default file name


Joined: 2002-09-01
Posts: 23
Posted: Sun, 2002-09-01 08:20

I see on the GR development plan, that default file name is a high priority. A while back, Jackodog posted a simple workaround that works like a champ for me:

Are you talking about Gallery Remote missing the ability
to set the caption
as the file's name (as it is currently possible with the [add photos]
popup)? Indeed, Gallery Remote is missing this feature. However, with a
little hack to the gallery_remote.php file in your gallery installation
could fix it. Just add this near the top of the file:

$setCaption = 1;

From this point on, all photos uploaded with Gallery Remote will have
captions set to their original file name.

paour's picture

Joined: 2002-08-14
Posts: 1479
Posted: Mon, 2002-09-02 06:48

There are two things:
- the ability for GR to set a caption (and have a preference that set whether it automatically uses the filename as a caption)
- the ability to have Gallery store the uploaded files with the original filenames. This is the setting named Preserve Names in the Gallery Wizard: "When uploading images to Gallery, should we preserve the original names? If you select no, Gallery will assign a new name for each photo or movie that gets uploaded."

We want to do both. Option #1 is higher priority.