Can G2 read .jpg comments?


Joined: 2006-01-12
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-30 13:27

Hi, is there a way to have G2 read comments inside .jpg files and use the comments as a caption?

I just posted this question, when I wasn't even quite sure how the data was saved inside the jpg. I have since discovered it is in EXIF. Now, i realize G2 can read and display EXIF data, however, is there a way to make G2 display the 'Description' field in the EXIF as a caption?

ckdake's picture

Joined: 2004-02-18
Posts: 2258
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-30 13:51

I think you would need to modify the add items code to read in the exif data into the description field on upload...

So there's not an easy way to do it yet but several people have requested this feature and someone is bound to get around to it eventually.


Joined: 2006-01-12
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-30 23:54

I'm not a PHP programmer, but I would think that this wouldn't be too difficult. Since all the information is already there, and the means to extract the EXIF information is in place.

btw - Am i blind, or does Gallery2 not have a bug/feature feedback database?

ckdake's picture

Joined: 2004-02-18
Posts: 2258
Posted: Tue, 2006-01-31 15:20

It's not super complicated, just someone has to have the time to do it and there are other things that are more important at the moment.

The bug and feature request databases are on Sourceforge: