Can't Login To Configfuration Wizard After Upgrading
Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 16 |
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The following information is required to get an answer: Hi Guys, I setup at home a server with Ubuntu and moved 3 galleries form my previous host to my home server. I moved all 3 okay and upgraded 2 of them no problem. I tried to upgrade my girlfriends and no luck. I think I have an inherit problem with this site. To put it bluntly I simply can not login. I can't login to the gallery admin or the configuration wizard. When I put the corrcet password in the form simply re-displays. It is as if the PHP session is not being created. At a loss. I know if this was ASP/ASP.NET and IIS I would have this solved in no time, but its not. Appreciate the help ;) Thank you in advance Shane Baldacchino |
Posts: 16
Hi Guys,
What is happening to me is exactly like
I looked at my php.ini and set my session path "/var/li/php5" to 777 for the user www-data (apache). This didnt help.
Shane Baldacchino
Posts: 6818
Hello Shane,
when you say you can not log in, what exactly happens when you try to log in?
Jallery Developer
Posts: 3
Posts: 16
Hi Jens,
When I try and login the form simply just re-presents it's self. For example if I create a reset password file. It tells me to enter specific text inside it and hit refresh. Once I do that, it just keeps asking to do the same. I am essentially in a loop. If you put the wrong password in to any login box it will tell you. How ever if you use the correct credientals you are just stuck in a loop.
Any time I need to login I simply can't. I am sure it has to do with either config.php or my PHP installation. This site has come straight off another host.
I am getting tempted to blow it all away and start from scratch. If I can't debug this Jens what would happen if I was to delete and recreat gallery. Once recreated if I was to replace the 'albums' directory, would gallery pick up on this?
I wish I could give you my girlfriends login to gallery but I simply cant.
- Shane Baldacchino
Posts: 6818
Okay, lets check whether your session support is working.
Rename config.php to akjhq4irhadif0i8.jens.rox (or something else ;-) )
Then you can access to config wizard without any password. Go to the diagnostic page and then to the session test.
Does the counter increase when you reload the page?
Gallery Developer
Posts: 16
Hi Jens,
Thank you for your useful reply. I renamed the config.php file and all of my issues went away. I then went through the configuration wizard and ensuring it built a config file like my 1.4 version. My galleries were picked up.
I no longer have any issues. I havent gone through line vs line to my other sites but it had to have something to do with config.php.
Thank you for the hints, you certainly put me in the correct direction
Posts: 6818
Glad you got it working
Gallery Developer