POWWEB stated GALLERY violated their TOS need suggestion for another hosting company


Joined: 2009-05-14
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2009-05-14 19:22

Bought/rent 300GB disk space and 30GB bandwidth yearly service from POWWEB in 2007 and been renewed in 2008. As of yesterday POWWEB wants to pull the plug on my web unless I remove gallery from my website.

They stated my website which consist GALLERY was in violation their TOS for making their server running slow. Suprisingly I went to POWWEB in 2007 because I saw they are one of Gallery certified host.

Kindly need suggestions for good dedicated or shared hosting in USA with Gallery capabilities.
I need at least 100GB with 20GB bandwidth.


nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Thu, 2009-05-14 22:09

Doesn't sound like it was Gallery, violating your TOS, but just the kind of service you get with these cheap "unlimited" plans. There is NO truly unlimited hosting plan, if a host says that, run away, if you end up using to many resources, they'll cut you off.

High quality, professional host:
http://www.pair.com/services/colo/ (you provide server)


You can try their claim of "truly" "unlimited" but I bet they have a cut off at some point:

Same thing with these guys:

WTF is "unlimited" + 50 GB? Even then you still may end up using too many resources and getting dropped or needing to pay extra for a VPS:

Make sure you are not running plugins like EXIF and really reduce or eliminate any image blocks and uninstall any unnecessary plugins:

Also if you have lots of permissions set on stuff, that's really going to impact performance too:

EDIT: Oh and really remove un-needed plugins. Deactive and uninstall them in Site Admin > Plugins, then delete them from /modules/

Make Gallery as slim as possible, remove all additional languages if it's a site intended for just 1 language, remove any unused themes, etc.
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