Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied ... while installing new
Joined: 2006-01-03
Posts: 8 |
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Hi all, Im having a lot of trouble backing up my gallery2 site. I´ve followed these instructions (http://codex.gallery2.org/index.php/Gallery2:faq#How_can_I_move_my_gallery_installation_from_one_server_to_another.3F) to the letter but on step 4 in the new install I keep getting the following error: Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /mnt/alpha/home/siggih/www/gallery/install/index.php on line 263 chmod 777 of course and path correct I suspect this to be a php issue, do you guys know a quick fix ? regards,
Posts: 389
You should chmod -R a+rw g2data on the new install (or even better chown -R apache:apache g2data if you got root)
Posts: 8
Pelle: neighter of your suggestions worked. I´m getting worried ! :s
Ari Bjornsson
Posts: 32509
did you use the -R in your chmod call?
-R is for recursive.
also, if you're mounting windows drives in linux and the like, there could be other permission issues.
Posts: 8
Yes I´ve used:
#chmod -R 777 g2data
#chown -R apache:apache g2data
but it doesnt work. Im not mounting windoze drives
Posts: 32509
@php config:
memory_limit 8M
is too low (but it's unrelated to your problem).
FAQ: PHP memory_limit - Why do I get the error Allowed memory size of Xxx bytes exhausted?
are you sure you enter the correct path?
have you actually checked if g2data/locks/ g2data/cache/ , ... all are 777 ?
Posts: 8
I fixed the memory limit, everything in g2data is chmod 777 like you can see in the screenshot attached. I´m also positive that I´m using a correct path.
Posts: 32509
what's the path you enter?
there's no screenshot attached.
Posts: 8
Sorry, the file attachment must have failed. Here are two screenshots, one showing the permissions and the other the lines in /install/index.php where the error occurs. You can see the path in the first screenshot.
This must be because of Gallery2 and PHP 5.0.4 incompatability.
Posts: 32509
i don't think this has anything to do with php 5.0.4 in general.
what path do you enter in the installer step 4 (storage step).
it should be:
Posts: 8
Yes, thats exactly the path I´m using.
I changed the code in /install/index.php so it wont throw the mkdir error and then I got stuck at writing the config.php file in step 7 although:
#chmod 777 config.php
#chown apache:apache config.php
whats going on ?
Posts: 389
Yeah, Gallery works fine with php 5.0.4. As you can see the code is trying to create a dir that doesnt exist, this should give you a hint something along the line of check your path agian. If your path is correct then a mkdir call wouldn't be neccisary.
chmod -R 777 might not be a good idea (you're making all files executable with this, just the directories needs to be).
Posts: 8
Im going to take another shot at it tonight, I´ll keep you posted.
thx guys
Ari Björnsson
Posts: 3
Having the same error in installation step 4,
although my situation is remote installing under the same router,
so -> the linux box that has the gallery2
and my xp laptop -> using putty and firefox it to to do the install
and stuck on the same line
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /mnt/alpha/home/siggih/www/gallery/install/index.php on line 263
have tried all methods above, none working..
Posts: 8
Hi miz_t,
I found a solution to my error by copy-ing the whole gallery directory from my webserver to my backup webserver:
user@web# cd /var/www/html/gallery
user@web# mysqldump -u root -p --opt gallery2_g2 > gallery2_g2_backup.sql
user@web# scp -r ../gallery/ user@backupserver:/var/www/html/
user@backupserver# ssh user@backupserver
user@backupserver# cd /var/www/html/
user@backupserver# chmod -R 777 gallery/
user@backupserver# cd gallery
created a new database called gallery2_g2
user@backupserver# mysql -u root -p gallery2_g2 < gallery2_g2_backup.sql
changed the config.php file in the gallery directory so it had my new mysql user/pw parameters
also patched my gallery2 to the latest version
This was my workaround for taking backup of gallery2 because I kept getting this error you talk about when I tried a fresh install on the backupserver and copied the g2data folder from webserver to backupserver like it says you should do in the FAQ.
hope it helps (unless you're talking about just afresh install)
best of luck!
Posts: 389
You should run the installer and point it to the old g2data/db. You shold not do a fresh (clean g2data/db) install.
Posts: 1
Hi there
I had a similar problem - "Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied" while installing Gallery. The gallery data directory I specified had the permissions set correctly and it was owned by the apache user so the web server had rights to it, but the Gallery installation still couldn't create directories where I wanted it to.
The problem in my case was that I had the SELinux's security features enabled in my Fedora Core 4 setup. I switched SELinux to permissive mode by editing /etc/sysconfig/selinux - putting SELINUX=permissive. Then the Gallery installation process worked fine. There's probably a nicer way than just disabling the security but I was after a simple solution. SELinux FAQ is <A HREF="http://www.crypt.gen.nz/selinux/faq.html">here</A>.
Another thing I checked before I found that was to make sure PHP is set up with safe mode off (it already was in my case). To do this look in your php.ini file (mine is at /etc/php.ini, to find yours you can type "php -i | grep php.ini"). There is a line in there for safe_mode - make it set to Off or whatever. PHP safe mode manual is <A HREF="http://us2.php.net/features.safe-mode">here</A>.
Posts: 18
Wow I'm fighting this battle too. Not sure how to correct it. I now I have a Linux box, but not sure what the webhost security is set to.
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