users can't see "my account" link but the admin link is visible


Joined: 2005-11-10
Posts: 31
Posted: Fri, 2007-08-31 00:33

I have to explain that I have gallery 2.2 running on drupal 4.7.3. I didn't think that was supposed to work, but it is. Which is good because it's going to take me forever to upgrade my template and the rest of my drupal site to 5.2. That said, if you have any ideas whether it might be something in my gallery template that doesn't display the "my account" link but does display the "admin". Or if you have any ideas at all, I'd appreciate hearing....It would be very helpful for my users to be able to access their gallery options under the "my account" link. It's there in the standalone gallery.




Joined: 2005-11-08
Posts: 135
Posted: Fri, 2007-09-14 15:08

Actually its for purpose that the 'my account' link is not visible. A user modifying his/her account details in G2 directly breaks the user synchronization with Drupal. Thats why account changes can be done in Drupal only. If you are interested in details, you might want to read