People Tags?


Joined: 2010-09-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2010-09-05 12:04

I have gallery 2 setup and running on 2 non-profit org sites that I admin and it is working well but I am looking at creating a personal site and am in need of some guidance.

Basically I use Windows Lvie Photo Gallery to organzie my personal photos (around 35GB worth, with around 20,000 ish photos). I have used the people tag for photo gallery to tag everyone in all of my photos and the gallery writes these tags to the actual file data so it is accessible form other programes. What I am looking to do is setup a an online photo gallery that either monitors the folder on my server to add new/edited photos or even an upload based one would be fine but te key feature I am trying to implement is have people being able to search to photos by the people tags in the EXIF data of each file.

I don't know if Gallery v2 or v3 will be able to accomplish this, if it can I could use some help with where to setup the tag searchin ability and if it cannot any suggestion for gallery software free or pay that will enable me to do this. I am even open to using a site like flickr but I don't think any of them have this option.

THanks, Phil