Please Help me intergrate Gallery


Joined: 2009-01-25
Posts: 10
Posted: Sat, 2009-01-31 00:39

I want to intergrate my gallery into my website so that it has my header and my navigation bar, basically i want it to be physically on my page, i have no idea at all how to do this or where to start . could someone please give me step by step directions for this, how to start etc., or if someone can do this i will pay a resonable amount of money for the job?

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sat, 2009-01-31 03:01
Brandon Sussman

Joined: 2005-10-24
Posts: 82
Posted: Sat, 2009-01-31 03:08

It depends on how the header/navbar are implemented in your site. If they are SSI or php includes plus proper use of loaded CSS files and/or conventional html, they can be coded into the theme tpl file(s) relatively easily. But different themes are structured differently - the actual tpl file to change differs. In matrix, I usually make changes like this in the theme.tpl file. In hybrid, I make them in hybrid.tpl.

It helps to know smarty templates language as well as understanding a little of how gallery extends smarty - these topics are discussed in the codex wiki. I found this part of gallery code to be challenging to learn but not that hard to work with after the learning period.