The page is in English, with the eexception of "Dit is de startpagina van uw Gallery"
Thanks for pondering tho
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Tue, 2005-07-05 13:33
also after several refreshes?
which settings do you use in gallry2 for language:
Default language?
Language selector in sidebar?
extradata >> MultiLanguage?
hmmm, found something interesting
if default language is set to "nederlands"
language isn't changed by the component so owner/date/view are in english
but the album discreptions are in dutch(nederlands)!
if default language is set to "none"
owner/date/view is switched to mambo language but this time album descriptions aren't switched.
these settings seem to work for me.
Default language=English(US)
both get switched this time, if you have made one for that language!!
Joined: 2005-06-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2005-07-06 10:22
i already install all the needed files...but seems no pic show in my mambo, but it show in my standalone g2 gallery....please help me out?
You didnt'define ther path like it should you forgot to add /v2
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-07-06 14:28
Language problem
Everybody who has language problems, make sure you have these 2 settings correct in mambo:
global >> locale Language:
Country Locale:
The last one should be set correctly because this one is used by the component.
Joined: 2005-06-22
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2005-07-06 15:36
repute wrote:
You didnt'define ther path like it should you forgot to add /v2
Oh my god, thank fix my problem :oops:
I got another question to ask that i log on to my account with mambo, but my account seems didnt appear when i see the gallery. May i know how to fix it? Thx...i need to fix it to let people can add a comment to all the pictures :o
Joined: 2005-06-30
Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 2005-07-07 05:42
Hi all,
Firstly, I'm getting pretty close to getting what I want out Gallery 2 and Mambo (I've worked with Mambo before and both love and hate it!)
I have another question in regards to this component... and that's what are the parameters, if any, that can be used with it when defining a component menu item?
Reason being is this, I'm wanting to have different Mambo templates applied based on which album (With many sub albums) is being viewed.
If you enter the galleries via different menu items from the mambo menu, then you'll end up with a different template, that'll hold as long as you're viewing the albums under that main album. eg.
Main Menu
Diary--------------------> Default Template
Galleries----------------> Default Template
Sub Gallery 1----------> Gallery 1 Template
Sub Gallery 2----------> Gallery 2 Template
So, while you're looking at the galleries as a whole it keeps the site template, but if you entered via one of the others, then you've been directed to a sub-gallery and have a different template based around that gallery.
Templates can only be assigned at a component menu item level, which is why I can't just make a link to the sub galleries.
Also, I would prefer that the initial gallery is not the main root gallery I have, but start in one of the other top level ones I have.
Anyone know how to do this with G2 and Mambo?
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Thu, 2005-07-07 06:52
1) link to none root gallery
go to the none root album as guest and copy the url starting with index.php?option=etz
go to menu manager and create a new "link - Url" with that copy/paste url you have got there. it should work.
2) different templates by mambo
templates switch is managed by itemid and so what you ask can't be done unless, you code it into your template or i build the component in such a way that it will except different Itemids and this will be something i add after it is more stable and all the bugs are out. So this will take some time.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Thu, 2005-07-07 15:13
different templates is possible, i didn't have to recode for that. My mistake
Only the module not on a com_gallery2 page will piont to your default gallery!!
Language Update!
Language bug found this time hopefully for good, it was in Gallery2 it self and this will be fixed in the future.
Joined: 2005-07-11
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-11 02:46
I'm sorry, I'm sure you've answered this before but i am desperate and i cannot find the solution in any of the forums i have searched. The url to my mambo site is . The url to my G2 install is . Both are a fresh install. I am running on a freebsd4.2, apache2, and mysql 4.1.4. Now, when i go to it is embedded but no pictures show up. Now, when you click the nav link in G2 anywhere from here it takes me to the url of of options ...... NOTICE how it takes ~meadband and is now ~meadb/ ? What causes this and what causes my pictures not to show? Gallery 2 works great on its own! Also a third question. Using gallery remote, the galleries are read only. permissions are set for read write for all on all data files for G2. If you need more information, just let me know. I am very able and wish your help.
Thank you,
Joined: 2004-08-20
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-11 02:57
I had the same exact problem. You will need to edit your config.php file in the gallery component in Mambo.
path should be *mamboinstall*/administrator/components/com_gallery2/config.php
For some reason it truncated my path too. Take a look inside the file. It is pretty seld explainatory.
Hope that helps.
Joined: 2005-07-11
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-11 03:08
perfect, that did the trick. Thank you. Also, does anyone know why the gallery would be read only from gallery remote?
I can see the Gallery when I click the link, but if I try to click an album, it goes way bad.
One thing of interest is the embedPath shows mamb instead of mambo. When I click on the album I get mamb//index...
I've tried some of the other fixes, but I'm still a no-go at this station.
Thanks in advance,
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-11 18:49
your embedPath is wrong(/mambo/) and you should update your gallery to at least 0.9.25
Joined: 2005-07-11
Posts: 8
Posted: Tue, 2005-07-12 20:14
I am not sure what the full path/ relative path stuff is.
I have files on a virtual host in /www/u/username/htdocs/gallery
my mambo is in /www/u/username/htdocs/mambo
Running latest nightly. I can see the module on the site but there is just x where the image is supposed to be, and clicking the image gives me the wrong link. It does instead of
the site is and I am running core 0.9.31 with 2.0.5 of the mambo integration.
Joined: 2005-07-11
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2005-07-12 20:48
Thanks Michiel!
I got it upgraded and had to do some more research, but I finally got it. I didn't realise there were "nightly" updates. That was the majority of my issue.
You 'da man.' Keep up the good work.
Joined: 2005-07-14
Posts: 19
Posted: Thu, 2005-07-14 04:57
Sorry in advance for this newbie post. I have installed a version of gallery2 thats a few days old along with the mambo integration and received the same error as leadwolf. However, being new to cvs nightly builds - apart from reuploading the entire zip file content (8mbs) to the server is there another method of upgrading gallery? Thanks!
Joined: 2003-04-03
Posts: 33
Posted: Sun, 2005-07-17 16:50
I had G2 installed and integrated with the original beta-3. I decided to check out progress with the latest code and have an issue. Just for the record I completely cleaned out G2 (database, files etc) and uninstalled components and modules relating to G2.
I grabbed a snapshot Gallery version = 2.0-beta-3+ core 0.9.31
and got the latest components & modules from mamboforge
Install, user sync and etc worked. However I can't get gallery2 to hide the sidebar (even when the option is set). Plus every time I go into gallery2 I get these errors at the top of my browser:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 194
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 195
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 196
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 197
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in /srv/www/htdocs/index.php on line 198
G2 standalone works fine. Browsing the G2 galleries works fine except for the annoying errors and not being able to hide the sidebar. Any help on were to start looking would be greatly appreciated.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Sun, 2005-07-17 18:31
sidebar problem will be fixed, gallery2 code changed some where around 0.9.30 /0.9.31
do you have statistic component running?
Joined: 2003-04-03
Posts: 33
Posted: Sun, 2005-07-17 20:54
I only have these running:
There is a statistics module, but it is unpublished and has been.
I get the following error when I try to enter my path info.
It's the same path info that was working fine before for me:
Warning: embed(embed.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/kac/domains/ on line 64
Fatal error: embed(): Failed opening required 'embed.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/kac/domains/ on line 64
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 14:05
where do you get this error could you check if the files is really there.
What did the install page give you for info?
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 14:34
ok, here is what I did.
I uninstalled my old G2 component. I then installed the 2.0.6 version and it installed successfully but gave me a message at the top saying "must enter settings on next page" or something like that (I can't remember exactly).
Next, I went to components>Gallery2>Config and entered all my:
Full path to gallery2
Relative path to gallery2
Path to Mambo
Selected No for all options except "mirror logins" and "run user script".
Then hit "Save". That is when I got the error above.
So what I've done now tried setting one at a time.
First the "Full path to gallery 2" then I got a message stating "Relative path is incorrect" so I assumed the "Full path to gellry 2" must be right.
Second, I entered the "Relative path to Gallery2" then selected "No" for all options except "mirror logins" and "run user script" and hit save.
It then accepted my settings without the error above.
Now my problem is that even though I have "No" selected for "Display G2 sidbar", it still displays.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 14:38
you updated to the latest core?
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 14:41
No, I'm working on that right now.
Also, I noticed that even though I set "Run user setup script" to "Yes", it defaults back to "No" after hitting save. Is that right? I did run the manual sync first.
I'll report back after I update to the latest core.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 14:47
That is correct it only needed ones, and almost useless, you can add you're self to the admin group using "user management".
make sure you update all the modules from gallery2, imageblock gave me problems, until i did that.
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 16:09
OK, all seems to work fine after upgrading the G2 beta3 core to v31 except I now have a fatal error in the galleryblock mambo module.
I'm using version 2.3 and that seems to be the latest, right? I did upgrade all the G2 modules.
Joined: 2005-07-18
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 16:15
Ok - I think I am ready to give this a try. Could someone please let me know the steps for installing Gallery2 for embedding into Mambo from Scratch?
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 16:26
have a working mambo install.
install latest gallery2 or fetxh the one from
make sure it is on the same domain as mambo.
install the component and all should work.
that simple.
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 16:30
For some reason, the G2 sidebar module doesn't display for me now at all. Even if I have it set to show on "All" pages.
I've had to disable the modules until I figure out why.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 16:36
the sidebar handeling has changed in G2 i have to rewrite the module, i'll relaese it tonight if i'm finished.
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 16:41
OK, how about the galleryblock module. Is that not functional now either?
Joined: 2005-07-11
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 17:20
It shows the path as instead of What am I doing wrong?
Gallery Core: 0.9.31
Component version: 2.0.6.B.1
Warnings: SEF is enabled in mambo, this is not yet supported in this component!
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 17:52
mod_gallery_block should work.
Disable sef for gallery2 component and disable short urls in gallery2
Joined: 2005-07-11
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 18:17
By "disable SEF for gallery component" do you mean all of mambo? Whats the timeline on a component that supports SEF on an SEf enabled gallery install.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 18:23
what sef in mambo are you using, just shipped sef or sef404, sefadvance etz...
if sef404 you can choice if a component should be skipped! if you have just plain sef from mambo install yes you have to shut it done to make gallery work.
i'm working on a sef version, hopefully next relaise because i want it 2 on my site, but it isn't the easiest thing todo ;) and there is no timeline for the next version.
Joined: 2005-06-28
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 20:37
V2.0.6 work except album mamagement. I get this error when I run it:
Input Array does not match ?: SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE (g2_AccessMap.g_userId = NULL OR g2_AccessMap.g_groupId IN (1)) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 1 =
Any ideas as how to fix this?
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-18 20:47
yes, you are still unkown user for gallery2, have you synced your userbase or added your self to the admin group of gallery2?
Joined: 2005-07-19
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2005-07-19 14:09
I tried for quite a long time last evening to get the Mambo+G2 component working, however The only thing I was able to repeat was the errors. The administration configurations don't seem to work properly for the configuration I have.
or is the config.php incorrect and that is why it won't work correctly?
Just a thought, is there a way to hard-code the variables that are needed for this configuration somewhere in the component files?
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Tue, 2005-07-19 19:47
hmm, maybe, if the config doesn't let it, you could change it in the database, and see if it works.
The config checks if certain files are at that location, if he can't find it the component doesn't work but you never know. Just change them in the database.
Joined: 2005-07-14
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-07-20 06:54
Sorry, so just to clarify (my connection is wireless so takes forever to upload G2 again):
In order to update from 2.0.5 beta to 2.0.6 on an existing installation using a G2 installation (CVS 14-07-05) :
I will need to uninstall the component and also any modules, then install the new version and configure the settings that way.
I think my G2 installation is 0.31 but I'm not sure *puzzled*
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-07-20 07:57
just uninstall version 2.0.5 then reinstall 2.0.6 most modules are supported, only sidebar isn't!
that's it.
if you have root access use the tarbal there are ways of doing that also without root access i'll try to find the topic were this is explained.
Joined: 2005-07-14
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-07-20 09:17
Hi Michiel,
Thank you very much for such a prompt and helpful response
I will install 2.0.6 now.
Kind Regards
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-07-20 09:35
New sidebar module has been released, you can get it here
Excellent ;) I've just upgraded the gallery2 component and on the whole it seems to be working no problems. I especially like the new configuration - had some problems with 2.0.5 with regards to the relative path that I had to edit manually in a textfile and over-write with an FTP upload.
I currently have 6 users on the db, and for some reason when I look at the usermanagement section, the last user has a
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/path-to-my-mambo/mambo2/administrator/components/com_gallery2/admin.gallery2.html.php on line 241
error next to its entry. I haven't yet looked at the file so cannot be sure exactly what lines 241 contains.
Thanks again! I love the new administration functions!
Joined: 2005-06-26
Posts: 55
Posted: Wed, 2005-07-20 11:45
I have the following error message instead of the sidebar:
Warning: Missing argument 1 for handlerequest() in C:\########\httpdocs\gallery\modules\core\classes\GalleryEmbed.class on line 157
I have the last 2.06 version of the mod, Mambo 4.5.2 and also:
Gallery version = 2.0-beta-3+ core 0.9.31
PHP version = 4.3.11 isapi
Serveur Web = Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Base de données = mysql 4.1.7-nt
Boîtes à outils = Exif, Gd, ImageMagick, Thumbnail
Système d'exploitation = Windows NT LKWSERVER1 5.2 build 3790
Navigateur Web = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4
Any idea what I am doing wrong? Except that, the embedded gallery, the image block and the gallery tree are working properly.
Posts: 2
I tried that Michiel, but it has no effect:
The page is in English, with the eexception of "Dit is de startpagina van uw Gallery"
Thanks for pondering tho
Posts: 430
also after several refreshes?
which settings do you use in gallry2 for language:
Default language?
Language selector in sidebar?
extradata >> MultiLanguage?
hmmm, found something interesting
if default language is set to "nederlands"
language isn't changed by the component so owner/date/view are in english
but the album discreptions are in dutch(nederlands)!
if default language is set to "none"
owner/date/view is switched to mambo language but this time album descriptions aren't switched.
these settings seem to work for me.
Default language=English(US)
both get switched this time, if you have made one for that language!!
Posts: 2
i already install all the needed files...but seems no pic show in my mambo, but it show in my standalone g2 gallery....please help me out?
My mambo
My Standalone Gallery
Posts: 21
You didnt'define ther path like it should you forgot to add /v2
Posts: 430
Language problem
Everybody who has language problems, make sure you have these 2 settings correct in mambo:
global >> locale
Country Locale:
The last one should be set correctly because this one is used by the component.
Posts: 2
Oh my god, thank fix my problem :oops:
I got another question to ask that i log on to my account with mambo, but my account seems didnt appear when i see the gallery. May i know how to fix it? Thx...i need to fix it to let people can add a comment to all the pictures :o
Posts: 9
Hi all,
Firstly, I'm getting pretty close to getting what I want out Gallery 2 and Mambo (I've worked with Mambo before and both love and hate it!)
I have another question in regards to this component... and that's what are the parameters, if any, that can be used with it when defining a component menu item?
Reason being is this, I'm wanting to have different Mambo templates applied based on which album (With many sub albums) is being viewed.
If you enter the galleries via different menu items from the mambo menu, then you'll end up with a different template, that'll hold as long as you're viewing the albums under that main album. eg.
Main Menu
Diary--------------------> Default Template
Galleries----------------> Default Template
Sub Gallery 1----------> Gallery 1 Template
Sub Gallery 2----------> Gallery 2 Template
So, while you're looking at the galleries as a whole it keeps the site template, but if you entered via one of the others, then you've been directed to a sub-gallery and have a different template based around that gallery.
Templates can only be assigned at a component menu item level, which is why I can't just make a link to the sub galleries.
Also, I would prefer that the initial gallery is not the main root gallery I have, but start in one of the other top level ones I have.
Anyone know how to do this with G2 and Mambo?
Posts: 430
1) link to none root gallery
go to the none root album as guest and copy the url starting with index.php?option=etz
go to menu manager and create a new "link - Url" with that copy/paste url you have got there. it should work.
2) different templates by mambo
templates switch is managed by itemid and so what you ask can't be done unless, you code it into your template or i build the component in such a way that it will except different Itemids and this will be something i add after it is more stable and all the bugs are out. So this will take some time.
Posts: 430
different templates is possible, i didn't have to recode for that. My mistake
Only the module not on a com_gallery2 page will piont to your default gallery!!
Language Update!
Language bug found this time hopefully for good, it was in Gallery2 it self and this will be fixed in the future.
Posts: 3
I'm sorry, I'm sure you've answered this before but i am desperate and i cannot find the solution in any of the forums i have searched. The url to my mambo site is . The url to my G2 install is . Both are a fresh install. I am running on a freebsd4.2, apache2, and mysql 4.1.4. Now, when i go to it is embedded but no pictures show up. Now, when you click the nav link in G2 anywhere from here it takes me to the url of of options ...... NOTICE how it takes ~meadband and is now ~meadb/ ? What causes this and what causes my pictures not to show? Gallery 2 works great on its own! Also a third question. Using gallery remote, the galleries are read only. permissions are set for read write for all on all data files for G2. If you need more information, just let me know. I am very able and wish your help.
Thank you,
Posts: 2
I had the same exact problem. You will need to edit your config.php file in the gallery component in Mambo.
path should be *mamboinstall*/administrator/components/com_gallery2/config.php
For some reason it truncated my path too. Take a look inside the file. It is pretty seld explainatory.
Hope that helps.
Posts: 3
perfect, that did the trick. Thank you. Also, does anyone know why the gallery would be read only from gallery remote?
Posts: 2
I'm testing Mambo+G2 as subfolders on my site:
Both work fine by themselves of course, but the intergration does not. Here's my debug info:
Gallery2 version:0.9.17
I can see the Gallery when I click the link, but if I try to click an album, it goes way bad.
One thing of interest is the embedPath shows mamb instead of mambo. When I click on the album I get mamb//index...
I've tried some of the other fixes, but I'm still a no-go at this station.
Thanks in advance,
Posts: 430
your embedPath is wrong(/mambo/) and you should update your gallery to at least 0.9.25
Posts: 8
I am not sure what the full path/ relative path stuff is.
I have files on a virtual host in /www/u/username/htdocs/gallery
my mambo is in /www/u/username/htdocs/mambo
Running latest nightly. I can see the module on the site but there is just x where the image is supposed to be, and clicking the image gives me the wrong link. It does instead of
the site is and I am running core 0.9.31 with 2.0.5 of the mambo integration.
Posts: 2
Thanks Michiel!
I got it upgraded and had to do some more research, but I finally got it. I didn't realise there were "nightly" updates. That was the majority of my issue.
You 'da man.' Keep up the good work.
Posts: 19
Sorry in advance for this newbie post. I have installed a version of gallery2 thats a few days old along with the mambo integration and received the same error as leadwolf. However, being new to cvs nightly builds - apart from reuploading the entire zip file content (8mbs) to the server is there another method of upgrading gallery? Thanks!
Posts: 33
I had G2 installed and integrated with the original beta-3. I decided to check out progress with the latest code and have an issue. Just for the record I completely cleaned out G2 (database, files etc) and uninstalled components and modules relating to G2.
I grabbed a snapshot Gallery version = 2.0-beta-3+ core 0.9.31
and got the latest components & modules from mamboforge
Install, user sync and etc worked. However I can't get gallery2 to hide the sidebar (even when the option is set). Plus every time I go into gallery2 I get these errors at the top of my browser:
G2 standalone works fine. Browsing the G2 galleries works fine except for the annoying errors and not being able to hide the sidebar. Any help on were to start looking would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 430
sidebar problem will be fixed, gallery2 code changed some where around 0.9.30 /0.9.31
do you have statistic component running?
Posts: 33
I only have these running:
There is a statistics module, but it is unpublished and has been.
Posts: 14
As a user on my site suggested, I invite you guys to visit my site as a Showcase Mambo and Gallery2 Integration.
Posts: 430
I have relaised version 2.0.6 on
you can find it here
Posts: 164
I get the following error when I try to enter my path info.
It's the same path info that was working fine before for me:
Warning: embed(embed.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/kac/domains/ on line 64
Fatal error: embed(): Failed opening required 'embed.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/kac/domains/ on line 64
Posts: 430
where do you get this error could you check if the files is really there.
What did the install page give you for info?
Posts: 164
ok, here is what I did.
I uninstalled my old G2 component. I then installed the 2.0.6 version and it installed successfully but gave me a message at the top saying "must enter settings on next page" or something like that (I can't remember exactly).
Next, I went to components>Gallery2>Config and entered all my:
Full path to gallery2
Relative path to gallery2
Path to Mambo
Selected No for all options except "mirror logins" and "run user script".
Then hit "Save". That is when I got the error above.
So what I've done now tried setting one at a time.
First the "Full path to gallery 2" then I got a message stating "Relative path is incorrect" so I assumed the "Full path to gellry 2" must be right.
Second, I entered the "Relative path to Gallery2" then selected "No" for all options except "mirror logins" and "run user script" and hit save.
It then accepted my settings without the error above.
Now my problem is that even though I have "No" selected for "Display G2 sidbar", it still displays.
Posts: 430
you updated to the latest core?
Posts: 164
No, I'm working on that right now.
Also, I noticed that even though I set "Run user setup script" to "Yes", it defaults back to "No" after hitting save. Is that right? I did run the manual sync first.
I'll report back after I update to the latest core.
Posts: 430
That is correct it only needed ones, and almost useless, you can add you're self to the admin group using "user management".
make sure you update all the modules from gallery2, imageblock gave me problems, until i did that.
Posts: 164
OK, all seems to work fine after upgrading the G2 beta3 core to v31 except I now have a fatal error in the galleryblock mambo module.
I'm using version 2.3 and that seems to be the latest, right? I did upgrade all the G2 modules.
Posts: 4
Ok - I think I am ready to give this a try. Could someone please let me know the steps for installing Gallery2 for embedding into Mambo from Scratch?
Posts: 430
have a working mambo install.
install latest gallery2 or fetxh the one from
make sure it is on the same domain as mambo.
install the component and all should work.
that simple.
Posts: 164
For some reason, the G2 sidebar module doesn't display for me now at all. Even if I have it set to show on "All" pages.
I've had to disable the modules until I figure out why.
Posts: 430
the sidebar handeling has changed in G2 i have to rewrite the module, i'll relaese it tonight if i'm finished.
Posts: 164
OK, how about the galleryblock module. Is that not functional now either?
Posts: 8
It shows the path as instead of What am I doing wrong?
path: /www/u/username/htdocs/gallery/
rel: ../gallery
mambo: /mambo/
embed: /mambo/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=
Gallery Core: 0.9.31
Component version: 2.0.6.B.1
Warnings: SEF is enabled in mambo, this is not yet supported in this component!
Posts: 430
mod_gallery_block should work.
Disable sef for gallery2 component and disable short urls in gallery2
Posts: 8
By "disable SEF for gallery component" do you mean all of mambo? Whats the timeline on a component that supports SEF on an SEf enabled gallery install.
Posts: 430
what sef in mambo are you using, just shipped sef or sef404, sefadvance etz...
if sef404 you can choice if a component should be skipped! if you have just plain sef from mambo install yes you have to shut it done to make gallery work.
i'm working on a sef version, hopefully next relaise because i want it 2 on my site, but it isn't the easiest thing todo ;) and there is no timeline for the next version.
Posts: 6
V2.0.6 work except album mamagement. I get this error when I run it:
Input Array does not match ?: SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE (g2_AccessMap.g_userId = NULL OR g2_AccessMap.g_groupId IN (1)) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 1 =
Any ideas as how to fix this?
Posts: 430
yes, you are still unkown user for gallery2, have you synced your userbase or added your self to the admin group of gallery2?
Posts: 2
I tried for quite a long time last evening to get the Mambo+G2 component working, however The only thing I was able to repeat was the errors. The administration configurations don't seem to work properly for the configuration I have.
Server Configuration:
Application Versions:
Component Configuration:
Error: "Full path to Gallery2 is inorrect!"
I am very interested at the possiblility of this working, can someone help?
Posts: 430
yup, that is correct, your setup isn't supported yet!
your gallery2 can't be on a different domain for now, this will be supported in the future!
ps: possible solution
Server Configuration:
place .htaccess file in there redirecting to gallery2
htacces i'm not quit sure but fiddle with it and it will work.
Posts: 2
Thanks so much for taking a look at this! Just curious... Though I have Gallery2 configured for
Gallery2 Path: /home/user/public_html/foo/gallery2
Gallery2 Web:
I can also access gallery2 through this URL, shouldn't it still work?
Gallery2 Web:
Mambo Web:
or is the config.php incorrect and that is why it won't work correctly?
Just a thought, is there a way to hard-code the variables that are needed for this configuration somewhere in the component files?
Posts: 430
hmm, maybe, if the config doesn't let it, you could change it in the database, and see if it works.
The config checks if certain files are at that location, if he can't find it the component doesn't work but you never know. Just change them in the database.
Posts: 19
Sorry, so just to clarify (my connection is wireless so takes forever to upload G2 again):
In order to update from 2.0.5 beta to 2.0.6 on an existing installation using a G2 installation (CVS 14-07-05) :
I will need to uninstall the component and also any modules, then install the new version and configure the settings that way.
I think my G2 installation is 0.31 but I'm not sure *puzzled*
Posts: 430
just uninstall version 2.0.5 then reinstall 2.0.6 most modules are supported, only sidebar isn't!
that's it.
if you have root access use the tarbal there are ways of doing that also without root access i'll try to find the topic were this is explained.
Posts: 19
Hi Michiel,
Thank you very much for such a prompt and helpful response
I will install 2.0.6 now.
Kind Regards
Posts: 430
New sidebar module has been released, you can get it here
Posts: 19
Excellent ;) I've just upgraded the gallery2 component and on the whole it seems to be working no problems. I especially like the new configuration - had some problems with 2.0.5 with regards to the relative path that I had to edit manually in a textfile and over-write with an FTP upload.
I currently have 6 users on the db, and for some reason when I look at the usermanagement section, the last user has a
error next to its entry. I haven't yet looked at the file so cannot be sure exactly what lines 241 contains.
I love the new administration functions!
Thanks again!
Posts: 55
I have the following error message instead of the sidebar:
I have the last 2.06 version of the mod, Mambo 4.5.2 and also:
Gallery version = 2.0-beta-3+ core 0.9.31
PHP version = 4.3.11 isapi
Serveur Web = Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Base de données = mysql 4.1.7-nt
Boîtes à outils = Exif, Gd, ImageMagick, Thumbnail
Système d'exploitation = Windows NT LKWSERVER1 5.2 build 3790
Navigateur Web = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4
Any idea what I am doing wrong? Except that, the embedded gallery, the image block and the gallery tree are working properly.
Thank you in advance!