hhhhm maybe a dumb question but where do i have to set that url?
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 12:30
no not dumb, i though you were using gallery remote.
is everything else working oke, module on other pages working as they should
Gallery2 version:0.9.17 you are using maybe update to latest build.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 12:37
Yes everything els works good now besides the login module I use but thats an other story... Going to check if the newer build works....
Let you al know...
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 12:54
this is ugly fix for the login module
put before this line of code:
[code]// converts & to & for xtml compliance
$return = str_replace( '&', '&', $return );
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 12:58
Thnks but I have a custom login where I want to login to mambo, Community builder, smforum and and gallery...
Where do i have to put that code before?
Thnx for helping me mate!
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 13:00
this is ugly fix for the login module
again i have problems with posting code, i'll attach it!
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 13:46
thanks at fixed my logout problem...
Repute, I'd be interested in what customization you have. I have same four applications to log into.. help is much appreciated.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 13:54
adjust the cookie session time al the same in all of the applications smf, mambo, gallery...
That's what michel told me in a PM, so he's the hero not me ;)
I don't know how to get it working to stay logged in forrever with a option for the user. Ill send you the modified login for G2 + CB... trough PM
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 14:10
thanks Repute. thanks Michiel!
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 14:17
KAC wrote:
It would be great to have a module to use on the front page that shows an icon or something small stating an album/picture has been added/updated to the gallery.
michiel_1981 wrote:
no problem, that is a easy one
Did you have a chance to whip this together yet?
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 14:23
have a base code but isn't complete yet i won't have any time left today. To sort permissions en rights. Other things todo today ;)
but it is on his way.
Joined: 2004-12-01
Posts: 164
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 17:28
Cool. No prob! Thank you!
Joined: 2005-05-30
Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 18:31
Hey michiel,
i updated to your latest com 2.05
but I still got that language problem.
any idee to fix it?
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 22:41
I have another abservation.
When using the G2 sidebar module, the width is wider than the other modules.
I checked with differnt templates same result.
When putting module to the right IE renders it ok, but with FF it sticks out to the right.
I moved module into left position, but you can still see it is wider than the other modules.. the fine separator lines don't quite match up...
Where is the width defined?
Having issues with a Mambo integration that isn't off the root of my website (not yet anyway, not until it's all working)
Anyway... I've got a menu item pointing to the component, and the first page comes up ok with my main album with the thumbnail and border all ok... but on clicking on that, the address is missing the directory the mambo install is under (/mambo), so it's trying to go to mywebsite.com/index.php which doesn't exist.
Where is this sit??
It's looking good so far though! :D
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 05:56
need more info, give site urls or put &debug=1 after your url pionting to the component and copy all info that is below the gallery.
and so from looking at that I would imagine that the embedURI needs to be /mambo/index.php?....
Anything jumping out at you?
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 07:17
thanks. I was just looking for a reference pointer where to find the culpit. I looked at your module and realized it must bge some where in gallery...
Thanks for your ongoing support.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 07:22
you are correct and i'll adjust the component to set it correctly.
relativeG2Path=> should be: "gallery"
fix for this version
file userfunc.php
around line 70 you have the g2_Config function look for this line:
Maybe a suggestion: when i used the rewrite option in gallery2, the integration didn't work because it links to website/index.php (at least, for me it worked to not use the rewrite module)
Another problem for me is: the gallery doesn't show the thumbnails when i open it...
en - 0Debug info
Gallery2 version:0.9.17
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 10:29
- use the latest mambo com_gallery integration code (version 2.0.5 or something like that)
- your configuration paths are wrong, maybe that will be fixed with the new code
- if you already have the new code: relativeG2Path should be just gallery
- either fix your rewrite rules in .htaccess or disable mod_rewrite short urls at all. http://mambo.jellywoods.net/gallery/ should not be rewritten.
add the -d -f stuff to your rewrite rules (check if the directory / file exists...
RewriteEngine On
and update your gallery2 to latest core, else you will be back for more stuff that isn't working.
Joined: 2005-06-28
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 12:04
Sorry, i think i didn't make myself clear enought: first i had rewrite on, but wanted to tell i didn't work so, i don't use it anymore.
I uploaded yesterday the newest core of gallery, and an hour ago i uploaded the total new code of Gallery2.
Upgrading the Gallery Core Module
Your Gallery Core Module is up to date!
Currently installed 0.9.17
But i still have the same problem -> thumbnails aren't shown... What could be the problem/solution?
en - Debug info
Gallery2 version:0.9.17
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 12:27
1. 0.9.17 is not the latest g2 code, http://galleryupdates.jpmullan.com has the latest current.gallery2.tar.gz
2. embedUri should be index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=26 (no leading slash)
3. if i browse to http://mambo.jellywoods.net/gallery/ or to http://www.jellywoods.net/gallery/ i get redirected to your mambo install
-> mod_rewrite is still doing something it shouldn't. remove the mod rewrite instructions / rules in .htaccess or fix them.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 15:04
Ok almost works totaly uploading also but when i firts go into an album and then try to take an action from the side menu I cant do anything...
Did i something do wrong having the lates build running...
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 15:13
i've visited your embedded and standalone G2, and the slideshow link in the actions menu works.
and don't forget that mambo short urls are not supported in the g2 component.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 15:39
But when you first go to an album and there select any option nothing happens.
I haven't short url's activated in gallery.
Thnx for helping me!
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 15:45
i'd call this a short url... (from your last post)
as a guest user that's all i see and what i see is working.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 15:59
Ok disabled the rewrite in mambo 2 but when trying to take an action nothing happens....
You may make an test account if you want...
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 17:01
if you want me to check it, please create a test account for me / michiel and pm it along with the url to us.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 18:47
repute, now that i've logged in into your mambo/G2 and visited my user album there, i see what you mean. the actions menu item links with a return url don't work.
i assume you're using the latest integration code from michiel, correct?
we had this return url problem a while back. it didn't have anything to do with embedded G2 though and we solved it by moving the return argument to the end of all arguments.
could you disable mode.embed.only in config.php of G2 and then check if you have the same problem in G2 standalone?
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 20:30
Having the same problem when mode.embed.only set to false...
Having the lates 2.0.5 version of michiel...
How do I remove the / then?
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 20:50
repute, no, i was asking you if you have the same problem in G2 standalone. And to access G2 standalone, you had to set mode.embed.only to false.
Well, I tested it now. And the problem with action links is NOT PRESENT in G2 standalone.
so this is a G2/mambo issue.
@michiel_1981: in xaraya it works. in other G2/mambo installs too. don't know where the problem is, maybe you have an idea.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-30 21:13
if it's in embedUri then it could, there were problems with it and i gave someone a fix on this forum. So it isn't integrated into the latest relaice.
i still have problems generating
embedUri , solved in next relaice
relativeG2Path, in some exotic installs working on this at the moment, but embedUri is genrated with relativeG2Path so if this isn't fixed then the problem still exist.
more things are fixed in next relaise,
install procedure changed
1. install and autoconfig on one page, says these are auto config and might be wrong and user should check.
2. config page the overrides these auto config for special cases.
this was done on the config page in the current version and is making confusion to users.
more changes:
1.back to storing, config in database ;) no chmod issues( i know you had warned me)
2. upgrade hook made, so config isn't lost but updated if this is changed in future relaises. So if your install is working just deinstall/install your done site is running as it should.
3.made class of userfuncs, so the static will function properly
4.version checking for gallery2 install, mambo, component en modules(overkill but if you write for one then the other 3 are easy enough)
5. url generation improved and checking and warning improved
ps: this all won't be done until next week as i haven't got much time these days
Joined: 2005-06-30
Posts: 9
Posted: Fri, 2005-07-01 06:39
Hi Michiel,
Thanks for that, it worked a treat! :D
Although I do indeed have to leave the relative path as ../gallery otherwise it doesn't work... and I had to force that in as the config said it was invalid... it's ../gallery as gallery and mambo are at the same directory level within the website. eg:
When this site goes live I will be moving mambo to the root, so it'll have to be edited to gallery once that's done.
Thanks for the great support though! :D
Joined: 2005-06-28
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2005-07-01 07:30
Sorry, here i am again.. i must be stupid or so:
I tried everything you told me michiel_1981 & valiant but still got this strange error:
Gallery totally updated, the mod_rewrite is totally shot down also, and still i don't get the thumbnails. What is missing here? The integration 'an sich' works, but the pictures aren't shown...
trickie install, because we can't alter the domain we are on so i have to ask valiant if this can be done.
easy solution would be:
1) place gallery install in root of mambo
2) link subdomain gallery.jellywoods.net to new location so that visiters are redirected to example mambo.jellywoods.net/gallery/main.php.
Joined: 2005-06-28
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2005-07-01 08:28
Great, it works!
I really didn't know i had to put Gallery in the mambo directory. Now it works, thanks!!
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-04 09:17
Any news jet or am I to impatient :P
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-04 09:27
michiel_1981, what was the question? something about subdomains? whether it was possible to install mambo and gallery on different subdomains?
weeks ago i had plans to replace relativeG2Path with just g2Path which would be absolute, like embedPath. this would solve the subdomain issue.
(g2Path could include the host part)
but that's not yet implemented.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-04 10:11
Yes, valiant.
That was the question, and we could embed a gallery2 from a different subdomain.
Would be great, keep me posted so i can adjust my next relais to it.
thxs valiant,
Joined: 2005-07-04
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-04 18:40
I've been reading trough all the posts in this thread and read something about a problem with languages. The problem was that the gallery was set to Dutch, but when used in Mambo (embedded) it's in English. Michiel, you said you've fixed it, but it seems it hasn't been fixed yet... I'm having the exact same problem, got any idea how to fix it?
Mambo v.
Gallery v. 2
Gallery2 addon v. 2.0.5
PHP v. 4.3.4
MySQL v. 3.23.55
(need any more info? can't give you a link to the gallery coz it's on my local disk...)
Hope you can give me a headstart... Thanks in advance
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-04 18:50
michiel_1981, it won't be in within the next week or so, i'll consider this for a later change.
for now, people with subdomains should symlink their g2 subdomain folder to the other subdomain, then a relative path works too.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Mon, 2005-07-04 19:08
this is correct, i haven't found why gallery2 isn't accepting any language change, the component gives the language, only nothing is done with it.
i'm testing different setups in my spare time and haven't stumbled on anything yet why it isn't working but i'll find with some time i hope!
Thxs, valiant, i'll wait with the next relaise until this is changed it will give me more time to clear some other bugs and testing. This chang will resolve a lot of path questions by users.
Joined: 2005-05-19
Posts: 430
Posted: Tue, 2005-07-05 12:41
Sakim and repute,
Could you look into you gallery2 admin pages and go too:
Extra Data >> MultiLanguage
and see which languages you have Selected?
if you haven't selected a language you know what to do.
please report back if this was any good in solving your problems!!
Posts: 430
shouldn't that url be http://www.doggyclub.nl/gallery/main.php it has to piont to gallery2 and not to mambo
good luck,
Posts: 21
hhhhm maybe a dumb question but where do i have to set that url?
Posts: 430
no not dumb, i though you were using gallery remote.
is everything else working oke, module on other pages working as they should
Gallery2 version:0.9.17 you are using maybe update to latest build.
Posts: 21
Yes everything els works good now besides the login module I use but thats an other story... Going to check if the newer build works....
Let you al know...
Posts: 430
this is ugly fix for the login module
put before this line of code:
[code]// converts & to & for xtml compliance
$return = str_replace( '&', '&', $return );
Posts: 21
Thnks but I have a custom login where I want to login to mambo, Community builder, smforum and and gallery...
Where do i have to put that code before?
Thnx for helping me mate!
Posts: 430
this is ugly fix for the login module
again i have problems with posting code, i'll attach it!
Posts: 19
thanks at fixed my logout problem...
Repute, I'd be interested in what customization you have. I have same four applications to log into.. help is much appreciated.
Posts: 21
adjust the cookie session time al the same in all of the applications smf, mambo, gallery...
That's what michel told me in a PM, so he's the hero not me ;)
I don't know how to get it working to stay logged in forrever with a option for the user. Ill send you the modified login for G2 + CB... trough PM
Posts: 19
thanks Repute. thanks Michiel!
Posts: 164
Did you have a chance to whip this together yet?
Posts: 430
have a base code but isn't complete yet i won't have any time left today. To sort permissions en rights. Other things todo today ;)
but it is on his way.
Posts: 164
Cool. No prob! Thank you!
Posts: 9
Hey michiel,
i updated to your latest com 2.05
but I still got that language problem.
any idee to fix it?
Posts: 19
I have another abservation.
When using the G2 sidebar module, the width is wider than the other modules.
I checked with differnt templates same result.
When putting module to the right IE renders it ok, but with FF it sticks out to the right.
I moved module into left position, but you can still see it is wider than the other modules.. the fine separator lines don't quite match up...
Where is the width defined?
Posts: 9
Having issues with a Mambo integration that isn't off the root of my website (not yet anyway, not until it's all working)
Anyway... I've got a menu item pointing to the component, and the first page comes up ok with my main album with the thumbnail and border all ok... but on clicking on that, the address is missing the directory the mambo install is under (/mambo), so it's trying to go to mywebsite.com/index.php which doesn't exist.
Where is this sit??
It's looking good so far though! :D
Posts: 430
need more info, give site urls or put &debug=1 after your url pionting to the component and copy all info that is below the gallery.
should look something like
else i can't help you,
the sidebar is far from complete for mambo and it is given back by gallery2 as it is, you have to modifie the template files of gallery2 to fix this.
sorry i can't help you yet,
Posts: 9
Hi Michiel,
Thanks for the reply..
The debug output I get is:
en - Debug info
Gallery2 version:0.9.27
and so from looking at that I would imagine that the embedURI needs to be /mambo/index.php?....
Anything jumping out at you?
Posts: 19
thanks. I was just looking for a reference pointer where to find the culpit. I looked at your module and realized it must bge some where in gallery...
Thanks for your ongoing support.
Posts: 430
you are correct and i'll adjust the component to set it correctly.
relativeG2Path=> should be: "gallery"
fix for this version
file userfunc.php
around line 70 you have the g2_Config function look for this line:
change to:
hope those 2 changes help,
Posts: 5
Maybe a suggestion: when i used the rewrite option in gallery2, the integration didn't work because it links to website/index.php (at least, for me it worked to not use the rewrite module)
Another problem for me is: the gallery doesn't show the thumbnails when i open it...
Posts: 32509
- use the latest mambo com_gallery integration code (version 2.0.5 or something like that)
- your configuration paths are wrong, maybe that will be fixed with the new code
- if you already have the new code: relativeG2Path should be just gallery
- either fix your rewrite rules in .htaccess or disable mod_rewrite short urls at all. http://mambo.jellywoods.net/gallery/ should not be rewritten.
add the -d -f stuff to your rewrite rules (check if the directory / file exists...
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [OR]
Posts: 430
rewrite isn't supported when embed into mambo!
relativeG2Path is incorrect try "gallery2"
and update your gallery2 to latest core, else you will be back for more stuff that isn't working.
Posts: 5
Sorry, i think i didn't make myself clear enought: first i had rewrite on, but wanted to tell i didn't work
so, i don't use it anymore.
I uploaded yesterday the newest core of gallery, and an hour ago i uploaded the total new code of Gallery2.
But i still have the same problem -> thumbnails aren't shown... What could be the problem/solution?
Posts: 32509
1. 0.9.17 is not the latest g2 code, http://galleryupdates.jpmullan.com has the latest current.gallery2.tar.gz
2. embedUri should be index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=26 (no leading slash)
3. if i browse to http://mambo.jellywoods.net/gallery/ or to http://www.jellywoods.net/gallery/ i get redirected to your mambo install
-> mod_rewrite is still doing something it shouldn't. remove the mod rewrite instructions / rules in .htaccess or fix them.
Posts: 21
Ok almost works totaly uploading also but when i firts go into an album and then try to take an action from the side menu I cant do anything...
Did i something do wrong having the lates build running...
Posts: 32509
i've visited your embedded and standalone G2, and the slideshow link in the actions menu works.
and don't forget that mambo short urls are not supported in the g2 component.
Posts: 21
But when you first go to an album and there select any option nothing happens.
I haven't short url's activated in gallery.
Thnx for helping me!
Posts: 32509
i'd call this a short url... (from your last post)
a non short url looks like this:
however. back to your problem. i don't see it.
when i go to http://www.doggyclub.nl/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=42 and click on slideshowapplet, it goes to a page and says that there's no slideshow available, because there are no subitems. correct.
if i go to http://www.doggyclub.nl/index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=42&g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=14 and click on diashow, it works.
as a guest user that's all i see and what i see is working.
Posts: 21
Ok disabled the rewrite in mambo 2 but when trying to take an action nothing happens....
You may make an test account if you want...
Posts: 32509
if you want me to check it, please create a test account for me / michiel and pm it along with the url to us.
Posts: 32509
repute, now that i've logged in into your mambo/G2 and visited my user album there, i see what you mean. the actions menu item links with a return url don't work.
what G2 version are you using?
if it's older than something like core version 0.9.25, please upgrade to the latest nightly snapshot.
Posts: 21
Hhhm im using:
Ill update the gallery to the latest and see if that works...
Thnks foor your great help!
Posts: 32509
wait, 0.9.27 is new enough. no update required.
should not have a leading /
i assume you're using the latest integration code from michiel, correct?
we had this return url problem a while back. it didn't have anything to do with embedded G2 though and we solved it by moving the return argument to the end of all arguments.
could you disable mode.embed.only in config.php of G2 and then check if you have the same problem in G2 standalone?
Posts: 21
Having the same problem when mode.embed.only set to false...
Having the lates 2.0.5 version of michiel...
How do I remove the / then?
Posts: 32509
repute, no, i was asking you if you have the same problem in G2 standalone. And to access G2 standalone, you had to set mode.embed.only to false.
Well, I tested it now. And the problem with action links is NOT PRESENT in G2 standalone.
so this is a G2/mambo issue.
@michiel_1981: in xaraya it works. in other G2/mambo installs too. don't know where the problem is, maybe you have an idea.
Posts: 430
if it's in embedUri then it could, there were problems with it and i gave someone a fix on this forum. So it isn't integrated into the latest relaice.
i still have problems generating
embedUri , solved in next relaice
relativeG2Path, in some exotic installs working on this at the moment, but embedUri is genrated with relativeG2Path so if this isn't fixed then the problem still exist.
more things are fixed in next relaise,
install procedure changed
1. install and autoconfig on one page, says these are auto config and might be wrong and user should check.
2. config page the overrides these auto config for special cases.
this was done on the config page in the current version and is making confusion to users.
more changes:
1.back to storing, config in database ;) no chmod issues( i know you had warned me)
2. upgrade hook made, so config isn't lost but updated if this is changed in future relaises. So if your install is working just deinstall/install your done site is running as it should.
3.made class of userfuncs, so the static will function properly
4.version checking for gallery2 install, mambo, component en modules(overkill but if you write for one then the other 3 are easy enough)
5. url generation improved and checking and warning improved
ps: this all won't be done until next week as i haven't got much time these days
Posts: 9
Hi Michiel,
Thanks for that, it worked a treat! :D
Although I do indeed have to leave the relative path as ../gallery otherwise it doesn't work... and I had to force that in as the config said it was invalid... it's ../gallery as gallery and mambo are at the same directory level within the website. eg:
When this site goes live I will be moving mambo to the root, so it'll have to be edited to gallery once that's done.
Thanks for the great support though! :D
Posts: 5
Sorry, here i am again.. i must be stupid or so:
I tried everything you told me michiel_1981 & valiant but still got this strange error:
Debug info:
Gallery totally updated, the mod_rewrite is totally shot down also, and still i don't get the thumbnails. What is missing here? The integration 'an sich' works, but the pictures aren't shown...
Please help? :roll:
Posts: 430
embedPath=> is empty
try setting it to /
Posts: 5
en - Debug info
Gallery2 version:0.9.27
Posts: 430
if i try this url
i get a 404 not found error! and it is linking to there.
your gallery standalone is here:
trickie install, because we can't alter the domain we are on so i have to ask valiant if this can be done.
easy solution would be:
1) place gallery install in root of mambo
2) link subdomain gallery.jellywoods.net to new location so that visiters are redirected to example mambo.jellywoods.net/gallery/main.php.
Posts: 5
Great, it works!
I really didn't know i had to put Gallery in the mambo directory. Now it works, thanks!!
Posts: 21
Any news jet or am I to impatient :P
Posts: 32509
michiel_1981, what was the question? something about subdomains? whether it was possible to install mambo and gallery on different subdomains?
weeks ago i had plans to replace relativeG2Path with just g2Path which would be absolute, like embedPath. this would solve the subdomain issue.
(g2Path could include the host part)
but that's not yet implemented.
Posts: 430
Yes, valiant.
That was the question, and we could embed a gallery2 from a different subdomain.
Would be great, keep me posted so i can adjust my next relais to it.
thxs valiant,
Posts: 2
I've been reading trough all the posts in this thread and read something about a problem with languages. The problem was that the gallery was set to Dutch, but when used in Mambo (embedded) it's in English. Michiel, you said you've fixed it, but it seems it hasn't been fixed yet... I'm having the exact same problem, got any idea how to fix it?
Mambo v.
Gallery v. 2
Gallery2 addon v. 2.0.5
PHP v. 4.3.4
MySQL v. 3.23.55
(need any more info? can't give you a link to the gallery coz it's on my local disk...)
Hope you can give me a headstart... Thanks in advance
Posts: 32509
michiel_1981, it won't be in within the next week or so, i'll consider this for a later change.
for now, people with subdomains should symlink their g2 subdomain folder to the other subdomain, then a relative path works too.
Posts: 430
this is correct, i haven't found why gallery2 isn't accepting any language change, the component gives the language, only nothing is done with it.
i'm testing different setups in my spare time and haven't stumbled on anything yet why it isn't working but i'll find with some time i hope!
Thxs, valiant, i'll wait with the next relaise until this is changed it will give me more time to clear some other bugs and testing. This chang will resolve a lot of path questions by users.
Posts: 430
Sakim and repute,
Could you look into you gallery2 admin pages and go too:
Extra Data >> MultiLanguage
and see which languages you have Selected?
if you haven't selected a language you know what to do.
please report back if this was any good in solving your problems!!