Fixing Gallery2Export
Joined: 2004-05-27
Posts: 3 |
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I'm working on getting a plugin to work with iPhoto and Gallery2, and of course, as everyone has noticed, iPhotoToGallery and Gallery2Export are both broken and neither developer is responding to requests to update them. Since the G2E source is available, I'm trying to hack it to work. So far I've gotten it to log in and list albums, but I'm stuck on the file uploading part. The server returns useless errors like "Precondition Failed" so I'm kind of stuck trying to figure out what's wrong here. Is there a developer around who can make sense of the differences in these logs? This is from the successful image upload from Gallery Remote: POST /gallery2/main.php HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: Keep-Alive, TE TE: trailers, deflate, gzip, compress User-Agent: Gallery Remote 1.5 Cookie: GALLERYSID=d51713c78d692119d0d1d6cbbb9799a2 Cookie2: $Version="1" Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip, compress, x-compress Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------ieoau._._+2_8_GoodLuck8.3-ds 0d0J0S0Kl234324jfLdsjfdAuaoei----- Content-length: 5382 ----------ieoau._._+2_8_GoodLuck8.3 -ds0d0J0S0Kl234324jfLdsjfdAuaoei----- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[cmd]" add-item ----------ieoau._._+2_8_GoodLuck8.3-ds0d0J0S0Kl234324jfLdsjfdAuaoei----- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[protocol_version]" 2.3 ----------ieoau._._+2_8_GoodLuck8.3-ds0d0J0S0Kl234324jfLdsjfdAuaoei----- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[set_albumName]" 7 ----------ieoau._._+2_8_GoodLuck8.3-ds0d0J0S0Kl234324jfLdsjfdAuaoei----- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[caption]" Whiteboard drawing.jpg ----------ieoau._._+2_8_GoodLuck8.3-ds0d0J0S0Kl234324jfLdsjfdAuaoei----- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[force_filename]" Whiteboard drawing.jpg ----------ieoau._._+2_8_GoodLuck8.3-ds0d0J0S0Kl234324jfLdsjfdAuaoei----- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_controller" remote.GalleryRemote ----------ieoau._._+2_8_GoodLuck8.3-ds0d0J0S0Kl234324jfLdsjfdAuaoei----- Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_userfile"; filename="Whiteboard drawing .jpg" Content-Type: image/jpeg ......Exif..MM.*................................................................ ...............(...........1...........2...........<.......................i.... ..... ....KONICA MINOLTA CAMERA, Inc..DiMAGE G400..H.......H......QuickTime :12:10 21:34:53.Mac OS X 10.4.3..............x.............'.......2..........02 20...................... ............................. ........... ......................................................... ...........|..................0100.............................................. ...............................................K................................ ....... .....................................*... 2005:12:04 11:41:48.2005:12:04 11:41:48........ ...&... ....... ....... .......dMLY0118A110A...............<............................................ .....U.c....................................y,.\.0.F.....&.8.?.@...*.;.B.C...$.7 .>.?...#.6.=.@...+.=.D.F........................... .Z.X.......T.l.d.U.......T.l .d.U..... ...U...c...........**,%+%).''+!$ .-,-)-*-.....!.................q..5S.._...@W.. ...Z.X.......l.l.......U.U.................... 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boundary=696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3640 -1637-000000D4A31179AF Content-Length: 3868 Connection: keep-alive Host: --696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3 640-1637-000000D4A31179AF Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[set_albumName]" 7 --696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3640-1637-000000D4A31179AF Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_userfile"; filename="PICT4024.JPG" Content-Type: image/jpeg rXYZ... ....gXYZ...4....bXYZ...H....wtpt...\....chad...p...,rTRC........gTRC.... ....bTRC........desc.......?cprt...T...Hvcgt.......0ndin.......8dscm........XYZ ......tK..>.....XYZ ......Zs.......&XYZ ......(....W...3XYZ .......R........sf32 .......B.......&.......................lcurv............desc........Generic RGB Profile............Generic RGB Profile..vcgt...........R...........R...........R ........ndin.......8...H..W ..T9............text....Copyright 2002 - 2003 Apple Computer Inc., all rights re served..mluc............enUS...&...fesES...&...jdaDK........deDE...,....fiFI...( ....frFU...(....itIT...(...>nlNL...(....noNO...&....ptBR...&...jsvSE...&....jaJP .......:koKR.......(zhTW.......TzhCN.........Y.l.e.i.n.e.n. .R.G.B.-.p.r.o.f.i.i .l.i.G.e.n.e.r.i.s.k. .R.G.B.-.p.r.o.f.i.l.P.r.o.f.i.l. .G...n...r.i.q.u.e. .R.V .BN..,. .R.G.B. .R.G.B. .r_ic....P.e.r.f.i.l. .R.G.B. .G.e.n.. .r.i.c.o.A.l.l.g.e.m.e. i.n.e.s. .R.G.B.-.P.r.o.f.i.lfn... .R.G.B. c...e.N..G.e.n.e.r.e.l. .R.G.B.-.b.e.s.k.r.i.v.e.l.s.e.A.l.g.e.m.e.e.n. .R.G.B.-.p.r.o.f.i.e.l.|... .R.G.B. ...\...|.P.r.o.f.i.l.o. .R.G.B. .G.e.n.e.r.i .c.o.G.e.n.e.r.i.c. .R.G.B. .P.r.o.f.i.l.e....Exif..MM.*..... .............................................................(...........1...... .....2...........<...........i..............KONICA MINOLTA CAMERA, Inc..DiMAGE G 400....H.......H....QuickTime 17:01:27.Mac OS X 10.4.3......... .....0...........8.'.......2..........0220...........@...........T...........h.. . .......p... .......x................................................. ..................0100.......................................................... ...........K....................................... ..........................................2005:12:04 11:41:48.2005:12:04 11:41:4 8........ ...........................>...............C.................................... .... ......C......................................................................... ..."...................................... .....................}........!1A..Qa."q.2....#B...R..$3br.. .....%&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz.............................. .......................................................................... .....................w.......!" .$4.%.....&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz............ ................................... .....................................?....?.n...._...E.....?.. --696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3640-1637-000000D4A31179AF Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[cmd]" add-item --696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3640-1637-000000D4A31179AF Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[keywords]" --696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3640-1637-000000D4A31179AF Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[force_filename]" Whiteboard drawing --696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3640-1637-000000D4A31179AF Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_controller" remote.GalleryRemote --696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3640-1637-000000D4A31179AF Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[protocol_version]" 2.3 --696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3640-1637-000000D4A31179AF Content-Disposition: form-data; name="g2_form[caption]" We've had some problems with water leaking recently... --696C6748-6A0C-11DA-85E4-000A95BE3640-1637-000000D4A31179AF-- HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 06:07:41 GMT Server: NOYB Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=98 Connection: Keep-Alive Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 141 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>412 Precondition Failed</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <H1>Precondition Failed</H1> The precondition on the request for the URL /gallery2/main.php evaluated to fals e.<P> <HR> <ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.29 Server at Port 80</ADDRESS> </BODY></HTML> 0 The differences in POST headers are minimal, and I would think inconsequential. For example, Gallery Remote has "Cookie2" and "TE" headers, but those don't seem to affect the login and album fetching queries. All of the post parameter keys are the same. On the server side, it gives me this error: [Sat Dec 10 23:01:55 2005] [error] [client] mod_security: Access denied with code 412. Error parsing multipart parameters: Error normalizing para meter value: (null) [hostname ""] [uri "/gallery2/main.php"] Any help will be greatly appreciated. |
Posts: 2258
What problems have you had with iPhotoToGallery and Gallery2Export? I've used both of them, tested it out this morning and both seemed to work fine for me.
Posts: 1
About a week ago my iPhotoToGallery 0.62 went from working to not working and I don't recall doing anything to provoke it. Every time I upload now, after the first picture, it'll say "Export failed (error code: 1001)." I e-mailed the guy too and couldn't get help. I plan on posting my case with the full configuration details of my gallery2 and iphoto eventually if I can't stumble on a solution. And I did try Gallery2Export but that didn't work either, but I don't recall the error.
Posts: 1
I'm using 0.61 and get the same error. Did you have 0.62 working for a while? I might give that a try if you did.
Posts: 14
I am also getting "Export failed (error code: 1001)." when trying to use iPhotoToGallery 0.62, it was working fine a week ago.
Is your web server windows/iis? Mine is and I am thinking the problem may be related, because I've had upload problems in the past that have come and gone and were usually related to the iis config, or having to reset iis...
Posts: 14
Duh, I just had to post to figure this out. If you're still strugling with this try checking the "Scale image to no larger than 800x600" check box in iPhotoToGallery
Posts: 1
Hey guys. I am wondering if you have found a fix to this annoying "Export Failed (Error code:1001)" error. I have experienced it today too and cannot find a way around it, nor why it has, actually, happened. Please respond...
Posts: 3
Hi all. I'm having the same problem. Recently upgraded to iPhoto 6. Using iPhoto2Gallery 0.62, trying to upload pictures to a Gallery 2 site. Export failed (error code: 1001) is all I'm getting. i've tried checking the box "scale image..." but it does no good, only makes it error out more quickly.
My setup worked when I was using iPhoto 5.x. Someone help us! ;)
Posts: 2258
branvanfan: Is your server running IIS?
Posts: 3
Great question - sorry I didn't post that info. I'm running Apache 1.3.33 and PHP version 4.3.11.
Posts: 14
since my earlier post the iphototogallery plugin is no longer working. So apparently it wasn't an issue of using the Scale image check box.
I am stumped at this point, there is no logic to it, it works sometimes and others I can upload 2 or 3 pics only at a time, and now 0
I also tried resizing the pics + save for web in photoshop prior to upload, doesn't help.
But I did find a fix, resetting iis fixes it and allows me to upload again. So at least it definitely seems to be a server side error rather than in the plugin itself.
iPhoto 5 (latest) on 10.4.4 uploading to a gallery 1.4.x install on iis with php 4.3.10
Posts: 2258
branvanfan: so its not just an IIS thing. hmm. I can no longer test as my powerbook is no longer functional. Hopefully someone else will come along and be able to check some things out with it.
Posts: 61
well then I think the post I wanted to write is kind of obsolet.
but anyway I will post my problems here.
I had a mac mini, and one of the 2 plugins, I just can't remember which one.
anyway it was working perfect!
Now that I love Mac so much I got a Intel iMac, but now I don't even have the gallery tab in the export menu.
I reinstalled the plugin, no change.
I would help and test the plugins on the mac if someone could tell me why I can't install it, or rather why I can't use it since the install is ok.
Posts: 2258
you should probably contact the developer about this as this is not a product of the Gallery team.
Posts: 61
I already did, no reply until now.
anyway all I wanted is to say, if you need some help testin mac os plugins, just tell me
but for now I have to get the plugin running again.
Posts: 76
I get two errors with Gallery 2.0.2 + iPhoto 6 + Gallery2Export 0.2.1:
First: "Bad server certificate code" (I'm running my server on with SSL)
Then: "Could not log in…"
With iPhotoToGallery 0.62 I am no longer able to log in to my Gallery-site.
I wonder if this bug came with G2.0->G2.0.2 upgrade OR with iPhoto 5.latest to 6.0 upgrade. Both happened in the same weekend
Login+pswd+URL have been tripplechecked+copy-pasted so there should not be typo's here
Remote module IS activated
Gallery version = 2.0.2 core
PHP version = 4.3.11 apache
Webserver = Apache/1.3.33 (Darwin) mod_ssl/2.8.24 OpenSSL/0.9.7i PHP/4.3.11
Database = mysqlt 4.1.13a
Toolkits = Exif, Thumbnail, ArchiveUpload, ImageMagick
Operating system = Darwin 8.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.4.0: Tue Jan 3 18:22:10 PST 2006; root:xnu-792.6.56.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/417.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/417.8
PS.: Are there any third plugin for iPhoto that one could try to use?
I found this thread while trying to see if anyone was having problems with iPhotoToGallery when I was surprised that there now is an alternative
I have used iPhotoToGallery with iPhoto 5 for a long time with great succes -now I need something that will work with iPhoto 6.
Posts: 76
Just to let you know that I now have succesfully tested both the beforementioned plugins with iPhoto 6 (on 10.4.4) and so far I have narrowed my problem to be related to my SSL driven website. Perhaps they don't like self-signed certificates?
Posts: 76
This is what is getting logged at my webserver when I try to connect via SSL (for both plugins):
Posts: 76
Hmm - I wonder if the SSL problem is related to this [url] Gallery Remote with G2 & SSL[/url]?
Perhaps it's time to start a complete new thread with my problems
Posts: 2258
Anyone in this thread having this problem connecting to a non-ssl server?
Posts: 61
no, started yesterday my mac mini with the older iPhoto on it, there the plugin still works, login is ok.
but therefore I have a other problem, I can't create albums.
Posts: 2258
dracula: can you create albums in the web interface with the user that you cannot in GR? If so this would be the first I have heard of that sort of issue.
Posts: 61
yes. Just tried it. Works without any problems.
With my user ( admin ) it works to create albums. With this user ( my sister ) it doesn't work.
I tried it with her user over the Gallery page and it works.
Posts: 14
A friend of my had the same problem, i will ask him what the problem was, so hang on! Or did you already found it out?
Posts: 61
nope, still no solution. but that is not my main problem since I gave my Mac mini to my sister and she has a limited internet connection so she doesn't need it.
I still cant use the plugin on my iMac, wonder if it has something to do that it's a Intel Mac.
Posts: 3
Hi ckdake. I missed your query about folks having this problem on non-ssl web servers. Mine is not configured to use SSL. My thought is that this is a problem on the iPhoto side of things - I had no problems using Gallery 1.5 and iPhoto 6, but when I upgrade to iPhoto 6.0.1 no dice. Is Apple sabotaging this because they want folks to use their Photocasting application with a hosted .Mac account? If that's the case, no thanks.
Posts: 5
I can confirm that the "Could not connect to the gallery" problem occurs for me. I am not using ssl, and I had no issues back in early January (iPhoto 6.0.0 probably). I am also on Gallery 2.1r2a. Not much else has changed.
Posts: 48
I use a non SSL driven site and I don't have iPhoto 6 (yet). With 0.62 of the iPhotoToGallery I get the Export failed (error code: 1001) message.
The Gallery2Export plug-in gives me a 512 error and doesn't even let me access the site.
Posts: 48
My setup:
Gallery version = 2.0.1 core
PHP version = 4.4.3-dev cgi
Webserver = Apache
Database = mysql 4.0.26-log
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, ImageMagick, NetPBM, Gd, Thumbnail
Operating system = Linux #1 Fri Jan 20 10:34:03 EET 2006 i686
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/417.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/417.9.2
Posts: 2258
Sounds to me like Apple upgrades broke things. Upgrade to the newest G2 version (2.1 is out!) and wait for the iPhotoToGallery developer to release a new version.
If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery.
Posts: 61
I received a mail some days ago from Zachary that iPhotoToGallery Universal binary is out. Now everything works on my intel Mac for me again
Posts: 15
Well Dracula,
I know that this thread is months old. I know.
I'm running a Mac OS 10.4.8 system and iPhoto 5.0.4. I cannot get the iPhotoToGallery plugin to connect to any of my Gallery2.1 on Apache installs, even though I remember doing it successfully in the past. Somewhere along the line, it's gotten itself broken. Now, here's the tricky part.
I went and downloaded the newest version of iPhotoToGallery, which at the time of this writing is 0.66, and it didn't solve anything. I still can't get it to connect. I just want to document this here so that in case someone figures out why, I'll get an email notifying me that this thread has been updated.
Joel Farris
"And that's the way it oughta be!"
Posts: 61
Well, I haven't used it since a long logn time since I switched to Aperture and I also do watermark on the photos so I export them, run imagemagik over it and then upload the photos with gallery remote. But as I used the last version I had it was still working. Could you post some error message or explain what is not working?
Posts: 76
iPhotoToGallery 0.66 on an intel OS X 10.4.8 is working for me (on NON SSL sites only) with Gallery 2.1.2
PS.: Regarding SSL
Fingerprint readers give a whole new meaning to the word 'hacking'...
Posts: 1
my expertise does not involve programming, however I would like to share some information --- as it fixed my Error 1001 problems with iPhotoToGallery.....
The solution was to fix the MySQL database by:
typing: su
(enter root pw)
typing: mysqlcheck -rvAu root -p
(enter mysql password)
I offer no promises, and most likely will not be able to answer any of your questions about this, but it helped me and I have a new album uploading as I type...
Good Luck!!!
Posts: 48
Where are we on this? I'm now using Aperture, but the pougin is not working for that application either. I have a precondition 412 failed popping up.
With iPhoto it is still the 1001 error. Adding the AutoSEcFilterEngine off to the .htaccess file doesn't help either...
Posts: 6