Foto content shown white
Joined: 2009-09-24
Posts: 8 |
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I can upload fotos (*.jpg, *.gif) normal via Gallery-uploadtool into an album. When I let show the album, the picturespace from the albumthumbnail remain empty (white like background) also the foto in the album, but the format-dimension of the uploaded picture is shown correctly. When I click on the thumbnail, the enlarged picture remains also white (only the borders are shown). When I look into the folder in the filesystem all seems normal, pictures are there. I also can open them via directlink via browser (the whole gallery and the albums are in public_html-directory). But fotos in the gallery still remain white. What is wrong? Is there a bugreport? Can anybody help me? Thank you Here the directlink to the foto I uploaded via Gallery-uploadtool: The following information is required to get an answer: |
Posts: 6818
pretty simple.
You entered an invalid URL to the albums folder.
Try this:
Jallery Developer
Posts: 8
Wow really fast answer. Thank you. But I'm pretty sure that my posted URL is right. Yours doesn't! Try yourself if you want, it works! Furthermore it is not the main problem, because I was also logged in through and saw no fotocontent (only white) in my album! So the problem remains.
Posts: 6818
if your are pretty sure that the URL to the ALBUMS folder is correct ..
why does:
Jallery Developer
Posts: 8
Don't know where you got from this link:
there is no "albums" directory at this location. I posted this one:
Sure the first one doesn't work, of course, because the albums-directory lies one level deeper here like you mentioned correctly in your second link, which works of course. At this location I configured Gallery to save my albums and uploaded the picture, via logged in Gallery and using the Gallery-own uploadtool, which will not work. I don't get your question. It's clear to me and doesn't explain why in Gallery this picture (which has right dimensions and and borders there) is shown only white-filled. Maybe you get my point with the screenshots. Screen1 shows the content of the album "Gemischtes aus Ilmenau" when not logged in Gallery and Screen2 shows this album while logged in Gallery. Or do you mean that the "albums"-directory must not be in gallery1.5-directory to work correctly?
Posts: 8
Don't know what it was, but I repeated the installation with, so far I can say, exactly the same steps and in the same directories. Now it seems to work. In Gallery, I can see a testpicture now, see yourself:
But I have the problem that thumbnail, sized foto and highlight of my testfoto will not be shown by Gallery. There are four files for my original "Bergefestparty.jpg" created by Gallery with uploading: itself, "Bergefestparty.highlight.jpg", "Bergefestparty.sized.jpg" and "Bergefestparty.thumb.jpg", but these last three have no information, a filesize of 0 KB. See yourself: the original foto: , the highlight which is 0 KB: , the sized one also 0 KB: , and the thumbnail also 0 KB: . Why Gallery can't create them correctly?
another issue with Gallery 1.5.10: I've tried to remove the old Gallery-directories but I can't remove the "albums", exactly the ".users"-, directory. Is there a possibility to force the delete, otherwhise as the shellcommand "rm -rf"?
Posts: 8
I can't do anything with the via Gallery-uploaded foto even creation of thumbnails and highligts (files are always 0 KB sized). It must be a problem with the image processing libary. I took the NetPBM binary package from the Gallery Download Page: , can't remember exactly which version for which system. Maybe I took the wrong one and that's why it doesn't function. Hard to say which is the right one because I can only speculate what system configuration runs on the server, but it has to be something with unix /linux. Is there a possibility of getting concrete information about processor, operating system, apache version via shell commands?
p.s. I solved the problem with deleting the albumdirectories thanks to Bharats beautiful working cleanup script: .
Posts: 8
I think the systemversion is the right one. After trying I think I got the core of the problem why thumbnails and highlights will not appear (by the way: I deleted the pictures to which lead the former posted links, so they don't work any longer of course). Gallery creates both with the same size than the original. But if the original picture is bigger than 4 KByte! it doesn't work like I described already, the highlight- and the thumbnailfile are 0 KByte then. If the original is 4 KByte or smaller the highlight- and the thumbnailfile were created with the same size like the original. This can't be normal. Has anyone a solution for let working this correctly? I don't get this fixed.
Posts: 6818
Please enable debugging in the configuration and upload a photo with the form method.
Post the output here.
J/Gallery Developer
Posts: 8
Thx for the hint. Didn't recognize this possiblity already. Here the report:
save_photos.php::358 -> Now we start processing the given Files. (If they were given)
Processing 1 element.
albumItem.php::666 -> Start processing single file (image/movie not archive).
albumItem.php::669 -> Extension is accepted.
albumItem.php::671 -> Filename processing.
albumItem.php::720 -> No caption given, generating it.
albumItem.php::479 -> Generated caption. Type: filename
Adding bundesvögelchen.jpg
Album.php::1312 -> Doing the naming of the physical file.
Album.php::1350 -> Image preprocessing
Album.php::1355 -> Resizing/compressing original file
imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/linux/chko1amw/public_html/gallery1.5/albums/Gemischtes/bundesv_gelchen_001.jpg.
util.php::237 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/linux/chko1amw/public_html/gallery1.5/albums/Gemischtes/bundesv_gelchen_001.jpg
imageManipulation.php::73 -> No resizing required.
imageManipulation.php::676 -> File /home/linux/chko1amw/public_html/gallery1.5/albums/Gemischtes/bundesv_gelchen_001.jpg type 2.
util.php::237 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/linux/chko1amw/public_html/gallery1.5/albums/Gemischtes/bundesv_gelchen_001.jpg
AlbumItem.php::697 -> Generating thumbnail.
AlbumItem.php::778 -> Generating normal thumbs.
imageManipulation.php::37 -> Resizing Image: /home/linux/chko1amw/public_html/gallery1.5/albums/Gemischtes/bundesv_gelchen_001.jpg.
util.php::237 -> Getting Dimension of file: /home/linux/chko1amw/public_html/gallery1.5/albums/Gemischtes/bundesv_gelchen_001.jpg
imageManipulation.php::797 -> Compressing image: /home/linux/chko1amw/public_html/gallery1.5/albums/Gemischtes/bundesv_gelchen_001.jpg
util.php::183 -> Executing: '../../netpbm/jpegtopnm' '/home/linux/chko1amw/public_html/gallery1.5/albums/Gemischtes/bundesv_gelchen_001.jpg' | '../../netpbm/pnmscale' -xysize 150 150 | '../../netpbm/pnmtojpeg' --quality=50 > '/home/linux/chko1amw/public_html/gallery1.5/albums/Gemischtes/bundesv_gelchen_001.thumb.jpg'
Debug messages:
sh: ../../netpbm/jpegtopnm: No such file or directory
sh: ../../netpbm/pnmscale: No such file or directory
sh: ../../netpbm/pnmtojpeg: No such file or directory
Status: 127 (expected 0)
util.php::621 -> Got no capture date. Using file modification time.
util.php::632 -> Item Capture Date: Fri Dec 4 19:24:40 2009
Album.php::1443 -> Check if image needs to be rotated
Item successfully added.
Operation was done successfully. Emailing is on, but no email was sent as no valid email address was found.
Posts: 8
Got the solution. Had a relative path to my netpbm-directory given in configuration. Gallery took it and saved the configuration without errormessages. Tried an absolute path than instead and now it works correctly, nice! Thx again for the saving idea with switching the debugmode on.