Hi all, I've run into a formatting problem now that I've had a chance to get back into the gallery and cart. Sairez, I'm still loving this cart, I just wish I had more time to devote to getting it set up. In time, I'll get it.
I've updated four files fooliecart.php and calccart.php in the fooliecart folder, and inline_photo.footer2.fooliecart and inline_photothumb.frame2.fooliecart in the html_wrap folder.
When viewing the cart, the price, update button and remove button are out of alignment. I'm still looking for a solution, but if anyone has come across this problem and its solution, I would appreciate some advice.
Found the problem. I had copied several lines of code to add 16x20 prints and to add the extra buck for shipping. In that, I picked up a </td> tag and it was throwing the stuff off.
Joined: 2003-11-25
Posts: 35
Posted: Mon, 2003-12-08 17:55
Hi Sairez
Thanks for the code it looks like it's going to do exactly what I want. Although I am having similar problems to other people witht he shopping cart, ie when I click the add to cart it doesn't pull anything into the cart (if that makes sense). I not a mysql expert or anything so was wondering if you had any suggestions?
Joined: 2003-10-07
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2003-12-09 16:47
I am a newby and am having problems with this cart. Could someone please help.
I uploaded and made the changes as needed and when I view a album I keep getting errors like the following in my headers, footers and the cart area below the photo.
Warning: Failed opening 'cart_defaults.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/sites/home/web/gallery/html_wrap/album.header1.fooliecart on line 17
Is there a setting I missed? Please help
Joined: 2003-08-19
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2003-12-10 05:21
Has anyone experienced a problem getting the extra shipping charges to apply? I've got several items in addition to prints that I'd like to offer, but want to add the $1/item shipping to these items. As it stands now, the extra shipping is being added to the $3.95 standard shipping. However, the confirmation page and the confirmation and order emails are showing only the $3.95 standard shipping.
I saw this suggestion before on this topic. DO you think it would be difficult to add several pictures (with same properties for instance) to
the cart in one click. Let's say somewhere in the header of the album
it could be the same list as below each picture but applying to all images in the album.
If anyone worked on this before, i'd be happy to know.
Anyway, good job
Joined: 2003-06-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2003-12-10 21:50
currently testing this cart at the following URL, and continue having problems. Feel free to test using the following URL - http://www.munimusic.com/gallery
Here are some things I found...
First time in, added quantity of 2 for a print, and then added a different,
additional print, but the first one went away, and was replaced by the
newer selection. I have not had consistent results in trying to duplicate
After deleting everything in my cart and clicking the button to clear my
cart, and closing my browser, sometimes when I revisit the site there is
still something in my cart.
If I manually change the quantity while in the cart view, and then continue
shopping, and then revisit the cart, the quantity has gone back down to one
(even though I set it to two before I continued shopping). Oops, my fault,
I did not click the "Update" button.
>From cart, I continue shopping, then click on a print (not clicking "Add to
cart" but clicking on the image itself), and then go directly to cart, my
cart now appears empty even though I had an item in it. But then I tried
this scenario again and was unable to duplicate it and it worked correctly
the next time I tried.
Right after placing order, my cart became empty. I closed the browser and
went back in, and now my cart has some, but not all, of the items I
recently ordered.
These are the things that I continue to notice.
any suggestions to what can be done to fix this would be appreciated.
- robert
Joined: 2003-12-11
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2003-12-11 21:04
hi guys,
i just got the code an installed the gallery cart. my problems:
1.) when i click on an image in any album iget the following error:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '{' in /home/imagebank/www/gallery/view_photo.php on line 1
2.) when i click "add to cart" i get a blank page, as well as when i click "view cart"
the sql database seems to be correctly installed; the fooliecart.zip was downloaded 10.dec.
I installed it in minutes to an existing gallery and even was able to add the table to mySQL. Very nice and clean. Thank you so much.
One question/request:
I'd love to be able to have different purchase options for each album. For example, in a wedding album have the standard sizes available like they are now. In a sports album, a different set of sizes/prices.
Any ideas as to how this could be done?
Joined: 2003-11-25
Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 2003-12-16 13:12
I've noticed that a few people, like me, have had problems getting the items added into the shopping cart.
Apparently the problem is in the php.ini file on the server. You need to get the register_globals variable set to ON.
For more information and a possible work around check out the following:
If tha'ts the problem The easiest way to get around is to
create an .htaccess file, if it doesnt exit yet..and add this line
php_flag register_globals on
Put the .htaccess file in the your root folder and it should work..
Joined: 2003-11-05
Posts: 98
Posted: Tue, 2003-12-16 21:21
I just did a clean install of the cart and so far so good : )
Question, anyone familiar with paypal shopping system, can give us any idea how to pass the total generated by this foolie cart to paypal...I was thinking to replace the confirmation page with a page that links people to paypal to finish the transaction...
So my quesiton is to have a paypal "buy now" button that can pull the total from fooliecart? So when people click on it, they'll got to paypal to pay...
p.s I know there's a paypal cart out there already..I jsut wanted to try how this can be done do this fooliecat.. thanks.
Joined: 2003-01-28
Posts: 126
Posted: Tue, 2003-12-16 22:29
Or a choice so they can choose PayPal as an option...
Joined: 2003-06-05
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2003-12-16 23:03
I continue to have problems with the cart properly adding image orders to the cart. After selecting an image and adding to the cart. Sometimes when i Continue shopping and add another image the previous addition to the cart disappears. Anyone else having this problem? See for yourself www.munimusic.com/gallery. Help!!!
Joined: 2003-11-05
Posts: 98
Posted: Wed, 2003-12-17 10:12
It seesm to be working fine when I test it...Have you tried turn register global on? I had similar problem before, but it's ok after the change...
Btw, I like your "The page you have requested does not exist." page : ) its so much better than a 404 error...Can you share the code or recommend some available such script?
And your special login.php is quite considerate and looks nice too! Great work!
dollop wrote:
I continue to have problems with the cart properly adding image orders to the cart. After selecting an image and adding to the cart. Sometimes when i Continue shopping and add another image the previous addition to the cart disappears. Anyone else having this problem? See for yourself www.munimusic.com/gallery. Help!!!
Joined: 2003-06-15
Posts: 33
Posted: Thu, 2003-12-18 14:31
Noticed something - There is a looping problem of some sort (which could cause some of dollops probs). I add a photo to the cart and it assigns a OrderID number. When I add a second pic to the cart the OrderID is changed and that number seems to stick after that. So my problem is what loop is doing it?
Joined: 2003-10-01
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2003-12-19 16:29
Please advise me as well when the code is available. Thank you for the effort.
Joined: 2002-09-28
Posts: 27
Posted: Tue, 2003-12-30 23:20
Please also let me know when the code is available.. thanks!
Joined: 2002-10-21
Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 2004-01-08 00:32
Today I installed the shopping cart and all works great. Now I have to fine tune prices, etc.
One thing I have noticed though is that the adminstrative drop down for editing the images of the gallery (ie. describe, move, rotate, etc) do not work. Has anyone noticed this? I haven't seen any mention of this in this thread.
Other then that problem, everything looks good. Thanks for devleoping and sharing the code.
Joined: 2003-12-16
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2004-01-08 03:16
Yep, it breaks it. Email me and I'll send you a fix (the fix breaks voting though)
Joined: 2002-10-21
Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 2004-01-08 04:54
Thanks, I emailed you privately. I definately need the editing functions more then voting.
Joined: 2003-02-20
Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-12 05:06
To whoever knows mysql better than me :
I've installed foolio over my Gallery install, everything went well. I get no error messages, but no images add to my cart. In fact, nothing is getting added to the mysql db at all. I believe I set it up properly:
mysql> describe orders;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| order_id | varchar(25) | | MUL | | |
| photo_id | text | | | | |
| photo_quantity | int(3) | | | 1 | |
| photo_size | varchar(9) | | | | |
| keyz | int(5) | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I already tried adding the global line to my .htaccess file, but no avail.
I appreciate any assistance!
Joined: 2002-10-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Fri, 2004-01-23 06:39
I recently installed this shopping cart and was really pleased with its overall flow and look and feel. However, customizing it proved to be very problem-matic. I noticed that there were several changes made to the "view_album.php" which made me a little uncomfortable and I wasn't very excited about the way that the cart manages the items within it ... so I started from scratch and wrote a compltely new cart with the same look and feel as the fooliecart. This new cart does not require any changes to the native Gallery files ... all changes occur in the cart config and the html_wrap. In addition the item types are in one multi-dimensional array stored in the config file ... just make the change in one place and all the drop downs are updated ... yippie. Now I'm at the stage where I could use some "Beta" testers to try it out a flush out the bugs. I've installed this new cart on my test server at home so you'll have to deal with my cable speeds. If the demand is high enough perhaps I'll load it up on a server in colo. Here is the informtaion for the test server:
Feel free to submit some orders and play with the admin interface.
I am willing to share the code if anyone is interested. Just email me at
with your questions and comments ... comments would be nice
Joined: 2003-09-25
Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 2004-01-31 06:58
pomeroyt, I really like your cart. I like the oreder management as well.
One question: How difficult would it be for someone who understands php (better than I do) to add credit card taking to this? Not live processing, but taking the card into the database for offline processing.
Joined: 2002-07-24
Posts: 81
Posted: Sun, 2004-02-01 22:33
I am also interrested in the code. Great job !
Joined: 2004-02-02
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2004-02-02 14:05
Kudos to both sairez and pomeroyt for this very handy (and pretty) cart. I've installed the pomeroyt version without a hitch and am posting some feedback about his version.
IMO, it simply takes too many steps for a purchase. I know that when I purchase items on the web, my irritation level increases with each screen I have to click through. While order confirmation via email is handy in eliminating fake orders, doesn't receipt of payment serve the same purpose? I think it should take a mininum number of steps for my customers to purchase a print.
Also, I've noticed that the Back button doesn't always function as intended. For example, if I access a photo via a search result, the Back button takes me to the album page instead of back to my search results.
Aside from these minor details, I've found that this cart is great. It would be perfect if the shipping/billing address screen had three buttons at the bottom - one for payment by check, which would function exactly as the script currently works, and two others: payment by Paypal, and payment by CC. Paypal is easy to implement and convenient if you have an account, but asking customers to sign up for a Paypal account is just one more hurdle between them and a purchase.
Just some thoughts.
Joined: 2002-10-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Sat, 2004-02-07 23:24
jhailer wrote:
Kudos to both sairez and pomeroyt for this very handy (and pretty) cart. I've installed the pomeroyt version without a hitch and am posting some feedback about his version.
IMO, it simply takes too many steps for a purchase. I know that when I purchase items on the web, my irritation level increases with each screen I have to click through. While order confirmation via email is handy in eliminating fake orders, doesn't receipt of payment serve the same purpose? I think it should take a mininum number of steps for my customers to purchase a print.
Also, I've noticed that the Back button doesn't always function as intended. For example, if I access a photo via a search result, the Back button takes me to the album page instead of back to my search results.
Aside from these minor details, I've found that this cart is great. It would be perfect if the shipping/billing address screen had three buttons at the bottom - one for payment by check, which would function exactly as the script currently works, and two others: payment by Paypal, and payment by CC. Paypal is easy to implement and convenient if you have an account, but asking customers to sign up for a Paypal account is just one more hurdle between them and a purchase.
Just some thoughts.
Thank you for all the great feedback. At first I was trying to ensure that the orders from people were not fake ... and the only way I could think of doing that was a confirm link in the email ... but you're absolutely right ... it's just better business practice to wait for payment. As a result I have made some changes to my cart to reflect this change. I have also added PayPal "donation" to the cart. This will allow for credit card transactions and should close that gap on requested features. If you're interested in demoing the changes please visit this link:
If you're interested in the code ... then download it from the attachment in this post.
Joined: 2003-01-28
Posts: 126
Posted: Sun, 2004-02-08 04:05
I just placed a test order and it looks like it works great!!! (I noted in the address field that it was a TEST order so you would know!!!!) I have downloaded the files, and hope to try it out later this week. It works with 1.4.2?
Now if I can just get post cards working like I want them too.....
Joined: 2003-11-05
Posts: 98
Posted: Sun, 2004-02-08 15:29
I've played with this Jenado cart for a while and this is by far the best gallery cart...
It has a very clean look, easily customizable config file, paypal support, and best of all, a powerful order administration fucntion, which no other gallery carts have yet...
I'll recommend to anyone and give it a 9.9/10...It would have been a 10/10 if it included some sort of discount system, based on username, or products, like the other ppstore cart does..
Give it a try, Im sure ya'al will like it too.
Great work, thanks million, Tim....
Joined: 2003-12-09
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2004-02-09 05:48
Thank you Tim for emailing your shopping cart to me and your efforts in producing it. It looks like it will work perfectly for what I am planning. :lol: I was pleasantly surprised to find you had added the Paypal and cash/check code as I was describing to you in my email to you. I like it just the way you have it, only thing I will add is an option for paying by electronic check. I have installed it in a just upgraded 1.42 gallery and it seems to work great. I did find a problem in 1.42 regarding the "improved subalbum" which someone else posted earlier and I will have to solve that and setup some custom colors and backgrounds in my gallery. You have saved me a lot of work and I appreciate it very much. I highly recommend your shopping cart.
I've been experimenting with this cart and am very excited with it. I've started getting some PHP errors that I was hoping someone here might have some insight into. The problem didn't happen when I first installed the cart, but has persisted now through a fresh cart/gallery installation. It obviously relates to session handling, but the cart seems to work just fine regardless. Here are the errors I'm seeing at the top of my cart pages:
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/joaquim/public_html/galleries/cart/inc/config.php:88) in /home/joaquim/public_html/galleries/cart/cart.php on line 9
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/joaquim/public_html/galleries/cart/inc/config.php:88) in /home/joaquim/public_html/galleries/cart/cart.php on line 9
Any input or suggestions would be appreciated.
Joined: 2002-10-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Tue, 2004-02-10 15:10
jhailer wrote:
I've been experimenting with this cart and am very excited with it. I've started getting some PHP errors that I was hoping someone here might have some insight into. The problem didn't happen when I first installed the cart, but has persisted now through a fresh cart/gallery installation. It obviously relates to session handling, but the cart seems to work just fine regardless. Here are the errors I'm seeing at the top of my cart pages:
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/joaquim/public_html/galleries/cart/inc/config.php:88) in /home/joaquim/public_html/galleries/cart/cart.php on line 9
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/joaquim/public_html/galleries/cart/inc/config.php:88) in /home/joaquim/public_html/galleries/cart/cart.php on line 9
Any input or suggestions would be appreciated.
hmm ... there might be something in you config.php that is echo-ing out something ... so what you can do if move the "session_start();" from line 9 to line 2. That should get rid of the warning and the error.
Hope that helps ... Tim
Joined: 2002-11-26
Posts: 127
Posted: Wed, 2004-02-11 17:43
Installed Sairez version but get this when clicking on add to cart?
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/test/public_html/test/fooliecart/fooliecart.php on line 57
Order ID not found
Joined: 2002-11-26
Posts: 127
Posted: Wed, 2004-02-11 19:31
Just installed the Jenado version on another gallery, I do not receive any sort of notification when order is confirmed?
How do I turn off the Zip code Required field?
Where do I change the States to regions of other Countries (There are more than just the USA)?
Would it be possible to add a Country drop down box which then changes the States drop down to correspond.?
Is this easily fixable as I do like the look of it.
Joined: 2003-01-28
Posts: 126
Posted: Wed, 2004-02-11 20:16
I don't know if you did already, but it might be a good idea to start a new topic about your cart to keep the cart discussions separate!!!
Joined: 2003-11-05
Posts: 98
Posted: Thu, 2004-02-12 00:25
hi, there,
1. order confirmation is sent via email. Make sure your email settings are correct. also these emails are well likely to be in your bulk folder..
other than that, email function should work perfectly..
2. states are listed in the function file in the inc folder. you can change to the states in yoru country. if you like more features like dropdown menu for countries..guess you'll have to code yourself..: ) I'd love to see that feature too.: )
hope it helps
clothahump wrote:
Just installed the Jenado version on another gallery, I do not receive any sort of notification when order is confirmed?
How do I turn off the Zip code Required field?
Where do I change the States to regions of other Countries (There are more than just the USA)?
Would it be possible to add a Country drop down box which then changes the States drop down to correspond.?
Is this easily fixable as I do like the look of it.
Joined: 2002-10-14
Posts: 18
Posted: Sat, 2004-02-14 01:33
FYI ... I started a new thread for my "Jenado" cart to seperate out the discussion. here's the new thread.
Thanks for creating your version of the cart. I know my script was too buggy to use, and I'm too busy to help people fix it. I really just wanted to spark people to get one built.
=) good job!
Joined: 2004-03-05
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2004-03-05 01:05
That shopping cart script looks awesome! I would love to try it out if Sairez or anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it!
AMENDMENT - I just found the zip download. Will try it out ASAP! Thanks Sairez!
Posts: 8
Does anyone have a guess as to how difficult this would be to integrate into paypal or any other credit card processing setups?
Posts: 21
A PayPal cart has been discussed here:
Posts: 21
Found the problem. I had copied several lines of code to add 16x20 prints and to add the extra buck for shipping. In that, I picked up a </td> tag and it was throwing the stuff off.
Posts: 35
Hi Sairez
Thanks for the code it looks like it's going to do exactly what I want. Although I am having similar problems to other people witht he shopping cart, ie when I click the add to cart it doesn't pull anything into the cart (if that makes sense). I not a mysql expert or anything so was wondering if you had any suggestions?
Posts: 3
I am a newby and am having problems with this cart. Could someone please help.
I uploaded and made the changes as needed and when I view a album I keep getting errors like the following in my headers, footers and the cart area below the photo.
Warning: Failed opening 'cart_defaults.php' for inclusion (include_path='') in /home/sites/home/web/gallery/html_wrap/album.header1.fooliecart on line 17
Is there a setting I missed? Please help
Posts: 21
Has anyone experienced a problem getting the extra shipping charges to apply? I've got several items in addition to prints that I'd like to offer, but want to add the $1/item shipping to these items. As it stands now, the extra shipping is being added to the $3.95 standard shipping. However, the confirmation page and the confirmation and order emails are showing only the $3.95 standard shipping.
How do I get this fixed?
www.thegraphicsmith.net/gallery/ to see how it all works (or should).
Posts: 1
Hello !
I saw this suggestion before on this topic. DO you think it would be difficult to add several pictures (with same properties for instance) to
the cart in one click. Let's say somewhere in the header of the album
it could be the same list as below each picture but applying to all images in the album.
If anyone worked on this before, i'd be happy to know.
Anyway, good job
Posts: 11
currently testing this cart at the following URL, and continue having problems. Feel free to test using the following URL - http://www.munimusic.com/gallery
Here are some things I found...
First time in, added quantity of 2 for a print, and then added a different,
additional print, but the first one went away, and was replaced by the
newer selection. I have not had consistent results in trying to duplicate
After deleting everything in my cart and clicking the button to clear my
cart, and closing my browser, sometimes when I revisit the site there is
still something in my cart.
If I manually change the quantity while in the cart view, and then continue
shopping, and then revisit the cart, the quantity has gone back down to one
(even though I set it to two before I continued shopping). Oops, my fault,
I did not click the "Update" button.
>From cart, I continue shopping, then click on a print (not clicking "Add to
cart" but clicking on the image itself), and then go directly to cart, my
cart now appears empty even though I had an item in it. But then I tried
this scenario again and was unable to duplicate it and it worked correctly
the next time I tried.
Right after placing order, my cart became empty. I closed the browser and
went back in, and now my cart has some, but not all, of the items I
recently ordered.
These are the things that I continue to notice.
any suggestions to what can be done to fix this would be appreciated.
- robert
Posts: 1
hi guys,
i just got the code an installed the gallery cart. my problems:
1.) when i click on an image in any album iget the following error:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '{' in /home/imagebank/www/gallery/view_photo.php on line 1
2.) when i click "add to cart" i get a blank page, as well as when i click "view cart"
the sql database seems to be correctly installed; the fooliecart.zip was downloaded 10.dec.
here´s the url: http://imagebank.art-lab.com/
please help,
thx felix
Posts: 3
I installed it in minutes to an existing gallery and even was able to add the table to mySQL. Very nice and clean. Thank you so much.
One question/request:
I'd love to be able to have different purchase options for each album. For example, in a wedding album have the standard sizes available like they are now. In a sports album, a different set of sizes/prices.
Any ideas as to how this could be done?
Posts: 35
I've noticed that a few people, like me, have had problems getting the items added into the shopping cart.
Apparently the problem is in the php.ini file on the server. You need to get the register_globals variable set to ON.
For more information and a possible work around check out the following:
Posts: 98
If tha'ts the problem The easiest way to get around is to
create an .htaccess file, if it doesnt exit yet..and add this line
php_flag register_globals on
Put the .htaccess file in the your root folder and it should work..
Posts: 98
I just did a clean install of the cart and so far so good : )
Question, anyone familiar with paypal shopping system, can give us any idea how to pass the total generated by this foolie cart to paypal...I was thinking to replace the confirmation page with a page that links people to paypal to finish the transaction...
So my quesiton is to have a paypal "buy now" button that can pull the total from fooliecart? So when people click on it, they'll got to paypal to pay...
p.s I know there's a paypal cart out there already..I jsut wanted to try how this can be done do this fooliecat.. thanks.
Posts: 126
Or a choice so they can choose PayPal as an option...
Posts: 11
I continue to have problems with the cart properly adding image orders to the cart. After selecting an image and adding to the cart. Sometimes when i Continue shopping and add another image the previous addition to the cart disappears. Anyone else having this problem? See for yourself www.munimusic.com/gallery. Help!!!
Posts: 98
It seesm to be working fine when I test it...Have you tried turn register global on? I had similar problem before, but it's ok after the change...
Btw, I like your "The page you have requested does not exist." page : ) its so much better than a 404 error...Can you share the code or recommend some available such script?
And your special login.php is quite considerate and looks nice too! Great work!
Posts: 33
Noticed something - There is a looping problem of some sort (which could cause some of dollops probs). I add a photo to the cart and it assigns a OrderID number. When I add a second pic to the cart the OrderID is changed and that number seems to stick after that. So my problem is what loop is doing it?
Posts: 5
Please advise me as well when the code is available. Thank you for the effort.
Posts: 27
Please also let me know when the code is available.. thanks!
Posts: 13
Today I installed the shopping cart and all works great. Now I have to fine tune prices, etc.
One thing I have noticed though is that the adminstrative drop down for editing the images of the gallery (ie. describe, move, rotate, etc) do not work. Has anyone noticed this? I haven't seen any mention of this in this thread.
Other then that problem, everything looks good. Thanks for devleoping and sharing the code.
Posts: 3
Yep, it breaks it. Email me and I'll send you a fix (the fix breaks voting though)
Posts: 13
Thanks, I emailed you privately. I definately need the editing functions more then voting.
Posts: 25
To whoever knows mysql better than me
I've installed foolio over my Gallery install, everything went well. I get no error messages, but no images add to my cart. In fact, nothing is getting added to the mysql db at all. I believe I set it up properly:
I already tried adding the global line to my .htaccess file, but no avail.
I appreciate any assistance!
Posts: 18
I recently installed this shopping cart and was really pleased with its overall flow and look and feel. However, customizing it proved to be very problem-matic. I noticed that there were several changes made to the "view_album.php" which made me a little uncomfortable and I wasn't very excited about the way that the cart manages the items within it ... so I started from scratch and wrote a compltely new cart with the same look and feel as the fooliecart. This new cart does not require any changes to the native Gallery files ... all changes occur in the cart config and the html_wrap. In addition the item types are in one multi-dimensional array stored in the config file ... just make the change in one place and all the drop downs are updated ... yippie. Now I'm at the stage where I could use some "Beta" testers to try it out a flush out the bugs. I've installed this new cart on my test server at home so you'll have to deal with my cable speeds. If the demand is high enough perhaps I'll load it up on a server in colo. Here is the informtaion for the test server:
Gallery Address : http://beta.syncwerks.com/gallery/
Order Admin Address : http://beta.syncwerks.com/gallery/cart/admin.php
Admin Username : admin
Admin Password : admin
User Username : demo
User Password : demo
Feel free to submit some orders and play with the admin interface.
I am willing to share the code if anyone is interested. Just email me at
with your questions and comments ... comments would be nice
Posts: 11
pomeroyt, I really like your cart. I like the oreder management as well.
One question: How difficult would it be for someone who understands php (better than I do) to add credit card taking to this? Not live processing, but taking the card into the database for offline processing.
Posts: 81
I am also interrested in the code. Great job !
Posts: 6
Kudos to both sairez and pomeroyt for this very handy (and pretty) cart. I've installed the pomeroyt version without a hitch and am posting some feedback about his version.
IMO, it simply takes too many steps for a purchase. I know that when I purchase items on the web, my irritation level increases with each screen I have to click through. While order confirmation via email is handy in eliminating fake orders, doesn't receipt of payment serve the same purpose? I think it should take a mininum number of steps for my customers to purchase a print.
Also, I've noticed that the Back button doesn't always function as intended. For example, if I access a photo via a search result, the Back button takes me to the album page instead of back to my search results.
Aside from these minor details, I've found that this cart is great. It would be perfect if the shipping/billing address screen had three buttons at the bottom - one for payment by check, which would function exactly as the script currently works, and two others: payment by Paypal, and payment by CC. Paypal is easy to implement and convenient if you have an account, but asking customers to sign up for a Paypal account is just one more hurdle between them and a purchase.
Just some thoughts.
Posts: 18
Thank you for all the great feedback. At first I was trying to ensure that the orders from people were not fake ... and the only way I could think of doing that was a confirm link in the email ... but you're absolutely right ... it's just better business practice to wait for payment. As a result I have made some changes to my cart to reflect this change. I have also added PayPal "donation" to the cart. This will allow for credit card transactions and should close that gap on requested features. If you're interested in demoing the changes please visit this link:
If you're interested in the code ... then download it from the attachment in this post.
Posts: 126
I just placed a test order and it looks like it works great!!! (I noted in the address field that it was a TEST order so you would know!!!!) I have downloaded the files, and hope to try it out later this week. It works with 1.4.2?
Now if I can just get post cards working like I want them too.....
Posts: 98
I've played with this Jenado cart for a while and this is by far the best gallery cart...
It has a very clean look, easily customizable config file, paypal support, and best of all, a powerful order administration fucntion, which no other gallery carts have yet...
I'll recommend to anyone and give it a 9.9/10...It would have been a 10/10 if it included some sort of discount system, based on username, or products, like the other ppstore cart does..
Give it a try, Im sure ya'al will like it too.
Great work, thanks million, Tim....
Posts: 1
Thank you Tim for emailing your shopping cart to me and your efforts in producing it. It looks like it will work perfectly for what I am planning. :lol: I was pleasantly surprised to find you had added the Paypal and cash/check code as I was describing to you in my email to you. I like it just the way you have it, only thing I will add is an option for paying by electronic check. I have installed it in a just upgraded 1.42 gallery and it seems to work great. I did find a problem in 1.42 regarding the "improved subalbum" which someone else posted earlier and I will have to solve that and setup some custom colors and backgrounds in my gallery. You have saved me a lot of work and I appreciate it very much. I highly recommend your shopping cart.
Bob Ghysels
Posts: 6
I've been experimenting with this cart and am very excited with it. I've started getting some PHP errors that I was hoping someone here might have some insight into. The problem didn't happen when I first installed the cart, but has persisted now through a fresh cart/gallery installation. It obviously relates to session handling, but the cart seems to work just fine regardless. Here are the errors I'm seeing at the top of my cart pages:
Any input or suggestions would be appreciated.
Posts: 18
hmm ... there might be something in you config.php that is echo-ing out something ... so what you can do if move the "session_start();" from line 9 to line 2. That should get rid of the warning and the error.
Hope that helps ... Tim
Posts: 127
Installed Sairez version but get this when clicking on add to cart?
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/test/public_html/test/fooliecart/fooliecart.php on line 57
Order ID not found
Posts: 127
Just installed the Jenado version on another gallery, I do not receive any sort of notification when order is confirmed?
How do I turn off the Zip code Required field?
Where do I change the States to regions of other Countries (There are more than just the USA)?
Would it be possible to add a Country drop down box which then changes the States drop down to correspond.?
Is this easily fixable as I do like the look of it.
Posts: 126
I don't know if you did already, but it might be a good idea to start a new topic about your cart to keep the cart discussions separate!!!
Posts: 98
hi, there,
1. order confirmation is sent via email. Make sure your email settings are correct. also these emails are well likely to be in your bulk folder..
other than that, email function should work perfectly..
2. states are listed in the function file in the inc folder. you can change to the states in yoru country. if you like more features like dropdown menu for countries..guess you'll have to code yourself..: ) I'd love to see that feature too.: )
hope it helps
Posts: 18
FYI ... I started a new thread for my "Jenado" cart to seperate out the discussion. here's the new thread.
Posts: 22
Thanks for creating your version of the cart. I know my script was too buggy to use, and I'm too busy to help people fix it. I really just wanted to spark people to get one built.
=) good job!
Posts: 7
That shopping cart script looks awesome! I would love to try it out if Sairez or anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it!
AMENDMENT - I just found the zip download. Will try it out ASAP! Thanks Sairez!