, but that didn't help either
Not sure what else to try before trying to remove and re-install
Gallery 1 on a win2k OS
Posts: 397
I fiddled with similar variations as you and what worked in the current configuration was to Uninstall GR (use the uninstall program that came with GR), then reinstall GR and then apply the B3 update. Your settings will have been maintained so you're good there. Then, edit the im.properties file in the Imagemagick directory, and add the same thing you typed below.... imagemagick/win32/convert.exe I did the same thing as you and it didn't work until I flattened GR and reinstalled it, and then added this line to im.properties. Then it was happy.
Paour has graciously fielded some messages on this so this may be resolved in a later version. GR really is a terrific application so that would be super if the conversion function worked without the tweak of course. I am just grateful for the application. There are a couple of local non profits, museums, who have taken to it as well. Some older folks who you would never think would touch this stuff have taken to Gallery, and Gallery Remote. Nice to see how this application brings productivity to people like this. Especially non profits who struggle to get things done.
Anyway, try technique above. Worked for me.
Posts: 397
The praise is well deserved. As mentioned in a previous message to someone else, it is pretty cool to see some older folks for instance who work on a non profit museum take to Gallery and Gallery Remote. When I saw how it was affecting their ability to just get stuff done, well... that is a worthy thing in my opinion. GR is part of that. By making cool stuff happen.
And yes, it would be a bonus to have different quality settings per URL.
And yes yes... just having additional upsizes like 4MPix and 5MPix would be a further bonus. This helps with images for things like those museums where is keeps image sizing a standard size instead of all over the place like happens now. GR has been a gift in this non profit museum stuff.
I appreciated your continued dialogue. GR is spreading some excellent good will for worthy stuff, like a couple of museums.
regards, drhiii
Posts: 1479
cfr131: there is a bug in b3 which may cause your problem. b4 will be released shortly (hopefully today) and fix this.
drhiii: I'll add 4 and 5 MPix and add a (hidden) property to override image quality on a per-URL basis. Hidden in the sense that there won't (initially) be a user-interface for it and you'll have to edit the GalleryRemote.properties file by hand to add it.
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 397
That sounds most excellent Paour. Would I be pressing it too much to ask about the image quality value too? Adding an admin ability to change the image quality, currently defaulted to 80, on a per URL basis?
Anyway, the reg/regedit tweak will definitely solve a ton of things for sure. Much, much appreciated.
Posts: 1479
Yes, that's what I'm doing. I'm just saying you'll have to edit the config file for that, because I won't be able to add a user interface for it in the short term.
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 4
Thanks very much for the quick reply. I'll wait for b4 and test it before I try a uninstall/reinstall.
Posts: 1479
I've uploaded b4 to the daily builds site, with the requested features (described in the changelog file). Let me know how it goes.
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 397
I was away until now and first opportunity to work with b4. Great! Just tremendous. THe extra conversion sizes make a big difference for starters. And it all works well. No problems.
A couple of questions if I may... when GR does the local conversions, do you know how much is actually taken out of the image with the default 80% value that is inside im.properties? I don't know how to judge that. I've been working on different values for that number, from 80% to 100% and I can figure out the filesizing based on the % value... but I wondered if anyone knew how to gauge the % of color information that is removed frm the image as well? This really doesn't need an answer unless someone knows it right off.
Otherwise, b4 works well. Thank you for your very fast responses. I will push the URLs of a site or two once they go live so you can see what the museums are actually able to do.
Oh, one other question.... in a future rev, would it be possible to allow an administrative ability to change the JPEG image quality instead of going into im.properties manually?
Super work...
kind regards, drhiii
Posts: 1479
drhiii: the file size difference between different values of the quality parameter are not deterministic, because they highly depend on the nature of the image.
I'll probably add a user interface for this new feature in a later revision. Also, the parameter can be overriden in the applet parameter in the G2 admin interface, if you use the applet version.
Gallery Remote developer
Posts: 397
I understand. I'll keep working on test images to understand fully the characteristics.
And cool too, on the new user interface. I will also work on the applet version too. It is giving me an error at the moment, but the server this is running on is about to be replaced and before I start looking at everything else, I feel the new server should be implemented and everything reinstalled. I can't tell you how much time GR saves people. I just volunteered a G2 site to help with a photo book collaboration. I didn't recommend any particular upload method, but several of the photographers found and tried GR and love it. It really does solve some healthy workflow needs...
regards, drhiii
Posts: 4
I was out of town most of last week. So I just downloaded the b4 zip file and installed it. I edited the im.properties (im.convertPath=imagemagick/win32/convert.exe) but I stll get the notice that IM is not installed or not functioning.....
Anything you what me to do before I try an uninstall/reinstall?
Posts: 4
Looks like I fixed it. I changed the file GalleryRemote.properties to read:
Which appears to fix the problem