Hello All
, I have had until the last few days , a very good working integration of
Gallery version = 2.1.2 core
PHP version = 4.3.11 apache
Webserver = Apache
Database = mysql 4.1.20-max-log, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Getid3, SquareThumb, Thumbnail, ImageMagick, Ffmpeg, Dcraw, NetPBM, Gd
Acceleration = partial/21600, partial/21600
Operating system = Linux web********.com #1 Mon Jan 29 08:25:57 CST 2007 i686
Default theme = matrix
with Drupal 4.77
I had problems with this intergration when I tried to install Webcalender intergration into Drupal. Basically the drupal site lost any connection with Gallery2 . After lots of online reading , rebuilding the database from backup and days of tracking down why, I managed to get gallery back , Phew !
So then I could access the gallery2 admin pages and run the various maintenance commands, and I slowly worked my way through issues - all relating to permissions , until I got a green light on the delete database cache .
That leaves me with the last remaining issue. I have my thumbs and blocks in Drupal showing , and all the pictures in posts on drupal are all working , and when I access gallery2 from the menu in drupal , theres the gallery looking good in the content section of drupal resplendant with the album thumbs including the pictures . Its almost back to normal. Almost.
If I click on the thumbs in the drupal blocks i get page not found. If I click on the album thumbs in the drupal embedded gallery to go to/open up the albums I get page not found. I am having trouble trying to resolve this .
I tried to rebuild the thumbs and resizes and these are the results -
Processing image 2175 of 2431
Estimated time remaining: 0:02
Memory used: 0, total: 0
Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) : Missing object for 4880
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 1852 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage/GalleryStorageExtras.class at line 109 (gallerystorageextras::_identifyentities)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 293 (gallerystorageextras::loadentities)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 82 (mysqlstorage::loadentities)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2382 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryDerivativeHelper_simple.class at line 54 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 942 (galleryderivativehelper_simple::rebuildcacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules/core/classes/BuildDerivativesTask.class at line 94 (gallerycoreapi::rebuildderivativecacheifnotcurrent)
* in modules/core/AdminMaintenance.inc at line 100 (buildderivativestask::run)
* in ??? at line 0 (adminmaintenancecontroller::runtask)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 800
* in g2data/smarty/templates_c/%%4054180798/%%3A^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 65 (gallerytemplateadapter::trailer)
* in lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php at line 1251
* in modules/core/classes/GallerySmarty.class at line 90 (smarty::fetch)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplate.class at line 228 (gallerysmarty::fetch)
* in main.php at line 412 (gallerytemplate::display)
* in main.php at line 87
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 192
* in /hsphere/local/home/****/****.****/****/modules/gallery/gallery.module at line 210 (galleryembed::handlerequest)
* in ??? at line 0
* in /hsphere/local/****/****.****/****/****/includes/menu.inc at line 418
* in /hsphere/local/****/****.****/****/****/index.php at line 15
Here is the Smarty Debug Console stuff which appeared as the rebuild almost made it , 0.02 to go - sheesh.
Array (2)
idList => PG_white_3px|none
data => Array (2)
PG_white_3px => Array (3)
type => style
name => PG_white_3px
style => border:3px solid white !important; pa...
none => Array (2)
type => style
style => border-style: none
Array (2)
type => imageblock.ImageBlock
params => Array (1)
blocks => dailyImage
Array (2)
action => Array (1)
runTask => 1
formName => empty
Array (3)
tpl => Array (1)
modules/imageframe/templates/ImageFrameHead.tpl => modules_imageframe
style => Array (3)
0 => modules/albumselect/dtree.css
1 => modules/icons/iconpacks/paularmstrong...
2 => modules/colorpack/packs/black/color.css
javascript => Array (1)
0 => modules/albumselect/dtree.js
Array (0)
Array (12)
themeUrl => /****/themes/matrix
guestPreviewMode => 0
actingUserId => 6
markupType => bbcode
params => Array (15)
_version => 1.1.0
_requiredCoreApi => 7,0
_requiredThemeApi => 2,1
rows => 12
columns => 3
showImageOwner => 1
showAlbumOwner => 1
showMicroThumbs => 1
sidebarBlocks => Array (0)
albumBlocks => Array (2)
0 => Array (2)
0 => comment.ViewComments
1 => Array (1)
show => 10
1 => Array (2)
0 => core.ItemLinks
1 => Array (0)
photoBlocks => Array (3)
0 => Array (2)
0 => exif.ExifInfo
1 => Array (0)
1 => Array (2)
0 => comment.ViewComments
1 => Array (1)
show => 10
2 => Array (2)
0 => core.ItemLinks
1 => Array (0)
albumFrame => PG_Wcrop_42px
itemFrame => PG_white_3px
photoFrame => PG_WS_28px
colorpack => black
useFullScreen =>
pageType => progressbar
item => Array (23)
theme => empty
orderBy => empty
orderDirection => asc
canContainChildren => 1
description => To view thumbs of all the images i...
keywords => empty
ownerId => 6
summary => empty
title => ****
viewedSinceTimestamp => 1147586409
originationTimestamp => 1147586409
pathComponent => empty
id => 7
creationTimestamp => 1147586409
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
linkedEntity => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1187266711
serialNumber => 110
entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
onLoadHandlers => empty
_persistentStatus => Array (2)
flags => 0
originalValue => Array (21)
theme => empty
orderBy => empty
orderDirection => asc
canContainChildren => 1
description => [b]To view thumbs of all the images i...
keywords => empty
ownerId => 6
summary => empty
title => ****
viewedSinceTimestamp => 1147586409
originationTimestamp => 1147586409
pathComponent => empty
parentId => 0
id => 7
creationTimestamp => 1147586409
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1187266711
serialNumber => 110
entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
onLoadHandlers => empty
parentId => 0
children => Array (0)
parents => Array (0)
parent => empty
systemLinks => Array (2)
useralbum.YourAlbum => Array (2)
text => Your Album
params => Array (2)
view => core.ShowItem
itemId => 288
core.SiteAdmin => Array (2)
text => Site Admin
params => Array (2)
view => core.SiteAdmin
return => 1
Array (18)
userName => ****
fullName => ****
hashedPassword => ****
email => ****
language => en_US
id => 6
creationTimestamp => 1147586409
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
linkedEntity => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1163679389
serialNumber => 9
entityType => GalleryUser
onLoadHandlers => empty
_persistentStatus => Array (2)
flags => 0
originalValue => Array (13)
userName => ****
fullName => ****
hashedPassword => 7273bf7d8924e6b769e7faf257d8f011
email => ****
language => en_US
id => 6
creationTimestamp => 1147586409
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1163679389
serialNumber => 9
entityType => GalleryUser
onLoadHandlers => empty
isGuest =>
isRegisteredUser => 1
isAdmin => 1
assigned config file variables (outer template scope):
{#files#} Array (0)
{#vars#} Array (0)
I would be so grateful if anyone can steer me in the right direction , or suggest where to look . I've so far had the hosting service change ownership of all the directories in g2data from root to me , twice as I worked through the previous issues , and my thoughts are to again get them to change ownership , get rid of yet again the smarty directory, change the gallery install folders to 755 and items to 644 to folders 777 so that smarty has those permissions in directories when it recreates the smarty directories - and see if that works wonders - but I doubt it somehow , though I wouldn't really know cause I'm a relative newbie to this. My gut says its still a permissions issue and its to do with templates , but I dont know .
Thanks for reading .
Any Thoughts ?
Posts: 49
Aren't I glad I read and read before doing anything. In case anyone else has issues in a simial vein , I deactivated url rewrite module , and then re-activated it. Everything is as it was . Thanks for all the info here , and thanks to valiant whose remark in this thread solved my problems.
Posts: 49
Aren't I glad I read and read before doing anything. In case anyone else has issues in a similar vein , I deactivated url rewrite module , and then re-activated it. Everything is as it was . Thanks for all the info here , and thanks to valiant whose remark in this thread
Upgraded to 2.2.2, now photo pages are all 404!
solved my problems.