I am having a problem authenticating on a new installation of gallery.
I have tryed FTP'ing the file accross and also puting the string in the login.txt file manualy.
The login.txt file is located in the correct directory.
Every time I click 'Authenticate Me' the string changes.
Every 1 out of 10 times (approx) it will let me through to the next step and display the system checks. When I try to proceed, it just takes me back to the authentication page again.
Is there any way to just put in a password instead of using the session string?
Gallery version: 2.1.1a
PHP version:4.4.2
PHPInfo Link: *** REMOVED ***
Gallery Host Compatability Checker: *** REMOVED ***
Webserver: Apache
Database: MySql
Operating system: Linux
Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0.2900 (with cookies turned on)
Posts: 3
I have the same problem. I tried with two different browsers in order to eliminate some kind of session problem i first assumed to have.
But neither Opera nor Internet Explorer can go beyond authentification.
Using Opera, authentification every time says "okay" but then on step 3 revokes that and goes back to step 2 while generating another authentification key, Internet Explorer behaves as described above by satfreek.
Im using
Gallery version 2.1.1a
PHP verion: 4.4.0
PhPInfo Link : http://regimis-noctem.de/phpinfo.php
Safe_mode is turned off.
Webserver: Apache 1.3.29
Database: MySQL 4
Operating system: some linux
Browser : as described above.
Posts: 8
Exactly the same problem as described above, check the FAQ but it hasnt helped. What else can I do?
Posts: 32509
please post a phpinfo link as the other two users did.
@ZuMe / satfreek:
i don't see the problem with your php configuration yet.
do you guys use some internet security software e.g. from McAfee or from Norton?
Posts: 8
I have completly disabled my McAfee software hoping that this will help.
I have also rebooted Windows in 'Safe Mode' and tryed that too.
It looks like there are a few people in the same sinking boat.
Posts: 3
valiant: I'm only using AntiVir (simple plain virus scanning program, no firewall whatsoever) and windows firewall, being behind a network router here. I don't think it's a local problem, though, as so many people are reporting this.
What i am worried about are the warnings i get above the installation. They seem to tell me PHP cannot set the variables because of safe mode even though safe mode is off :
Warning: putenv(): Safe Mode warning: Cannot set environment variable 'LANG' - it's not in the allowed list in /home/regimis-noctem_de/www/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryTranslator.class on line 299
Warning: putenv(): Safe Mode warning: Cannot set environment variable 'LANGUAGE' - it's not in the allowed list in /home/regimis-noctem_de/www/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryTranslator.class on line 300
What i will try now is get the .zip instead of the .tar.gz and unzip and upload that and try again. Maybe the fault is in the .tar and/or XP extracting that into some kind of rubbish. *shrugs*
Posts: 3
safe_mode was turned off in the hosting root directory, but for some reason which i completely fail to understand, it did not work recursivly in the subfolder where i put the gallery in. so it was disabled for where i put the phpinfo-check, but not in the gallery subfolder itself.
I found it i found it
Removing this removed the authentification problem also. so, this thing is solved for me.
Thanks for the patience valiant.
Posts: 8
Posts: 15
satfreek did you get this resolved as well, or are you bumping for further sugesstions?
Posts: 8
Not resolved yet, still looking for further suggestions.
Posts: 4
I'm having the same issue, only I don't have as great of access to my server as others...using Godaddy as my webhost and FileZilla to FTP. I keep getting the error "Error: your login.txt key does not match correctly. Please download a new authentication string from below and try again." and I've taken the login.txt file and uploaded it to the right place, deleted it, tried again, always with the same results
Posts: 8
Will there be a gallery release that will fix the login.txt problem that quite a few people are having?
Posts: 8
Changed gallery's using Coppermine, it actually works, and the support is better.
Posts: 15
hmm, well I came from coppermine, it is good software..but I do preffer gallery2. Anyway, satfreek, I had sent you a message on a possible way to get around the login loop, did you try it?
Posts: 1
I am having a similar problem. But I notice that the random string displayed in the webpage isn't the same as provied in the downloadable .txt file. No matter if I use the provided file or create one on my own, I get the same result. I have had a previous installation of Gallery 2 (one of the betas, I believe) and am trying to recover from a botched upgrade. I have all my photos backed up, but need to reinstall Gallery.
Gallery 2.1.1a
php 5.1.2
MySQL 4.0.23-standard
OSX 10.4.7
I did recently upgrade my php version from 4.4.0 to avoid "user nobody" problems. Any help would be appreciated.
Posts: 1
Add another user with this problem, is OS X a common issue with this?
OS X Server 10.4.6
PHP 4.4.1
Safemode off
http://www.sanroque.net/phptest.php (phpinfo)
ghcc checks fine
Tried installing via CVS, but anon login on the CVS server does not seem to work?
Update: Using Safari instead of Firefox fixed this issue for me
Posts: 1
I too was having this problem. ghcc.php was all systems go. my php was configged to spec. login.txt just was not being accepted no matter what I tried.
What ended up working for me was NOT using the preinstaller. I downloaded the .zip, extracted it to my hard drive using winrar, and uploaded the whole thing using FTP (flashFXP). After that it was smooth sailing.
I'd recommend that you move all theme folders completely out of the gallery2 before attempting to upload the whole thing via FTP, all those d*mn localization directories in each theme folder added a tremendous amount of time to my upload.
Posts: 1
I am a new user and am having the exact same problem that is mentioned here. I have manually extracted and then uploaded all the files onto my webserver with Godaddy. Have tried both the downloadable text file, as well as creating my own. When I direct my webrowser to the location of the login.txt file, the code is correct but it wont authenticate me. I have tried about 10 times now and dont know what to do from here.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 2
Had this same problem.
I got around it by not clicking the proceed button but instead using the menu on the left of the screen to advance.
ie click on the next section in the menu instead of the proceed button.
Posts: 4
ok so we are all having this problem, is there anyone from support that has an idea on how to fix it?
thank you
Posts: 1
i was having the same authentication problem. in firefox, the code on screen did not match what was in the login.txt file created for download, and neither of them were the correct codes.
but, when i switched from firefox to internet explorer to do the pre-installation, the authentication worked.
Posts: 32509
i don't quite see how the preinstaller should be related to the installer login.txt issue. it seems you're the only one reporting that the login.txt issue is related with the preinstaller.
interesting. thanks for the hint. maybe that helps finding out the issue.
it's supposed to work with firefox, i'm always using firefox for development.
also, this thread is about the installation wizard, not about the pre-installation.
Posts: 5
has anyone got this working yet? I'm trying to get this software going but this login.txt issue has got me infuriated. I have safe mode turned off. php version 5.1.2
I'm having the same problem of the downloaded txt file not matching what's on the screen and neither work
Posts: 32509
most people never see this issue. i have yet to find out why a tiny amount of our users have this installer authentication issue.
Posts: 5
Is it server or client related?
Posts: 4
turns out my host (godaddy) didn't allow ne to install programs even though they said I could.
this may be the reason everyone is having issues
I just switched to DreamHost, not only do they allow it, it's preinstalled...sort-of.
Posts: 5
I own the server I'm trying to use this on.
Posts: 1
I have also the same problems...
I have tried the options which are called above, but no positive result.
I used gallery before without problems but after an server update (with a newer version of php)
it doesnt work anymore..
Server info:
PHP Version 4.3.10-16
Server API Apache 2.0 Handler
Apache Version Apache/2.0.54 (Debian GNU/Linux) FrontPage/ mod_python/3.1.3 Python/2.3.5 PHP/4.3.10-16 mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7e mod_perl/1.999.21 Perl/v5.8.4
safe_mode local value - ON
safe_mode master value - OFF
Posts: 3
Hi, I met the same problem too and get really frustrated. I'm using company's intranet server. will this be the reason?
Is it possible that I can changed the code somewhere so that can bypass this authentication step?
Posts: 52
Another person having the problem on a GoDaddy account. I really don't like this host, but my friend is committed, and I really want to help them get their Gallery running. Any more suggestions on how to fix this?
Posts: 10
Same problem here
I tried hacking through by changing AuthenticateStep.class and setting a static $this->_uniqueKey .
But now I get "Authentication successful!", but nothing happens when I click on "Continue to step 2"
Posts: 10
I fixed my problem by installing it through IE. Firefox did not work for some reason.
Posts: 52
Unfortunately using MSIE didn't make any difference for me.
Im sure there's something more than coincidence to the fact that so many people having the same problem are godaddy subscribers. Does that give any hints to the problem?
Posts: 1
I joined the forum today. This login.txt issue is frustrating to say the least! I've tried all the suggestions here - nothing works. Nothing! Is anyone actually working on it?
Just to add one more comment. Some time ago I had an older version of Gallery - cannot remember the ver. #, but it was working very well. I did not keep it at the time as I was only testing it, and now I wish I had!
I'm runing my own server on my home computer.
IIS 5/ OS WinXP Pro SP2
Gallery2 2.1.1a
PHP 5.1.4
MySQL 5.0.22
Posts: 38
Count me in on this one.... (and it is driving me mad)
I have occassionally got the code to work (maybe 2 out 50 attempts) but once I try to go to the next setp it reverts back to 'Error: your login.txt key does not match correctly".
Uploaded manually (ftp) and also Preintall.
I have tried in firefox and IE... to no avail
PHP: 4.4.2
Safety Mode (OFF)
MySQL: 5.0.18
Windows XP
I cuurently run the latest coppermine, and am wanting to change to Gallery.
I really hope someone can help me on this.... frustrated and tired!
Posts: 1
Hi guys,
Just started to bang my head on the wall as well... and then, I finally got around the problem.
In my case, I noticed a discrepancy between the code given for the login.txt, the current session ID and the session ID in the link to the next step.
So in file: <yourgalleryroot>/install/steps/AuthenticateStep.class
I removed: regenerateSession();
Then tried again with a new generated code and it worked.
Hope this helps.
Posts: 38
Hi NeurOne,
I just tried that.... no joy for me. It is still generating a different code that is on the screen to the one save then uploaded. I have tried in Firfox and IE.
Posts: 32509
@Anyone having the problem:
Please let me know, I'd like to debug the G2 installer on your server. I'll need at least FTP access.
Posts: 38
Hi valiant.... shall we PM you with details?
Posts: 32509
Sure, thanks!
Posts: 32509
there are several issues with your webserver / webhost:
1. I'm pretty sure they're doing something like "round-robin load balancing", meaning that consequtive requests not necessarily, or even more, not likely hit the same webserver.
Since the G2 installer relies on PHP's built-in session management which usually stores sessions on the local filesystem (/tmp) of the webserver, this means that you lose your "logged in" status every time a request hits another server.
2. A solution would be if your webhost would set the default PHP session save handler to a session handler that shares sessions in between physical webservers.
3. But your webhost defaults the session save handler to "user" which means that you (or we the G2 developers) have to write a PHP script that exactly tells PHP where and how to store sessions. We do that, but not for the installer since we know far too few about the webserver before G2 is actually installed.
4. Furthermore, your webhost doesn't start the PHP sessions by default (auto_start), exactly because the save handler is set to user.
5. And they're running eaccelerator + Zeus webserver. Not very well tested platforms.
Bottom line:
- I don't think this setup reflects the general problems other users have with the login.txt loop / installer issues.
- Please ask your webhost what an application like G2 should do in its installer to use the PHP session management on their load-balanced servers. You can copy and paste this forum post to give them more information.
- I believe G2 will run very well on this webserver once you get past the G2 installer authentication.
- In your case, it's not easy to work around the installer authentication since the installer relies on a state stored in the session data. Since the session data is only stored on one of your webhosts load-balanced servers, you lose the state on consequtive requests.
Once we got an answer from your webhost on how to get PHP's session management working on such a setup, you can install G2.
Posts: 32509
Actually, I think load-balanced setups could actually be the problem of most of these installer authentication (login.txt) issues.
Maybe we'll have to think about an alternative solution for such setups, another trade-off between security and usability.
Posts: 38
Ok... I have got it to install.... was not neat (so I provide this as an insight, and probably not a solution fot all).
I found a tech section on my webshosts site detailling php file handing:
This was what Valliant mentions in the above post.
basically... had to apply the suggested modifications, and create the appropriate tmp directory on my root directory.
Then tried to authenticate... clicked the link for the text file, and came up with an error relating to session had balready been created, hit the back button, and copied the displayed code, to a text file and uplaoded. Hit Authenticate me... BINGO.
All went well untill I got to the single/multi install page. Read what directory was needed (/g2/) created that in the location suggested. and clicked next, and the page came up with:
Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in ...... /index.php on line 102
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ......index.php:102) in ...../steps/MultisiteStep.class on line 60
Hit back key, and it said it was successful and just procedded to next step.
Smooth sailing from there... although in one of the steps I did get a warning:
Gallery file integrity (Warning)
Modified files 1
I hope this helps....
Posts: 32509
- The modified files warning is because I touched your install/index.php and install/steps/AuthenticateStep.class.
- As to your solution, setting the session save_path to a folder that is common to all load-balanced servers, that makes sense. E.g. if the webhost uses NFS mounted /home/ directories, one could set the save_path to your /home/username/tmp/ and it would work.
Let's see if that helps in other cases as well.
- As to the "Notice: Cannot modify header information" issue: interesting one. Not quite sure why you got that though.
Thanks for confirming my theory and for providing the solution suggested by your webhost.
Posts: 1
Having the same exact problem. Godaddy is the host.
I feel so f---ing stupid. All of this security measures to protect a clean install for 5 minutes it's pretty rediculious. It's a good idea, but it should be option that can be disabled.
I am ready to go to Coppermine, despite how nice this gallery seemed.
Posts: 32509
security measurements seem ridiculous until you lose your data, get hacked, get rubbed, ... then people start asking for them.
anyhow, we need more information from you to be to help you.
Posts: 38
Yes it can be frustrating. Worth it in the end, and once you find the problem, there will probably be an easy way to fix it.
It took me some frustrating hours to get it running, but persistance paid off. (And I am not a coder at all. So it is also a great way to learn about it)
I have just migrated from Coppermine (nearly 2 years with them, and running it in 4 applications) and find G2 a better product so far with better support (IMHO).
Posts: 2
I am having the same problem as well. So far after reading all of the messages in this thread, I too agree with mariomasitti. If G2 is such a wonderful product as everyone says, then why are so many people encountering the same problem? And why are those people who are able to fix it, are doing so with different methods? So far, I haven't seen a fix that would seem reliable. G2 support needs to come out with a standard fix for this now.
I have been trying to install this product for two days now. If I am going to have this much trouble getting it installed, I can't wait to see what problems I'll have once it's running!
Posts: 1
I've been having the same problem too. And then I read valliant's post about load balancing servers, which my host (PowWeb) has. I set my session.save_path to something inside of my home directory, and now the installation works flawlessly. Thanks for the insightful ideas there, valliant!
Posts: 7994
@fishoonet: sorry that you're having a problem. I won't go into all the reasons why it's hard for us to fix some of these problems on the incredibly wide range of server configurations out there, but suffice it to say that if it were easy to fix we would have already fixed it. There *is* no standard fix for this because the range of problems masked by this one issue are wide. I see that you also posted here so I'll answer there to try to figure out what exactly is wrong with your setup:
Posts: 4
Hi peoplee
I'm having the same problem here, and i tried to upload everything again but it didn't work...
what can i do? o read a lot about it and i have no idea what to do now
Gallery version 2.1.1a
PHP version: 4.4.2
Database: Mysql 4.1.19-standard
Operating system: Linux
Browser : Internet Explorer.
the link to the install folder: www.flash-ny.com/gallery/install