The sidebar shows on all G2 pages now (like it should) and the photo cart keeps the files added throughout the whole login session. NICE!
I did find one problem and that was with the "mod_gallery_block version: 2.0". For me, it only works as long as I'm on the home page.
If i click on any link, be it news article, akocomment, or event calendar, the image disapears. I am left with only the file name inside a small box where the random image should be.
You should still have my URL if you'd like to take a look.
Thanks for the hard work. It is appreciated. I'm looking forward to the "new image has been added" module.
you see it it puts in twice the index.php?option=, one for your current and one that it should. Why this is i have no clue yet.
working on a fix
thxs and grtz,
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2005-06-24 06:48
michiel_1981, i still think it's because no embedPath is used there, or the embedUri / embedPath is wrong.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Fri, 2005-06-24 09:56
valiant, You might be right. the config is loaded incorrectly then.
Joined: 2004-09-11
Posts: 56
Posted: Fri, 2005-06-24 15:19
I'm having a few problems with the most recent versions posted on page 8.
When trying to call the component or a module I get the following error:
Warning: g2_config(/home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/config.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/hdowna28/public_html/components/com_gallery2/userfuncs.php on line 77
Fatal error: g2_config(): Failed opening required '/home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/hdowna28/public_html/components/com_gallery2/userfuncs.php on line 77
Funny enough, I don't have a config.php in the com_gallery2 directory...
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Fri, 2005-06-24 17:03
I had the same problem as you when I first installed it. It turned out I had my path wrong.
Recheck yours.
Joined: 2004-09-11
Posts: 56
Posted: Fri, 2005-06-24 17:49
I think your right now that I look at it, but for some reason it wont accept my relative path...
Using ->
Full server path to Gallery G2: /home/hdowna28/public_html/gallery
Relative path to Gallery G2: gallery/
Relative path to Gallery G2:
I am now getting the following error:
Warning: viewsettings(components/com_gallery2/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 42
Warning: viewsettings(): Failed opening 'components/com_gallery2/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 42
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Fri, 2005-06-24 19:16
are you sure it's "gallery" and not "gallery2"?
The relative path should just be "gallery2" or just "gallery".
Joined: 2004-09-11
Posts: 56
Posted: Fri, 2005-06-24 20:40
Positive its just gallery; I've tried variations such as /gallery or gallery or gallery/ but I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with the component or it missing a file and not just a path problem.
In mambo when I'm logged in as admin and goto Components->Gallery
I get the following error:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: showhelp() in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 34"
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Fri, 2005-06-24 23:21
there is a error in the handeling of the config file, i'm working on it but hadn't got any time today and tommorrow(25-07-2005) will be busy to, sorry for the bug.
i'll post a fix as soon as possible,
thxs for the error msgs, gave me a good pionter
Joined: 2005-06-23
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2005-06-25 00:38
Hello Michiel,
I would like to extend to you my sincerest thank and gratitude for the great component you released last two days ago. It works like a charm now. Yupeeee. Now I can continue working with my gallery. Keep up the good work and my compliment!!!! Thumbs up.
Greetings and have a relaxing weekend.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 08:18
Update the component and modules to version 2.1
This is the latest version and can be found on page 7!
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 08:36
michiel_1981, could you update the text of the first post and then send it to me such that i can replace it? especially the download links are important. thanks.
and once 2, 3 users have successfully tested v 2.1, i'll replace the cvs versions.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 14:36
Still aint working with me
Warning: g2_config(/home/.rambunctious/repute/doggyclub/administrator/components/com_gallery2/config.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/.rambunctious/repute/doggyclub/components/com_gallery2/userfuncs.php on line 78
Fatal error: g2_config(): Failed opening required '/home/.rambunctious/repute/doggyclub/administrator/components/com_gallery2/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/.rambunctious/repute/doggyclub/components/com_gallery2/userfuncs.php on line 78
Also having the following problem in the frontend:
Yup, still getting the same errors when trying to set the component settings (paths):
Warning: viewsettings(components/com_gallery2/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 42
Warning: viewsettings(): Failed opening 'components/com_gallery2/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 42
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 15:27
I'm a complete noob at this, but I have searched through the discussion boards and cannot find an answer to my problem.
Have G2 Bingo installed and working.
Have Mambo installed and working
I can embed Gallery 1.5 no problems but cannot embed G2
I have used the latest 2.1 component it all seems to install correctly but when I click on the Gallery2 page all I get is a blank screen.
Gallery2 is installed in /home/http/gallery2
Mambo is in /home/http/Mambo
I've checked the paths in the component and they seem to be OK.
Sorry I cant post you a live site as i have yet to find a host to suit my needs. This is just my test site run on a local server.
Any help would be much appreciated
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 15:33
repute and downatone,
strange both aren't aloud to include the config. check filepermisions of config.php please and post here what they are.
which mambo version are you running?
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 15:43
This was 0 but when I changed it to 644 and made the paths correct, the strange url came up:
could you send me your url and can you gice me your mambo version plus the valua you have put into global settings=tab=>server::File Creation and Directory Creation
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 18:55
My mambo version is 4.5.2
File Creation: Dont CHMOD new files (use server defaults)
Directory Creation: Dont CHMOD new directories (use server defaults)
But set the file creation to 0644 and dir creation 0755
An d that worked out but the strange url is stil there look here for an example:
I ended up having to make the following change in the g2_config()
$g2_Config['embedUri'] = 'index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid='.$Itemid;
$g2_Config['embedUri'] = $mosConfig_live_site . '/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid='.$Itemid;
And of course include $mosConfig_live_site in the globals list. Any ideas on why this was happening? Thanks.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 05:50
shocksll, thxs!
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 06:38
michiel_1981, it's a bad idea to set the embedUri to an absolute URI, perhaps we're not going to support this forever.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 07:51
valiant wrote:
michiel_1981, it's a bad idea to set the embedUri to an absolute URI, perhaps we're not going to support this forever.
Valiant, i have been trying to check all option on both "relativeG2Path" and "embedUri" without absolute URI and there combining result. last night and came up with a fix.
I'll post the new component with these fix as soon as possible for checking.
The modules behave strange if not loaded on the same pages as the component and i'm still looking for a fix for this. So don't publish modules on other pages yet.
the problem is here with the "relativeG2Path" not being done as it should.
It is set correctly and checked with the component. Only it is pasted after the url it is coming from.
This could be fixed by adding "../" in front of "relativeG2Path" but then again the component would not function. unless you would change embedUri to an absolute URI.
i'll keep fidling with these findings
[edit 2:]
all goes wrong when embedUri doesn't match the url you are on!
valiant, does G2 check the url where the request is coming from or something like that?
And when you make embedUri dynmic to match, it shows the images but of course the links are also to this page again and it isn't a option?
see attachment for details!! with core 0.9.27 !
further for security reasons, i would like everybody to delete version 2.1 and 2.0 of the mod_gallery_block after you have installed or if you are planning to install the new component!
a new version will be uploaded of this module also.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 10:02
Dont forget the language settings...
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 10:06
pardon me, language settings?
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 10:31
Yes, I set it to dutcxh in the admin (both mambo and gallery2) but on the frontend it is all in english...
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 10:45
repute wrote:
Yes, I set it to dutcxh in the admin (both mambo and gallery2) but on the frontend it is all in english...
okay, i'll take a look at it, but this is not mine main priority at the moment.
but to get those modules working on different pages.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 11:47
I know but it's a bug ;) appreciate your work!
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 22:12
New version is out!
component 2.0.3
mod_gallery_block 2.3
please update both!
path errors
language problem, hopefully haven't tested it with out mambelfish so please report if it is correctly passing mambo language
removed until fixed:
album creation for users
Joined: 2005-06-22
Posts: 352
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 23:04
You the man!! Works great. Thank you very much.
Joined: 2004-09-11
Posts: 56
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 00:23
I can confirm that this works as expected.
cheers michiel
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 03:26
Everything works like a charm for me.
Thanks Michiel!
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 05:26
version 2.0.4 is out, minor change some little bugger got back in, thxs
to update, make following changes:
gallery2.php on line 19
$user_id = '0'; should be $user_id = '';
version.php on line 3
$version['version'] = '2.0.3'; change to $version['version'] = '2.0.4';
gallery2.xml on line 9
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 07:08
Yes all works perfect also the language is adjusted correctly!
only when i make a new user and try to go to the gallery the following error came up:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/doggyclub/components/com_gallery2/gallery2.php on line 34
almost there :D
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 07:48
version 2.0.5 is out
above error is fixed
thxs, repute!
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 07:59
I was just about to post same error...
just get 2.05. and yes its working..
thanks for all the work.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 08:11
ok. different issue I found.
I use the sidebar module as I want to add items.
1) login wiht admin rights. - ok
2) click on side bar , say add items
3) options in side bar module dissapear and G2 sidebar shows. (not a problem other than realestate as I have module on the right.)
4) log out from Mambo - jumps to G2 standalone with error below
The action you attempted is not permitted.
Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_simple.class at line 67 (gallerystatus::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 434 (galleryuserhelper_simple::asserthasitempermission)
* in modules/core/ at line 316 (gallerycoreapi::asserthasitempermission)
* in modules/core/ at line 153 (itemaddview::loadtemplate)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 216 (itemadminview::loadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 306 (itemadminview::doloadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 87
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 154
* in /home/.../public_html/components/com_gallery2/gallery2.php at line 135 (galleryembed::handlerequest)
* in /home/.../public_html/index.php at line 182
Any ideas?
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 08:30
which versions are you using or give some url.
the error is from not being logged in and visiting a page you have no permission for.
i don't know why the log out happens as it isn't the case with my setup.
please give some more info,
thxs michiel
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 08:48
I am using the latest.. 2.05 for the component and 2.1 for the sidemodule.
I synced a mambo admin user with the G2 component tool. when i look at the G2 user on the frontend, the user is listed as G2 user with admin rights.
I see all the admin functions of G2 ok, when logging in as non admin user I see different sidecar option (as it should be)
err - hang on a second.. I think I tricked myself here. ...
mambo admin and gallery admins share same name.. but are differnt users of course... G2 thinks the site admin logs on... strange.
but thee are others that might fall for same..
Btw in the component backend what does G2 user check actually mean/ tell me?
which leaves me wondering how do I set up a user that can do admin tasks within the gallery component? Assign a user to administrator group in standalone mode doesn't seem work..
As users are site admins don't really want to post. if you want I can send PM later...
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 09:15
first, G2 user check:
it check if the mambo user is present in G2 but also if there could be a colision with id/username.
second how to give mambo user admin rights in G2,
just add them to the administrator group, it should work. if not please let me know.
your sentence wasn't exactly clear on this question because you used "user that can do admin tasks within the gallery component"
login is done with user ids not names, so this shouldn't be a problem but admin who installed the component is hooked to the admin accaunt on G2
fourth, what do you mean:"As users are site admins don't really want to port"
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 10:36
thanks. I'll try to be more precise...
Firstly "users are site admins don't really want to port" - that was a typo, I mean I don't want to post the user details here....
Secondly, thanks for the G2 use check explannation
Thirdly, user groups in G2. I checked G2 user groups. I have administrator, Author, Editor, Everybody , Manager ,Publisher ,Registered , Registered Users, Site Admins, Super Administrator.
Althought G2 user check has green tick on my admin user (in Mambo) I only have one admin user in G2 - which is the site admin.
Furthermore I can see members that got synced, but they are not assigned to eny user group... is that the way it works?
my unclear sentence with the gallery component was mean as follows.
I am trying to have a non admin mambo user who can do G2 admin functions (embedded with synced user/ login)
Ok, I now created a new user - just registered user in mambo. I synced users. Went to g2 site admin and added user as site admin.
logged into mambo as that user, clicked on any admin function and then logged out. same error.
at the moment only the usergroups are synced to gallery2 and not the members.
This is on my todo list for the next version. sorry about that.
the problem:
did you log out or are you thrown out.
i didn't had any problem with using the sidebar on your website!
strange, strange and again strange
are you experiencing logouts from mambo as well or never?
what browser are you using? couldn't be it but maybe it is.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 11:22
ok. My assumption on syncing membership was wrong. Not problem. Would be a great feature though.
Now, I did log out. I tried with IE 6 and Firefox, some problem.
this is what I did again.
1) log on as tester.
2) click on say "add item" in sidebar (notice that content of sidebar dissapears - just module title is visible)
3) use "logout" button under Member access on the left side.
4) error !
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 11:38
ahhh, simple, how could i have missed that, are you using the login module to return to the same page when you log out?
if so, gallery is trying to load something it shouldn't be loading in the first place and gives back that error. Because you are retuning to the page where you are adding items and now your aren't aloud anymore.
this will require some hack into the login module to correct the url in such away it goes back to the album or picture you where coming from and not to not aloud function
please confirm you set your login module to return to url or haven't set it to go some where after log out.
ps: and please read your Private Msg!!
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 12:05
see PM.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 12:05
Next small issue the java upload aplet does'nt work when triing to upload it says:
Posts: 430
More modules will come!
Posts: 164
Great job! I installed all 4 of your posts.
The sidebar shows on all G2 pages now (like it should) and the photo cart keeps the files added throughout the whole login session. NICE!
I did find one problem and that was with the "mod_gallery_block version: 2.0". For me, it only works as long as I'm on the home page.
If i click on any link, be it news article, akocomment, or event calendar, the image disapears. I am left with only the file name inside a small box where the random image should be.
You should still have my URL if you'd like to take a look.
Thanks for the hard work. It is appreciated. I'm looking forward to the "new image has been added" module.![:-)](
Posts: 430
i see, problem is the url generation
you see it it puts in twice the index.php?option=, one for your current and one that it should. Why this is i have no clue yet.
working on a fix
thxs and grtz,
Posts: 32509
michiel_1981, i still think it's because no embedPath is used there, or the embedUri / embedPath is wrong.
Posts: 430
valiant, You might be right. the config is loaded incorrectly then.
Posts: 56
I'm having a few problems with the most recent versions posted on page 8.
When trying to call the component or a module I get the following error:
Warning: g2_config(/home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/config.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/hdowna28/public_html/components/com_gallery2/userfuncs.php on line 77
Fatal error: g2_config(): Failed opening required '/home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/hdowna28/public_html/components/com_gallery2/userfuncs.php on line 77
Funny enough, I don't have a config.php in the com_gallery2 directory...
Posts: 164
I had the same problem as you when I first installed it. It turned out I had my path wrong.
Recheck yours.
Posts: 56
I think your right now that I look at it, but for some reason it wont accept my relative path...
Using ->
Full server path to Gallery G2: /home/hdowna28/public_html/gallery
Relative path to Gallery G2: gallery/
Relative path to Gallery G2:
I am now getting the following error:
Warning: viewsettings(components/com_gallery2/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 42
Warning: viewsettings(): Failed opening 'components/com_gallery2/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 42
Posts: 164
are you sure it's "gallery" and not "gallery2"?
The relative path should just be "gallery2" or just "gallery".
Posts: 56
Positive its just gallery; I've tried variations such as /gallery or gallery or gallery/ but I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with the component or it missing a file and not just a path problem.
In mambo when I'm logged in as admin and goto Components->Gallery
I get the following error:
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: showhelp() in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 34"
Posts: 430
there is a error in the handeling of the config file, i'm working on it but hadn't got any time today and tommorrow(25-07-2005) will be busy to, sorry for the bug.
i'll post a fix as soon as possible,
thxs for the error msgs, gave me a good pionter
Posts: 4
Hello Michiel,
I would like to extend to you my sincerest thank and gratitude for the great component you released last two days ago. It works like a charm now. Yupeeee. Now I can continue working with my gallery. Keep up the good work and my compliment!!!! Thumbs up.
Greetings and have a relaxing weekend.
Posts: 430
Update the component and modules to version 2.1
This is the latest version and can be found on page 7!
Posts: 32509
michiel_1981, could you update the text of the first post and then send it to me such that i can replace it? especially the download links are important. thanks.
and once 2, 3 users have successfully tested v 2.1, i'll replace the cvs versions.
Posts: 21
Still aint working with me![:(](
Also having the following problem in the frontend:
Posts: 56
Yup, still getting the same errors when trying to set the component settings (paths):
Warning: viewsettings(components/com_gallery2/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 42
Warning: viewsettings(): Failed opening 'components/com_gallery2/config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/hdowna28/public_html/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.php on line 42
Posts: 4
I'm a complete noob at this, but I have searched through the discussion boards and cannot find an answer to my problem.
Have G2 Bingo installed and working.
Have Mambo installed and working
I can embed Gallery 1.5 no problems but cannot embed G2
I have used the latest 2.1 component it all seems to install correctly but when I click on the Gallery2 page all I get is a blank screen.
The url is
Gallery2 is installed in /home/http/gallery2
Mambo is in /home/http/Mambo
I've checked the paths in the component and they seem to be OK.
Sorry I cant post you a live site as i have yet to find a host to suit my needs. This is just my test site run on a local server.
Any help would be much appreciated
Posts: 430
repute and downatone,
strange both aren't aloud to include the config. check filepermisions of config.php please and post here what they are.
which mambo version are you running?
Posts: 21
This was 0 but when I changed it to 644 and made the paths correct, the strange url came up:
Posts: 430
could you send me your url and can you gice me your mambo version plus the valua you have put into global settings=tab=>server::File Creation and Directory Creation
Posts: 21
My mambo version is 4.5.2
File Creation: Dont CHMOD new files (use server defaults)
Directory Creation: Dont CHMOD new directories (use server defaults)
But set the file creation to 0644 and dir creation 0755
An d that worked out but the strange url is stil there look here for an example:
Thnx for your help!
Posts: 430
thxs you just confirmed my findings, didn't put in a rule if people just put it to server default.
your gallery2 seems empty and no menu item is present.
the other bug i'm trying to find a fix.
Posts: 21
I put some albums and 1 picture in the gallery via the link:
but when trying to view the big picture there goes something wrong...
When viewing as guest everything goes well :S
Also the language is in english in mambo but set it to dutch in admin and that works when you go to out of mambo...
Hope i help making this great module just better :D
Posts: 352
For some reason my links were ending up looking like this:
I ended up having to make the following change in the g2_config()
$g2_Config['embedUri'] = 'index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid='.$Itemid;
$g2_Config['embedUri'] = $mosConfig_live_site . '/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid='.$Itemid;
And of course include $mosConfig_live_site in the globals list. Any ideas on why this was happening? Thanks.
Posts: 430
shocksll, thxs!
Posts: 32509
michiel_1981, it's a bad idea to set the embedUri to an absolute URI, perhaps we're not going to support this forever.
Posts: 430
Valiant, i have been trying to check all option on both "relativeG2Path" and "embedUri" without absolute URI and there combining result. last night and came up with a fix.
I'll post the new component with these fix as soon as possible for checking.
The modules behave strange if not loaded on the same pages as the component and i'm still looking for a fix for this. So don't publish modules on other pages yet.
the problem is here with the "relativeG2Path" not being done as it should.
It is set correctly and checked with the component. Only it is pasted after the url it is coming from.
This could be fixed by adding "../" in front of "relativeG2Path" but then again the component would not function. unless you would change embedUri to an absolute URI.
i'll keep fidling with these findings
[edit 2:]
all goes wrong when embedUri doesn't match the url you are on!
valiant, does G2 check the url where the request is coming from or something like that?
And when you make embedUri dynmic to match, it shows the images but of course the links are also to this page again and it isn't a option?
see attachment for details!! with core 0.9.27 !
further for security reasons, i would like everybody to delete version 2.1 and 2.0 of the mod_gallery_block after you have installed or if you are planning to install the new component!
a new version will be uploaded of this module also.
Posts: 21
Dont forget the language settings...
Posts: 430
pardon me, language settings?
Posts: 21
Yes, I set it to dutcxh in the admin (both mambo and gallery2) but on the frontend it is all in english...
Posts: 430
okay, i'll take a look at it, but this is not mine main priority at the moment.
but to get those modules working on different pages.
Posts: 21
I know but it's a bug ;) appreciate your work!
Posts: 430
New version is out!
component 2.0.3
mod_gallery_block 2.3
please update both!
removed until fixed:
album creation for users
Posts: 352
You the man!! Works great. Thank you very much.
Posts: 56
I can confirm that this works as expected.
cheers michiel
Posts: 164
Everything works like a charm for me.
Thanks Michiel!
Posts: 430
version 2.0.4 is out, minor change some little bugger got back in, thxs
to update, make following changes:
gallery2.php on line 19
$user_id = '0'; should be $user_id = '';
version.php on line 3
$version['version'] = '2.0.3'; change to $version['version'] = '2.0.4';
gallery2.xml on line 9
Posts: 21
Yes all works perfect also the language is adjusted correctly!
only when i make a new user and try to go to the gallery the following error came up:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/doggyclub/components/com_gallery2/gallery2.php on line 34
almost there :D
Posts: 430
version 2.0.5 is out
above error is fixed
thxs, repute!
Posts: 19
I was just about to post same error...
just get 2.05. and yes its working..
thanks for all the work.
Posts: 19
ok. different issue I found.
I use the sidebar module as I want to add items.
1) login wiht admin rights. - ok
2) click on side bar , say add items
3) options in side bar module dissapear and G2 sidebar shows. (not a problem other than realestate as I have module on the right.)
4) log out from Mambo - jumps to G2 standalone with error below
The action you attempted is not permitted.
Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_simple.class at line 67 (gallerystatus::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 434 (galleryuserhelper_simple::asserthasitempermission)
* in modules/core/ at line 316 (gallerycoreapi::asserthasitempermission)
* in modules/core/ at line 153 (itemaddview::loadtemplate)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 216 (itemadminview::loadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 306 (itemadminview::doloadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 87
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 154
* in /home/.../public_html/components/com_gallery2/gallery2.php at line 135 (galleryembed::handlerequest)
* in /home/.../public_html/index.php at line 182
Any ideas?
Posts: 430
which versions are you using or give some url.
the error is from not being logged in and visiting a page you have no permission for.
i don't know why the log out happens as it isn't the case with my setup.
please give some more info,
thxs michiel
Posts: 19
I am using the latest.. 2.05 for the component and 2.1 for the sidemodule.
I synced a mambo admin user with the G2 component tool. when i look at the G2 user on the frontend, the user is listed as G2 user with admin rights.
I see all the admin functions of G2 ok, when logging in as non admin user I see different sidecar option (as it should be)
err - hang on a second.. I think I tricked myself here. ...
mambo admin and gallery admins share same name.. but are differnt users of course... G2 thinks the site admin logs on... strange.
but thee are others that might fall for same..
Btw in the component backend what does G2 user check actually mean/ tell me?
which leaves me wondering how do I set up a user that can do admin tasks within the gallery component? Assign a user to administrator group in standalone mode doesn't seem work..
As users are site admins don't really want to post. if you want I can send PM later...
Posts: 430
first, G2 user check:
it check if the mambo user is present in G2 but also if there could be a colision with id/username.
second how to give mambo user admin rights in G2,
just add them to the administrator group, it should work. if not please let me know.
your sentence wasn't exactly clear on this question because you used "user that can do admin tasks within the gallery component"
login is done with user ids not names, so this shouldn't be a problem but admin who installed the component is hooked to the admin accaunt on G2
fourth, what do you mean:"As users are site admins don't really want to port"
Posts: 19
thanks. I'll try to be more precise...
Firstly "users are site admins don't really want to port" - that was a typo, I mean I don't want to post the user details here....
Secondly, thanks for the G2 use check explannation
Thirdly, user groups in G2. I checked G2 user groups. I have administrator, Author, Editor, Everybody , Manager ,Publisher ,Registered , Registered Users, Site Admins, Super Administrator.
Althought G2 user check has green tick on my admin user (in Mambo) I only have one admin user in G2 - which is the site admin.
Furthermore I can see members that got synced, but they are not assigned to eny user group... is that the way it works?
my unclear sentence with the gallery component was mean as follows.
I am trying to have a non admin mambo user who can do G2 admin functions (embedded with synced user/ login)
Ok, I now created a new user - just registered user in mambo. I synced users. Went to g2 site admin and added user as site admin.
logged into mambo as that user, clicked on any admin function and then logged out. same error.
here is url:
username: tester
pass: tester
Posts: 430
at the moment only the usergroups are synced to gallery2 and not the members.
This is on my todo list for the next version. sorry about that.
the problem:
did you log out or are you thrown out.
i didn't had any problem with using the sidebar on your website!
strange, strange and again strange
are you experiencing logouts from mambo as well or never?
what browser are you using? couldn't be it but maybe it is.
Posts: 19
ok. My assumption on syncing membership was wrong. Not problem. Would be a great feature though.
Now, I did log out. I tried with IE 6 and Firefox, some problem.
this is what I did again.
1) log on as tester.
2) click on say "add item" in sidebar (notice that content of sidebar dissapears - just module title is visible)
3) use "logout" button under Member access on the left side.
4) error !
Posts: 430
ahhh, simple, how could i have missed that, are you using the login module to return to the same page when you log out?
if so, gallery is trying to load something it shouldn't be loading in the first place and gives back that error. Because you are retuning to the page where you are adding items and now your aren't aloud anymore.
this will require some hack into the login module to correct the url in such away it goes back to the album or picture you where coming from and not to not aloud function
please confirm you set your login module to return to url or haven't set it to go some where after log out.
ps: and please read your Private Msg!!
Posts: 19
see PM.
Posts: 21
Next small issue the java upload aplet does'nt work when triing to upload it says:
Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL ( )
your doeing great work michiel!