possible to use directory passwords?


Joined: 2010-09-03
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-03 10:10


I'm looking into gallery2 as a possible solution for a day-care centre's photo site.

There are about 20 groups with children and photos are organised per group and within each group there are public photos and private photos that can only be viewed by the parents. Security need is very shallow, just preventing average Joe from viewing children's pictures without permission. The current solution is using phpalbum(.net) however that isn't very capable for uploading and organising photos within the site.

So basically I want the site to look like:

general/(public photos)

group1/... (some photos public)
group1/private/.... (private photos)
group1/private/day-X/.... (private photos)
group1/private/day-Y/.... (private photos)

group2/... (some photos public)
group2/private/.... (private photos)
group2/private/day-A/.... (private photos)
group2/private/day-B/.... (private photos)

All photos under "private" should be private, i.e. viewable after authenticating using a "secret password" (possibly a user+password combination)

in http terms, I'd protect the private directories using a .htaccess file and automatically everything below it would be protected as well.

To upload and organise photos separate accounts are needed, I assume that this is no problem using gallery2, but the above problem doesn't look possible from what I can tell, but I'd love to be wrong...



suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-03 11:00

Joined: 2010-09-03
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-03 12:41

Ah tnx, that's great. It also protects all subdirectories it seems :-)

