Migrated to an Ubuntu Server with major problems with viewing pictures.
Joined: 2006-01-10
Posts: 105 |
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I have just had to migrate my site to an Ubuntu VPS server, so I anow totally working via Ubuntu, both OS and VPS and I cant view any pictures, they are all showing broken image thumbnails. I am have no idea why that should be. I have GD and NetPBM installed, so I think the pictures should show up. I have noticed when I try to perform maintenance, that errors occur on quite a few of them. I have no idea what they mean, so could plesae somebody help? This was just run now. The errors are so long there is just no space to add them here. Gallery URL = http://hamstercareforum.co.uk/Gallery2/main.php Thank you for your help. If anybody wants admin cp access please ask. I now have ssh access, to make things eaier. Though I dont as yet know how to use it. John. |
Posts: 105
Ok, I have discovered why that has happened, the pictures for some reason, werent transfered with the g2data, but I have a copy of them on my computer. How do I transfer them over to the new site, to their respective albums and subalbums?
Posts: 16504
Make sure you follow this guide:
FAQ: How can I move my gallery installation from one server to another?
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Posts: 105
Ok, I think we have most of it sorted, but its trying to to get the directory path to the g2data pictures. In the instructions it says Go to Admin Panel> Web/Server. Well, I cannot find that anywhere. Can somebody help please?
Thank you.
Posts: 16504
You're reading the next FAQ I believe: " How can I export data from one G2 installation and import it to another? "
I don't think you'd need that.
Read the FAQ about moving to a new server I linked to above. Or describe exactly what you have and don't have better. I'm not following you exactly. Do you have your old g2data or not? If you do, simply put it on the new server. If you don't and you only have pictures, you can import them, yes, but you'll lose ALL comments, view counts, titles, descriptions, keywords, etc. But you'll have your pictures
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Posts: 105
ok, I have everything migrated, apart from the albums, which are on my server in a separate folder.
If you look here
all you can see is broken thumbnails. How do I transfer the pictures from the folder to the albums on the G2?
Does that make sense? I am not sure how else to explain.
thank you.
Posts: 16504
Are the pictures on your server in the EXACT same directory structure as what you have setup for your album structure in G2?
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Posts: 105
Hi, they are on the server, but not in the same location as the g2data file. I read somewhere that you shouldnt upload pictures via ftp to the albums folder in g2data, directly. Which is why I am not sure what to do.
Posts: 16504
Correct, in most cases, don't do that.
EXACT same directory structure, EXACT?
Since you're either not understanding what I'm asking or just not reading my messages 100% try this:
FAQ: How do I backup G2?
Now that you have a backup of your database, g2data and gallery....
IF AND ONLY IF the directory structure your pictures are in is in the EXACT same structure your albums were organized in, in G2, try copying your photos under g2data/albums THEY MUST BE ORGANIZED EXACTLY THE SAME AS BEFORE. You may need to change ownership or permissions so the webserver can write to those files.
Now try rebuilding your thumbnails and resized versions.
In theory, your item ids should stay the same, thus preserving URLs
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Posts: 105
Oh dear, I am so sorry, I misread the last post.
I will give you the directory of the albums
albums file is at the moment in the root
directory of g2data file is
no pictures are in the album folder of the g2data
I will give what you said a try.
Thank you and sorry for the misunderstanding.
edit: I am having a bit of a problem sort of with this system, its run through ssh. I can get to see the files, but its the Ubuntu system of running them, different to cpanel way of doing it. It doesnt have public_html its in www instead. That is probably why?
Posts: 16504
Root of what? Root of the filesystem? /albums or /root/albums or /home/UserName/albums or xxx/hamstercareforum.co.uk/albums
If you have ssh access and have the ability to give me access, I can take a look and poke around to try and give you better advice. You can PM me details if you want to do that.
I'm not sure what you need help with. Are you not familiar with working on the command line? public_html is very likely just a symlink from your home directory to /var/www/hamstercareforum.co.uk/www/ or something like that. Or just something that cPanel is calling your webroot, which appears to be your xxx/hamstercareforum.co.uk/www directory.
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Have sent you a pm.
Thank you.
Posts: 105
Just a quick note, the gallery is now fixed, and the pictures are showing.
Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it. The owner of the server fixed it.
Posts: 16504
Perfect. I'll delete your PM to me. Please change your password as I'd feel more comfortable
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Posts: 105
Hi, I am sorry to bring activate this thread again, but I have been in the maintenance section, and it seems I am getting a lot of errors appearing, plus I cannot use the Upload Applet. The errors appear when you Build Thumbnail Sizes, and other processes as well. I am not sure what that means. I would post the errors but the error page goes on for miles.
Would you still be able to look at the site for me to check for problems?
Posts: 16504
First try uninstalling GD and just using NetPBM if that's installed and working. Then try rebuilding the thumbs and resizes.
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Posts: 105
Hi, thank you for your message, I have just tried that, and still get a load of errors when rebuilding the thumbnails.
Posts: 16504
PM me login details and I'll take a look when I get a chance.
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Posts: 105
pm sent, thank you.
Posts: 16504
poking around right now. I think one issue might be Apache on limited resources, but that might be able to be tuned I'll dig up an article or two I've seen.
As for Gallery, can you PM me login details for Gallery?
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Hi, thank you for letting me know, and thank you for searching for the information for me, that will be a big help.
I will pm you then Gallery details now.
Posts: 16504
Just sent you a PM, but here is a summary for everyone else:
Looks like those files Gallery is complaining about are actually missing files. I searched your entire server, the few I checked are nowhere to be found.
If you click the plus sign for the Rebuild Thumbs and Resizes task in Site Admin > Maintenance you'll see that it too reports 217 files not found. The only other thing I did was install the Integrity plugin and ran that. Site Admin > Maintenance. Hit the plus sign there and get a lot of information about missing files or files in your g2data that are not referenced in the DB, like all the thumbs.db files that XP likes to create.
As for Apache, check this out:
As well as this forum:
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Posts: 105
Hi, sorry its taken me so long to get back to you. The pm's you have sent have been really helpful. Thank you.
I have another problem, that I am going to start another thread with.