RewriteCheckConflictTask |
This is a MaintenanceTask that will check the short style URL for file system conflicts through all Gallery items.
FlushDatabaseCacheTask |
This is a MaintenanceTask that will delete all cached database information.
FlushTemplatesTask |
This is a MaintenanceTask that will delete all the cached Smarty templates.
DeleteSessionsTask |
This is a MaintenanceTask that removes all expired sessions from the database.
OptimizeDatabaseTask |
This is a MaintenanceTask that will optimize all the Gallery tables in the database to make Gallery run smoothly.
SystemInfoTask |
This is a MaintenanceTask that will return system details useful for posting in support forum.
BuildDerivativesTask |
This is a MaintenanceTask that will ensure the data files for all derivatives (thumbnails, etc) have been built.
SetOriginationTimestampTask |
This is a MaintenanceTask that will attempt to retrieve and set the origination timestamp for all items (usually from EXIF data).
ConvertDatabaseToUtf8Task |
This is a MaintenanceTask that will optimize all the Gallery tables in the database to make Gallery run smoothly.
DatabaseBackupTask |
This is a maintenance task that will back up the Gallery database.
AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskSuccess |
AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskProgressBar |
AdminMaintenanceControllerTestTaskFail |
MaintenanceHelperTestTask |
ResetFailureCountsTask |
This is a MaintenanceTask that will clear all failure counts in the database.