Play automatically all songs in album


Joined: 2006-11-28
Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 2010-01-24 07:00

Hi everyone of team gallery2,

I added my music-albums to my gallery2. The integrated flash player looks cool.
But I wonder if I could play all songs under each of the music-album directories automatically.
I mean that I have to click one by one to play all the songs from any music-albums.
Shall I make playlists? Or what can I do for it? How can I realize what I want to do?

Thanks in advance.

Gallery version = 2.3.1 core
API = Core 7.54, Module 3.9, Theme 2.6, Embed 1.5
PHP version = 4.3.9 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
Database = mysql 4.1.22, lock.system=flock
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Ffmpeg, Getid3, ImageMagick, SquareThumb, Thumbnail, Gd, Dcraw, NetPBM, LinkItemToolkit
Acceleration = none/3600, none/3600
Operating system = Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-89.0.18.EL #1 Tue Dec 15 14:01:55 EST 2009 i686
Default theme = siriux
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; ja-JP-mac; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 32
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 53018
Rows in GalleryUser table = 6
Rows in GalleryItem table = 52967
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 2199
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0

encoded_9 from Tokyo

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sun, 2010-01-24 14:12

The full player can handle it.



Joined: 2006-11-28
Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 2010-01-25 10:15

Hello suprsidr,

I'll check on it.