Share / post pics on Facebook
Joined: 2006-11-09
Posts: 66 |
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I dont know if this module exists or not. But, you know how some sights have little icons that allow you to post the article, video or picture on your Facebook/Myspace or other social networks? (see attached images). Is there a feature/ module out there already for this? It seems so prevalent in other CMS's.. thought it must be. thanks in advance!
Posts: 16504
Seems like it would be pretty trivial to add that to your own theme:
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Posts: 66
any guidance on where to put the code? I got the code from i have made some minor mods to my theme, but would need a "leg up" to get this one done
Posts: 66
Well.. i actually figured it out. for future generations, here is what i did:
I modified photo.tpl
i pasted the code I got from right after this code:
{* Download link for item in original format *}
{if !empty($theme.sourceImage) && $theme.sourceImage.mimeType != $theme.item.mimeType}
<div class="gbBlock">
<a href="{g->url arg1="view=core.DownloadItem" arg2="itemId=`$`"}">
{g->text text="Download %s in original format" arg1=$theme.sourceImage.itemTypeName.1}
Bam! works like a charm. Thanks!!
Posts: 16504
Depends on where you want it. On every page edit theme.tpl, on the album pages only, album.tpl, on the photos pages only, photo.tpl
Read this about editing templates:
The files to edit are currently in /themes/<YourTheme>/templates
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Posts: 30
I have finished the Facebook "share it" button. It is quite easy but requires a few modifications in templates. I have made two changes - at first, I have prepared image button to the main toolbar and second - I have put the link to the footer of every page.
0. Common changes
- prepare small JavaScript file for executing Facebook scripts (I have it in themes/carbon/facebook.js)
function fbs_click() {
return false;
- add link to this script to HEAD section in theme.tpl
{if $theme.pageType != 'admin'}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{g->url href='themes/carbon/theme.js'}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{g->url href='themes/carbon/facebook.js'}"></script>
- prepare CSS file for style used with Facebook buttons (I have put it in themes/carbon/facebook.css):
# this is for link in footer
html .fb_share_link {
padding:2px 0 0 20px;
background:url( no-repeat top left;
font-family:"lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;
# this is for image button in toolbar
.buttonFacebook a {
display: block;
width: 133px;
height: 15px;
background: url('../carbon/images/facebook.gif') no-repeat;
.buttonFacebook a:hover { background-position: -133px 0; }
- alter theme.tpl to include this stylesheet:
{* Include this theme's style sheet *}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{g->theme url="theme.css"}"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{g->theme url="facebook.css"}"/>
1. Image button
- prepare an image button (GIF) you want to put in the toolbar (I'm using two state button with mouse hover highlight)
- upload it to your theme/images (I have it in themes/carbon/images)
- make changes in album.tpl / photo.tpl - to add this button. Find a "gsActionIcon" buttons and put it where you want it
<td class="gsActionIcon">
<div class="buttonFacebook"><a href="{g->url params=$theme.pageUrl forceFullUrl=true forceDirect=true}" onclick="return fbs_click()" target="_blank"></a></div>
2. Footer link
- make a change in theme.tpl (find a section where logo buttons are located) and add
<td align="center" width="10%">
<a href="{g->url params=$theme.pageUrl forceFullUrl=true forceDirect=true}" onclick="return fbs_click()" target="_blank" class="fb_share_link">Share on Facebook</a>
More info:
Please visit my personal gallery: (mostly B&W pictures, Prague, nature, people)
Posts: 1
pavel.pola - If I understand your instructions properly you are sending a gallery album page link to Facebook. Is it possible to post the image (and only the image) to Facebook?
Posts: 30
Hello, this feature is provided only for sharing links to pages (it doesn't matter if you share a link to album or photo page). If you want your images uploaded directly to Facebook, you should use their API: I don't want to share my images in that way - I don't like their Terms & Conditions and I want to have all my images only in one place.
Please visit my personal gallery: (mostly B&W pictures, Prague, nature, people)
Posts: 2
I was wondering the same thing, I came across this one site whereas the user has been able to create a link that shares individual photos on Facebook via a link, he also has it sharing his entire gallery if need be. And for the life of me I cannot locate module to do the same. Below is a link to the site I was referring to:
Posts: 27300
not tested but in photo.tpl of the theme you are using add this:
<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}" alt="Add to facebook"><img src=""> Share on Facebook</a>
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2
Thanks Floridave, I'll give that a whril.
Posts: 16
Hi... just thought I would say I'm a first time gallery user and decided that I'd go with the beta rather than the live to save the upgrade pain seeing as I was starting from fresh. Using one of the basic templates I have found it works pretty well although I have experienced the moving album issue under some browsers as already reported. I was wondering if the team had a time scale for realease at all.... not that I am pushing.... more interested in when the api side will be done so I can start using some of the apps and tools about to integrate with my web sites.
Any way keep up the good work and thanks....