Gallery Project Management Responsibilities
The Gallery Team is excited to announce the transfer of the project lead position from project founder Bharat Mediratta to Chris Kelly. Chris, known online as ckdake, has been with the project in a project management position since early 2004, primarily focused on managing bugs, features, and releases of Gallery 1 (along with some development every now and then). Now that Gallery 2 is out the door and work on Gallery 1 is slowing, Bharat wanted to get back to writing code for Gallery 2 instead of spending all his time managing the project. Over the next month most of the project management responsibilities (including team communication, responding to email to Gallery, and generally being the public representative of Gallery) will transfer over to Chris with his new title as Gallery Project Manager.
Go Chris!
Yeah, congrats Chris. And I kinda love that Bharat is such a geeky coder (like myself) that he can't wait to get back to programming
Go Bharat!