Quite new to these website maintenance stuff... please apologize if this question is awkward..
I set up a Gallery2 site. I have an error message when attempting to access the website.
Discussions with the french hebergeur (OVH) lead to the conclusion that my site has too many simultaneous requests.
Basically, I don't know what these requests are, and neither what to change and how to change it to correct this.
Without access to my site, I do not have access to the administrative section. Only have access via FileZilla.
Thanks for your help 
Posts: 16504
Without seeing the entire error message, I'm betting this is coming from the database and you're host has heavily restricted limits on system and database resources (most likely so they can get the most bang for their buck and really over sell their services)
You can try editing your config.php file and setting the usePersistentConnections setting to false if it's not already:
$storeConfig['usePersistentConnections'] = false;
Do you have any idea how many people are visiting your site?
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Posts: 14
Thanks for the reply...
There is no "entire error message": entering the www.patati.patata.fr subdomain address in a browser address bar is followed by a long long long loading time which finally ends with a blank page with "Error" written on
Regarding the question of my website traffic: I would say very few to few people. It's a gallery for friends and family to see my daughter growing from kneeling to walking on her feet
I've checked the config.php line you mentioned: unfortunately, it already is set to False.
Would you have any other idea - beside arguing with my host...?
Many thanks!
Posts: 16504
Did you typo your site address? I can't access it, period. Unknown host.
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Posts: 14
Posts: 16504
o.k. Put Gallery into buffered debug mode and post back when you've done that.
FAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?
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Posts: 14
ouptut text is quite long.
starts with:
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 263 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryStorage.class at line 588 (mysqlstorage::_getconnection)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2912 (mysqlstorage::getmapentry)
* in modules/core/classes/GallerySession.class at line 872 (gallerycoreapi::getmapentry)
* in modules/core/classes/GallerySession.class at line 231 (gallerysession::_loadsessiondata)
* in modules/core/classes/Gallery.class at line 287 (gallerysession::init)
* in init.inc at line 124 (gallery::initsession)
* in main.php at line 81
Posts: 14
do you have access to the full output file?
error output [/output.txt[/url]
Posts: 16504
Ah, here we go:
In config.php, double check your database connection settings:
database name
Something isn't right with at least one of those.
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Posts: 14
I've checked these lines.
The thing is, I have absolutely no idea what these are.
I mean, this is what I got:
$storeConfig['hostname'] = 'sql3.modules';
$storeConfig['database'] = '539787-2';
$storeConfig['username'] = '539787-2';
$storeConfig['password'] = 'xxxxxxxxx';
and... I just don't know: never heard of these things...
Let me guess: the best I can do is ask my sql connection settings to my host, change the config.php file with these, and hope it'll work?
Posts: 16504
I'd ask your host to verify that those settings are correct. I'm suspecting that sql3.modules is not a valid hostname (computer name), but I don't know how your host has things setup.
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Posts: 14
ok; so I'll go ask my host.
I'll go back to this topic as soon as I have their answer - few days I guess...
Anyway, thank you for your help!
be back as soon as I can
Posts: 14
I've ask a friend of mine to try to see what he could do. Well, I don't know what he did, but he did it good: my gallery is back.
Still, I'll have to figure out where this mess comes from...
Anyway, great thanks for your help, and for the time you spent on this