Upload error: Upload failed: ". (tried .htaccess)

coops's picture

Joined: 2002-10-31
Posts: 40
Posted: Sat, 2007-05-26 20:06

In both the Remote applet, and the full Gallery Remote software, I receive these messages for each photo in the upload queue:
(This happens regardless of the number or size of the photos).

Transferring... (it fully transfers btw)
Transfer complete. Server Processing...
Added Image successfully

*BUT this appear in the log below:

Upload error: Upload failed: ".

I've tried searching the forum - but all responses regarding the .htaccess fail to help. I've tried adding:

php_value post_max_size 10M
php_value upload_max_filesize 10M

with no luck. Please help!

Gallery Remote = 1.5 (newest)
Gallery version = 2.2.1 core
PHP version = 5.2.0-8+etch4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache
Database = mysql 5.0.32-Debian_7etch1-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = Exif, Getid3, ArchiveUpload, Thumbnail, ImageMagick, NetPBM, Gd, LinkItemToolkit
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux spog 2.4.27-3-686 #1 Tue Dec 5 21:03:54 UTC 2006 i686


Joined: 2007-06-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2007-06-26 22:20

Here is what solved my problem. I had OpenBasedir restrictions applied to the vhost, but forgot to include the tmp folder.