Hello, I need a little help here.
I'm using this code to add a banner rotator to my template
{include_php file='http://www.domain-domain.net/adrotator/728x90-1/ad_rotator.php'}
but I get: "Smarty error: file is not readable".
While if I paste the address in my browser, I DO see the ad banners, so the php file IS indeed readable.
Why can't Gallery see it?
I have tried several versions of the include, but either I don't get anything or I get that error 
Posts: 16504
You can't use http:// to specify the file to include. You need to list the full path on the server
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Posts: 123
Now I get this error: The action you attempted is not permitted.
But I read that if I use an absolute path, the system shouldn't find a security violation.
Posts: 16504
You can try using plain PHP by wrapping that with php tags:
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