The following information is required to get an answer:
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful):
Gallery version: 1.5-RC2
Apache version:10333100
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): 4.4.1
Graphics Toolkit: ImageMagick 5.5.7
Operating system: Windows XP? :-/
Web browser/version (if applicable): Internet Explorer 6.0
(To be honest, I am a total newbie at a lot of this, codewise and so I will be clueless when it comes to how I actually get in there to change the code. I apologize before hand, but any help you guys can provide would be awesome.)
I have two problems:
1.) I can upload images to my gallery in one shot (like, say I can upload two or three at a time using the form) but when I go to upload anymore it says that 'You are not allowed to perform this action!' I am on dial up so it takes awhile to get the things to upload in the first place.
I changed the admin name as well, I've since changed it back but...I can't figure out why it won't let me upload anymore pictures. I deleted the new gallery before and re-uploaded some of the pictures but it still does the same thing. Any ideas?
(And if it's something with the code can it be explained in extreme layman's terms?
The gallery came preinstalled with my work's website provider and so all I had to do was click the button and it installed it.)
2.) It does the thing where it inserts /'s in the titles. While it looks okay it's kind of annoying. I saw where it can be fixed at but I don't know how to implement that.
Thank you in advance and if you guys don't want to help or can't help I understand! Being a newbie makes it hard for people to explain things to and takes time.
Posts: 6818
1.5-RC2 is an very outdated Gallery.
Can you ask your provider to use a recent version ? Like 1.5.4 ?
Lets see if that will solve your problem.
If your provider dont want to do that ... just write again and we will find a solutuin.
I have no idea what you mean.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.
Posts: 2
I sent the e-mail to the provider today. Hoping they'll respond soon.
As for the second question, I mean the title of the Gallery. It says "Gallery/////" (I added some more spaces to make it look like a design choice
Originally it was just Gallery/ )
After reading through some of the FAQs I understand that it's a problem with the code but I don't know where to change the code in order to turn it off.
Posts: 6818
You can change the title of the Gallery via the configwizard. Its easily done in step 2.
Last Gallery v1 Developer and v1 translation manager.