The good news about Greek Translation for (Gallery 2.2) is that it's 92.10% complete now (wihaaaa
But I still have to test and verify that the translation is correct before I send the files over 
If there is any other greek that would like to help on testing and verifying that the translation corresponds to the actual meaning, is welcome. I could really use some help on some/many expressions.
All themes are 100% translated
Install is: 100.00%
Upgrade is: 89.57%
48 Modules 100% translated:
albumselect, archiveupload, captcha, cart, colorpack, comment, dcraw, debug, digibug, ecard, exif, flashvideo, fotokasten, gd, hidden, icons, imageblock, imageframe, itemadd, members, mime, mp3audio, netpbm, newitems, panorama, password, photoaccess, picasa, publishxp, quotas, randomhighlight, rating, rearrange, register, remote, replica, reupload, search, shutterfly, sitemap, sizelimit, slideshow, squarethumb, thumbnail, useralbum, watermark, webcam, zipcart
Status of the rest
96.85% core
96.00% linkitem
95.16% imagemagick
88.88% thumbpage
82.14% multilang
78.26% dynamicalbum
77.27% permalinks
75.6% slideshowapplet
75.47% customfield
72.97% ffmpeg
72.97% migrate
70.73% uploadapplet
70.37% nokiaupload
68.66% rss
67.14% getid3
65.69% rewrite
62.50% keyalbum
58.53% webdav
50.00% multiroot
38.46% httpauth
That's for now.
Αν υπάρχει κάποιος που μπορεί να βοηθήσει με την ολοκλήρωση και τον έλεγχο της μετάφρασης θα ήταν καλύτερα.
Υπάρχουν όροι και φράσεις που θέλουν αλλαγή στην δική μου μετάφραση όπως και βοήθεια για την ολοκλήρωση της. Η πιο πολλή δουλειά έχει γίνει ήδη αλλά χρειάζεται να γίνει διόρθωση σε αρκετά.
Posts: 8601
wow, that's great!
it will be a while now until the next official release, so you can submit your translations even if not fully tested. they will go into svn and be available in nightly builds, which makes it easier for other people to test it out. plenty of time to submit any fixes if needed... thanks!
Posts: 30
I just checked for spelling mistakes, changed a few things and completed some more modules. Still didn't test or verified on the site but will do this today later.
I will send the files in a while. Should I make a zip with the structure of the directories e.g. modules/core/po/el.po, themes/classic/po/el.po etc... and zip all of the po files?
One last question and I am sending the files.
The way I am creating the .po files is by taking another .po file from another language it.po for example, and changing the italian translation to greek.
I noticed there were some changes e.g. the core/exif/ etc. I found out the changes/additions and added them manually at the .po files. It seems to work fine and my question is what is the easiest way to identify such changes?
Posts: 30
All .po Files have been sent
More updates soon
Posts: 8601
when you do 'make el.po' it will update el.po with any text changes from the application. then you can use any po editing tool to fill in new translations or update any that changed to "fuzzy".
Posts: 30
the problem is that I didn't manage to use the make command. Tried to follow the localization instructions but couldn't make the gmake to work for me so I just use the poEdit for editing.
I noticed about the changes from the status of the languages that were 100% translated before the text changes
anyway will try once more to get gmake working
Posts: 30
Greek Update
The following modules have not yet been 100% translated. Hopping to get some help from other greeks too, to finish them and make the whole translation better
All the rest are 100% translated but need correction.
95.7% upgrade(7)
99.05% core(9)
94.59% ffmpeg(2)
88.88% thumbpage(2)
86.36% permalinks(3)
83.33% rss(25)
81.98% migrate(20)
75.60% slideshowapplet(10)
70.73% uploadapplet(12)
67.15% rewrite(45)
62.5% keyalbum(15)
58.53% webdav(17)
50.00% multiroot(10)
43.58% httpauth(22)
The number in ( ) is what left to be translated
Posts: 1
Where can I download the greek locale?
Posts: 8601
click downloads in the upper right. the nightly snapshots listed there have the latest translations (also the latest development code).
Posts: 26
Hi guys ,
Do you know if Greek Translation for (Gallery 2.2) support polytonic Fonts ?