Hi there,
I have just installed G2.2.4 and imported the "albums" directory from a G1.4.4-pl6 install via G2's Import --> Gallery 1 function. Everything looks fantastic - apart from that there's an item count mismatch.
The G1 install (still running on another host) item count reads:
35 top-level albums (687 total), 12722 images
The G2 install reads:
Size: 35 items (12743 items total)
G2 has 21 extra items!
I'm fairly certain no-one has deleted these items from the G1 install in the three days since I did the import. So I just wanted to ask what the difference was between the counts that G1 does and those that G2 does?
What's the difference between items and images? Is G2 displaying a count for movie files as well? (Even manually counting these from the filesystem: find -type f ! -regextype posix-egrep -regex '.*(jpg|png|gif|dat|lock|bak)', yields: 39 .wmv, avi and .mpeg files - too many to account for the extra 21 items.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this might be happening?
Thanks for reading.
* Urls - intranet only
* G1 version = 1.4.4-pl6
* G1 PHP Memory Limit = Unknown
* G1 PHP version = 4.3.10
* G1 O/S: Linux
* G1 Webserver = Apache 1.x
* G1 Activated toolkits: ImageMagick, NetPBM
* G2 version = 2.2.4
* G2 PHP Memory Limit = 64M
* G2 PHP Version 5.2.5
* G2 Webserver = Apache 1.3.33
* G2 DB = MySQL 4.1.16
* G2 Activated toolkits: Ffmpeg, ImageMagick, NetPBM
* G1 O/S: Linux (FC5)
* Browser = Firefox
Posts: 974
If I had to venture a guess, it would be that G1 is using an out of date cache of the item count (which doesn't include albums, I believe).
If that isn't it, uh, did you also import 21 users with the "user album" plugin turned on? That's the one that creates an album per user, and if active will create albums for users as they are imported. Pretty sneaky.
Posts: 13
Cheers jmullan (I wondered if I might get a reply from the person with the nutty avatar! ;-))
* How does one reset G1's item-count cache?
* As for G2, yes "User Albums" is activated, but going to Admin Options --> Gallery --> User Albums, "Create albums" is set to "When first accessed" not "When first created".
Plus there were are only 9 users imported anyway...![:-(](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/frown.gif)
Thanks though, any other ideas!?![:-)](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/smile.gif)
Posts: 3
G2 seems to count each album highlight as an extra item.
Posts: 974
Ah, yes, I forgot about that.