Hello folks.
Author of the ApertureToGallery plug-in here.
In an effort to update the plug-in to work with Aperture 2, I've been working on taking all of the core Gallery related components out of the ApertureToGallery plug-in and putting them in an Objective-C framework that can be used from within the context of an iPhoto plug-in, an Aperture (1 and 2) plug-in and a native iPhone application.
As I proceed to build the plug-ins, iPhone application I'm curious about the following:
- how important is being able to export to multiple galleries?
- how important is it to be able to export to an embedded gallery?
- how important is it to have support for Gallery versions 1 and 2?
- would it be useful to have a one click installer to install and configure Gallery on OS X (think of it in terms of the excellent Gallery appliance - but just a native install vs. a virtualized one)?
- how useful would it be to have a script or a tool that validates your gallery install - to make sure that you have the gallery remote module enabled, have the right version, php settings are correct etc.?
Any other features that people are looking for?
I'm hoping answers to these questions will help prioritize what gets built and how soon I'll be able to ship.
Posts: 17
First of all I'd like to say thanks. I use your ApertureToGallery plug-in and it's absolutely fantastic. As to your questions regarding the iPhone, I'm afraid I don't (yet) have one so I can't make any specific comments but I would imagine, if it were me, that I'd like to have a one-click installer. A script/tool to validate the gallery install would also be very helpful!
Again, thanks!
Posts: 2258
For me personally:
1. exporting to multiple galleries would be nice but not required
2. the GR protocol (and next generation protocol sometime in the future) take care of this for you, so you don't need to worry about that. it will wokr.
3. the GR protocol works with G1 and G2 now. i think there are tiny considerations to make a client work with both, but it should (the next generation one will only work on G2 but it's not done/started/etc yet)
4. YES. I tried to get the ball rolling on this a year or two but nobody jumped on it. One that says "install this apache+php+mysql package, then install this GalleryOnOsX package". That would be very cool and very useful!
5. We have some stuff like that already, though I don't see quite how it relates to your project idea. If there are changes you think should be made for that, they should be part of the core code and not something that is run separately.
6. Something simple that gets the job done, thats it!
If you'd like to put some serious energy into the development of the next generation protocol, we could use some help and someone committed would make things get done a lot faster, plus your framework could use it instead of the rather un-featureful GR protocol.
http://ckdake.com/ - If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery.
Posts: 32
Is anybody working on the next generation protocol right now?
The script / tool to validate the gallery install comes from the fact that we (Ubermind) see a fair amount of support volume related to things like the user not having their gallery remote module enabled, having incompatible versions of Gallery / Gallery Remote Module, and not being able to upload images more than 2 MB big (hits the default PHP size limit).
Posts: 2258
noone is working on it currently, we had a bit of work from summer of code and a project of mine a few years ago, but it's gathering dust.
As for the script, I still think it should be in Site Admin as part of Gallery. The user can visit Site Admin -> Maintenance Tasks -> Generate FOO Report and generate something that a script could run.
http://ckdake.com/ - If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery.
Posts: 40
First, thanks for the great work. I think it is important to be able to export to multiple galleries (and albums). Having an iPhone app that uploads directly to gallery would be very nice (it would increase my iPhone picture taking quite a bit).
As for other features, I would like to see an easy way to stream photos from gallery 2 to an AppleTV, or Mac running Front Row.
Posts: 1
I've been a long time gallery user, as well as an apreture user, and recently upgraded to aperture 2, only to have your wonderful aperture to gallery plugin stop working reliably.
I registered here just to beg and grovel to see aperture 2 compatibility released asap, lol.
Seriously, I love your work, and can't wait for a version that's reliable with aperture 2.1
-- michael
Posts: 32
The plug-in / applications(s) implementation is underway. The bulk of the work is done - now working on the details.
A few notes:
- the plug-ins / applications are being re-branded. Going forward, they are going to be called
GalleryExport for iPhoto
GalleryExport for Aperture
GalleryExport for iPhone
GalleryExport (standalone OS X application)
- support for both Gallery v1 and v2 is there
- a lot of effort has been put into the development of the GalleryKit framework (used by all of the plug-ins / apps above and handles all of the communication with gallery)
- multiple gallery support is in
- preferences for being able to specify which fields in iPhoto / Aperture map to which fields in Gallery are in
- aperture plug-in has been updated to work in both Aperture 1 and 2
Here's a sneak peak:
Posts: 4
Hey everyone,
Wanted to follow-up on khans posts re: GalleryExport. We're beta testing the iPhoto and Aperture versions right now. If you'd like to give them a whirl, click here to sign up. The Aperture version works with Aperture 1.5 and 2.x, while the iPhoto version works with '08. (Both support Gallery 1 and 2 installs.)
Best regards,
Posts: 4
Has any progress been made on the iPhone native app or webapp?
Posts: 17
I've been using Ubermind's GalleryExport with Aperture 2 and it works like a dream. You guys rock.