Testing Amazon astore within G2


Joined: 2006-09-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2006-09-09 20:12

Thought I would try to embed an Amazon astore within G2.

Using the "About" mod with minor changes, it seems to work. (with the exception of passing the page title).

I do not have all browser types installed, so let me know if things look wrong in your browser.

Check it at http://photo.ballardmedia.com then next to "Login" you will find the "Store" link.

Thanks In Advance


Joined: 2007-08-15
Posts: 14
Posted: Wed, 2007-09-12 12:14


Stumbled across this - I'm working on astore in my site as well: http://www.girlyreads.com/main.php/shop

I wanted to do two things really - improve SEO and make that page spider friendly and be able to deep link.

I've managed #2 using cookies set with a javascript onclick function in the url.
The tpl file then uses php $_COOKIE to read cookies, if any and update the iframe's src.

#1, still a bit of a struggle at the moment. There is a php script from adbabel for SEO but I just wanted someting simple,
so I've set up a small, default category and will add this content to the alt text for the iframe rather than do anything dynamic.

Are there any other astore afficiando's here?