Hi folks!
I have some problems to get "Gallery Remote" running with ImageMagick and jpegtran support 
1008|INFO |ImageUtils|useIM: true
1008|INFO |ImageUtils|imPath: /usr/bin/convert
1013|TRACE|ImageUtils|Executing /usr/bin/convert -size 128x128 -filter Box "img/default.gif" -resize "128x128" +profile "*" /tmp/thumbs/thumb28890.jpg 1082|TRACE|ImageUtils|Returned with value 1
1082|CRITI|ImageUtils|ImageMagick doesn't seem to be working. Disabling
$ /usr/bin/convert -size 128x128 -filter Box "img/default.gif" -resize "128x128" +profile "*" /tmp/thumbs/thumb28890.jpg
$ echo $?
jpegtran is also disabled at startup, but as standalone application it works fine too!
My jpegtran/jpegtran file:
# should jpegtran support be enabled?
# path to the executable (must be a fully-qualified path)
And my imagemagick/im.properties file:
# should ImageMagick support be enabled?
# path to the convert executable installed with ImageMagick
# Filters
# Point
# Box
# Triangle
# Hermite
# Hanning
# Hamming
# Blackman
# Gaussian
# Quadratic
# Cubic
# Catrom
# Mitchell
# Lanczos Default
# Bessel
# Sinc
# filter used for resize of thumbnails
# filter used for resize of preview
# filter used for resize of upload
# Formats
# jpg Better for large images
# gif Better for small images (8-bit)
# filter used for resize of thumbnails
# filter used for resize of preview
Posts: 1479
Very strange!! Which version of Java is that on?
Posts: 2
$ java -version
java version "1.4.1"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.4.1-01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.4.1-01, mixed mode)
Posts: 1479
OK. I've assumed that this is a Linux-specific bug, and I have added to GR 1.2 betas a flag in the im.properties and jpegtran.properties that instructs GR to disregard the error code returned by these applications.
This is set by default to false on Windows, and you probably need to set it to true on Linux.
Can you try it out? Thanks.