mysql is only used to store metada:
- who has permission to see / do what
- what images are in what album
- item comments, descriptions, titles, ..
- all but binary image data
on the disk, we store the binary image data, the files.
the database is already the bottleneck for most database based applications and using it to store a lot of binary data would increase the load and resource usage on the database server dramatically. that is not specific for g2, but a quite general statement.
the filesystem on the other side is predestined to store ... files. that's why.
why use a database at all then?
for performance / scaling. without a database, you can't create a photo album management application that scales well with a lot of users, albums, photos, permissions.
besides: you wouldn't save any webspace on your server if you stored the files in the database. you'd just use diskspace for the database instead.