Following a server crash I've completely rebuilt the support environment using the latest releases of Apache, PHP and mySQL on a Windows XP-SP3 machine. Originally I had two separate versions of Gallery2 running on two separate databases and decided to keep it that way. My first re-store was a version 2.3.0 edition. It installed nicely and perfectly upgraded to 2.3.1. The second re-store was a version 2.2.5 and it also came back without issue; however, when I try to upgrade it to 2.3.1 I am no longer able to log in under any account. I consistently get the "Error has occurred" page. I've spent hours accomplishing the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Restore to 2.2.5 --> no issues. Upgrade directly to 2.3.1 --> Receive "Security Violation" error page
2. Restore back to 2.2.5 --> no issues. Log in as admin and disable all plug-ins. Upgrade directly to 2.3.1 --> Unable to log in.
3. Restore back to 2.2.5 --> no issues. Upgrade to 2.2.6 --> No Issues! Upgrade to 2.3.1 --> Unable to see main page or log in.
4. Restore back to 2.2.6 --> no issues. Upgrade to 2.3.0 --> Unable to log in Upgrade to 2.3.1 --> Unable to Log in
I then went into the database and made sure all plug-ins except the matrix theme had been deactivated. No change.
I tried the manual log in string and the admin log in in emergency reset with no change. Each time I roll back to 2.2.5 or 2.2.6 it works fine.
I'm at a loss..and unfortunately come New Years I won't have direct access to this machine for 14 months. Any help, thoughts... suggestions... or insight would be appreciated.
I'd hate to be stuck at this version or require my wife to re-accomplish the years of work this database represents...might be good for me to be going downrange for a year! Heh!
Posts: 23
Please read this:
may be sometimes better to stay with old version? until you are sure what to do, where is a problem with upgrade.
Nivekiam gave some important advices.
Happy New Year !

Posts: 1642
The pertinent line is #4 where going from 2.2.6 to 2.3.0 showed issues.
Can you please explain how exactly you upgraded? Did you upload ALL the 2.3.0 files into the 2.2.6 folder?
Posts: 6
Thanks for the feedback PaulYaro. Yes, with major customization it is sometimes better to stick with an older version. My only issue is longevity as stability as I'll be managing this remotely for my wife for some time.
Dayo, I downloaded and unzipped the Full Install package. Then ran the upgrade module. I was getting this PHP error about the system date not being formatted properly, but I've read here on the forums that this is simply PHP trying to enforce how code should be written and can be ignored.
Posts: 16504
Zip and post your upgrade logs for the troubled install. They are located in your g2data directory.
Though I think Dayo may be hitting on a very valid point. Try downloading the FULL package instead of the "Typical" (the default download package) or "Minimal" packages. If you have/use languages other than English, then grab the Full All Language package. And try the upgrade again.
You can stop reading here, I'm going to get wordy...
Yes and no. I still strongly recommend being on the latest release of Gallery. I never said or insinuated or hinted that it "may be sometimes better to stay with the old version", at least that was not my intention. If you read that, I'm sorry, that's not what I was trying to get across.
Sure, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. However, with software, things can be a bit different. If you want something supported if you run into problems, get on a supported version and with Gallery, that's our latest release. If you have a security vulnerability in your version which has since been fixed and don't upgrade and then get hacked, don't blame the software, developers or the project. If you have a public site you should be running the latest version, at least 2.2.6 or 2.3 as there are no known security issues with either of those versions.
If you've made extensive changes to Gallery, I'd recommend doing a diff between your code and a current version and seeing what you need to do. If you're still running with the 2.2 code base you probably don't need to change a lot. G3 being run in Git and hosted on github makes it super easy (for developer and highly technical type people) for you to fork the code base, make modifications and still keep current with other changes.
That being said, if this isn't a public site and it's working, I see no major reason to upgrade. The only new/cool feature I can see or think of between 2.2.5 and 2.3 is the cooliris slideshow. There were some security related issues fixed/changed between 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 / 2.3, but if this isn't a public site, I might not worry about it. Security issues aside, if you're on a private, local network, the likelihood of your Gallery or site getting hacked is pretty dang low.
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Posts: 6
Output attached. This is the upgrade from 2.2.6 to 2.3.0 file. And yes, I always select the FULL package to upgrade with.
Thanks for your help!
Posts: 16504
So you see no issues on 2.3.0 on PHP 5.3? I find that hard to believe, but if that's the case just run that, the only changes made to 2.3.1 were to make G2 work properly under PHP 5.3.x and a few very minor changes to a couple of plugins like Remote and Upload Applet to put new jar files with new signed certs in place.
Can you post the upgrade log where things go bad? The one to 2.3.1.
The only thing I see that may be a possibility. Before upgrading to 2.3.1, under a version that's working correctly, clear all your database and template cache, then also uninstall (not just deactivate) all plugins not absolutely needed. The only one I see an possible error on is httpauth, so I'd make sure that is one that is uninstalled. NOTE: uninstalling plugins removes their related data from the database, so if you have comments, you probably wouldn't want to uninstall that one. However, if you are using others like Icons or Imageframe or Dcraw, or EXIF, etc, I'd uninstall those. You'll loose their settings, but those can be setup again.
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Posts: 6
Actually, I started with 2.2.5 and went to 2.2.6 with no issues. With the upgrade to 2.3.0 is when I am no longer able to log in. ...and like I said, I'm also running a second instance, version 2.3.1, on the same machine with no issues (been doing this for 6+ years).
You mentioned PHP 5.3?? Are there know compatibility issues? I acquired the most recent stable recommended release (5.3.1)...and like I said..seems to work on my site thus far... I've only had it back for two days. It's also running my wife's Wordpress site...
OK... I'll clean house... back down to 2.2.6 and not just deactivate but uninstall all plug-ins. I'll then update to 2.3.1 and if it works I'll install only those plug-ins I actually use.
Here we go!!
Posts: 16504
Yes, with versions prior to 2.3.1 Gallery made use of a function (eregi) that's been deprecated and that would throw errors. But I know very little of getting Apache, PHP, MySQL, Gallery running on Windows. Perhaps some settings are different for Windows. I've only ever installed the Apache+PHP+MySQL stack on Windows using XAMPP
See this commit by mindless:
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Posts: 6
Hmmm... Went through all the steps... not only disabled but deleted plug-ins. What I had left was comments, captcha, and the thumbnail plug-in. all disabled but not deleted. No change. Unable to log in after upgrade and the Emergency Password Recover fails as well...very strange... Looks like I'm stuck for fear being that over time I'll loose support and security. Is there a way to do a Fresh 2.3.1 install...then import the data from another database using the same g2data?
Just in case you see something I don't....the update log is attached.
Posts: 16504
You'd just have exactly what you have now
As far as I can tell, you do probably have a working install and the upgrade is in fact finishing successfully, just logging in isn't working. Try going through these:
FAQ: I can't login anymore, what can I do now?
Is this a public site? If not I wouldn't worry too much about the security aspect. Also, if 2.2.6 is working, then you should be fine there as there are no known security issues with that version of Gallery.
Compare the output of phpinfo for the two different installs of Gallery:
FAQ: How do I create a phpinfo page?
Physical access shouldn't be needed for anything like this. If New Years does come and go, and you have internet access to this machine, just install Logmein, it's free and easy to use.
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Posts: 16504
Perhaps what shinsui found on his install here:
Try making sure the directory PHP is using for sessions is empty.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 6
Thanks for your time and help! I'll keep working at it when I have time...for now I'll do the rollback. This is a "Public available site"... yes, but I have some security measures of my own in place...and only our friends and family really look anyways. I keep all the Top Secret stuff elsewhere <SMURK>
Thanks again and have a Happy New Years!