Integrating BBclone revisited


Joined: 2007-01-25
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2007-02-14 02:07

I've read the pages on integrating BBclone with G2 however when I tried it, nothing happened.
I think this is because I am using gallery2embedded.php.

Is there a way to integrate BBclone with gallery2embedded?

I was able to add code to the gallery2embedded.php file and log the visit but not track the actual pages.


shocksll's picture

Joined: 2005-06-22
Posts: 352
Posted: Wed, 2007-03-21 14:48

I've done it on my wife's website ( with no issues. I have broken my code for her site up into 4 files because I'm doing a little more than just gallery2embedded and bbclone.

I'm doing the following:
multiple hit counters (i was using multiple bbclone and phpTrafficA but i've turned off bbclone)
external userid mapping to gallery2

I can upload the code from my files if you would like to see what i'm doing.

Steve Lineberry