AlbumTest AlbumTest(
void testCreateAlbumByGuestUser(
void testCreateAlbumByRegisteredUser(
void testCreateAlbumEntitizesAngleBracketsButIgnoresXssPayload(
void testCreateAlbumWithAlternativeGuestUser(
void testCreateAlbumWithLeadingAndTrailingSpace(
void testCreateAndDeleteAlbum(
void testCreateAndDeleteNestedAlbums(
void testCreateCollision(
Verify that creating a second album with the same path as an existing one throws a collision error.
void testCreateRenameAndDeleteAlbum(
void testFetchAlbumTree(
Test GalleryCoreApi::fetchAlbumTree
void testFetchAlbumTreeNoPermissions(
void testFetchChildIds(
Create a parent, a child, verify that fetchChildren on the parent returns the child, delete both.
Create several levels of nested albums, then fetch the parents from the bottom most one and compare it against the parents we know.
void testFetchParentsWithMultiplePermissions(
void testFetchParentsWithoutPermission(
void testFetchParentsWithPermission(
void testGuaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail1(
void testGuaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail2(
void testGuaranteeAlbumHasThumbnail3(
void testInheritDefaults(
void testLoadRootAlbum(
Create an album under the root, then create a nested album under that one, then move the nested album to the root, then delete both.
void testMoveCollision(
void testRenameAlbumToHaveLeadingAndTrailingSpace(